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B.Ed. NOTES (9)
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Online Earning (1)

Mudaliar Commission
The Secondary Education commission known as Mudaliar Commission was appointed by
the government of India in term of their Resolution to bring changes in the present
education system and make it better for the Nation. Dr. A. Lakshmanswami Mudaliar was
the Vice-Chancellor of Madras University. After the Independence India needed a change in


the education system. Number of Secondary Schools were increasing in India it was much
a need to take care the students of secondary school.
Commission was comprised of Commission was comprised of
Appointment Appointed by the Govt. Of India on the recommendation of CABE on
23rdSeptember, 1952
Chairman Dr. Lakshman Swami Mudaliar
Secretary A. N. Basu
Member Secretary Principal Member Secretary, A.N. Basu, Central Institute of Education,
Assistant Secretary- Dr. S. M. Assistant Dhari, Education Of cer, Ministry of Education,
along with seven members.
Report Submitted on 29thAugust, 1953, 15 chapters of about 240 to 250 pages

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Terms of reference of the Commission

After accepting the proposal of Central Advisory Board of Education, Government of India,
appointed Secondary Education on 23 September1952.
The area of work and investigation of Commission were
To enquire into and report on the present position of the Secondary Education in India.

Aim of Appointment
1. To enquire into the problems of Secondary Education
2. To suggest measures for its re-organization and improvement with special reference

3. the aims, organization & content of secondary education and
4. its relationship to Primary & Higher Education

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Suggest measures for its reorganization and with particular reference to:

Suggest measures for its reorganization and with particular reference to:
with particular reference to:
Its relationship to primary, basic and higher education.
The aims, organization and content of education.
The inter-relation of Secondary Schools and different types
Other allied problem so that a sound and reasonably uniform system of Secondary
Education suited to our needs and resources may be provided for the whole country.

Method of Enquiry
1. Questionnaire Method
Preparing questions dealing with various aspects of secondary education
Sending out to educational experts, teachers and educational institutes of various parts of India
Collection of information
2. Tour Method

Report of the Commission

The Commission prepared a questionnaire related to questionnaire related to problems of
education and send it to various educational institutes. On the basis of their answers The
Commission had prepared a report of 244 pages which was divided in14/15 Chapters on
29 August 1953 and presented to the

Defects of the Secondary Education

1. Bookish in content
2. Examination oriented
3. No qualitative development
4. Unilateral & no diversi cation
5. No scope of close contact between teacher and student
6. Lack of good teachers

12 Qualities Of A Good Teacher

7. No proper facility for play & recreation

Recommendations of the Commission

Defects of Secondary education are
Secondary education is bookish, monotonous and stereotyped.
It is not suitable to all types of students.
It is not related to life.
It does not develop the all-round personality of the students.
Defective teaching methods and more stress on examinations.
It is one sided and prepares students for exams only
There is no vocational education.
Rigid time table does not provide opportunity for self expression.
Compulsory English is torturing for weak students.
More students in a class, no provision for sports and physical training.

Aims of Secondary Education

Development of democratic citizenship.
Initiation into art of living.
Development of personality.
Improvement of vocational ef ciency.
Education for leadership.
Development of true patriotism.

New organizational pattern of Secondary Education

Secondary education should be of 7 years.
It should be for children of 11 to 17 years.
It suggested to end intermediate college and merge class 11 with secondary schools and
class 12 with B.A.
Commission divided secondary education into two parts.
Degree course should be of three years.

One year Pre-university course for high school students to enter in university.
Students who passed Pre-University should be allowed to enter in professional courses.
Multipurpose schools should be established to take care of various abilities of students.
Technical education-large number of schools should be opened along with Central
Technical Institutions.
Such institutions should be opened near factories so that so that students can take
practical trainings.
Industrial education cess should be levied on industries to nance technical education.
Other types of school
Public schools should be reconstructed as secondary schools after 5 years.
The boys and girls should be provided same education through co-education but there
should be provision of home science teaching for girls.
Girls schools should be opened in the areas where required.

Commission supported exible curriculum which can be related with interest, need and life
of students
It should be such that it can train the students for work and leisure both.
Productive works should be importance.
It should include practical knowledge along with theoretical knowledge.
Subjects for Higher Secondary Stage
1. Mother tongue or Regional Lang
2. One other Lang from Hindi, Elementary English, Advanced English, Modern Indian

Lang, Modern foreign Lang, Classical Lang

1. a. Social Studies
2. b. Science
3. c. Craft


Any 3 subjects from any one of the groups

Group 1 Humanities
Group 2 Science
Group 3 Technical Subjects
Group 4 Commercial Subjects
Group 5 Agriculture
Group 6 Fine Arts
Group 7 Home Science

Subjects for Curriculum

Junior High School Languages, Social Study, General Science, Mathematics, Art & Craft,
Music, Physical Education.
Secondary Education Diversi cation of course has been done. There are some core
subjects like Hindi, Social Science, Math and one craft which every student has to study.
Along with it there are some optional subjects classi ed in seven groups like Humanities,
Science, Technical subjects, Commerce, Agriculture, Fine Arts and Home Science.

Study of Languages
Hindi has been taken as the national language.
For government services Hindi is compulsory.
English is compulsory for secondary level.
Sanskrit is also included as a third language which is optional.

Medium of Instruction
The medium of instruction should be mother tongue or regional languages.

Along with the mother tongue and regional languages, national language and a foreign
language should also be taught.

Textbooks should be selected very carefully. There should be a committee for selection
and reforms.
There should be a de nite standard for printing, cover and front page of the book.
There should be no such book which spread hatred, enemity against any community,
religion or social customs.
There should be more than one textbooks for a subject.

Teaching Methods
Teaching method should be adopted according to the need of moral, social and mental
development of students.
Teaching method should be activity based. It should not stress on verbalism and
Various types of expression works should be included in each subject.
Teaching method should be adopted in such a way that it takes care of individual
There should be more stress on experimental and demonstration method.

Place of Library in School

Libraries should be given a form of an intellectual laboratory. And it should help in
completing personal and group works, literary interests and co-curricular activities.
Libraries should be made the most attractive place for students.
The books and magazines should be according to need and interest of the teachers and
There should be a trained librarian in the libraries.

Libraries should be open during the vacations as well so that students and society can
bene t from them.

Education of Character
School is a small society and the values, outlook, actions of students are important from
the point of view of national importance. So, they should be trained accordingly.
There should be close relationship between the teachers and students for best discipline.
There should be self-government in the school run by House System, Prefects, Monitors
and Student Council should be given important place.
Co-curricular activities should be encouraged and extra-curricular activities should be also
included in school education.
NCC, Scout camps should be encouraged.
First aid and junior red-cross work should be encouraged.
Code of conduct for students should be made and maintained.

Guidance in Education
There should be appointment of Guidance of cers and career masters in the schools for
educational, personal and vocational guidance.
There should be arrangement of lm shows, excursions related to various industries.

Physical Welfare of Students

There should be School Medical Service in every state.
There should be provision of regular health check-up of every student in the school.
Health Report of every student should be prepared and doctor, parents and class teacher
should keep one copy of it.
There should be arrangement of balanced and nutritious diet in hostels and Residential
Teachers of physical education should be treated equally like subjects teachers.
Physical Education Training Center should be opened at national level.
There should be complete record of physical activities of students.

Examination and Evaluation

Examination and Evaluation

The number of external examinations should be reduced.
There should be only one Public Examination after completion of syllabus.
Questions should be objective and subjective elements should be reduced.
Questions should be based on the full syllabus.
Examiners should be selected cautiously.
While evaluating the works of students, internal examinations, periodical tests and school
records should also be considered.
Students should be evaluated on 5-point scale, where A is distinction, B is credit, C is pass,
D & E is fail or re- exam.
There should be provision for compartmental examination for one compartmental
examination for one subject.

Improvement in Teacher Status

The procedure of selection and appointment of teachers should be uniform throughout the
The probation period of trained teachers should be one year.
Secondary school teachers should be trained graduate and higher secondary school
teachers should be trained post-graduate.
Teachers who are equally quali ed should be paid equally throughout the country.
There should be Triple Bene t Scheme for teachers which include pension, provident fund
and life insurance.
There should be arbitration board to solve the grievances of teachers.
The retirement age of teachers should be 60 years.
The teachers ward should study free in the school.
Teachers should be provided residential and medical facilities, study leave, traveling
allowances, etc.
Private tuition should be banned.
To improve their social status, teachers should be honoured time to time.

Teachers Training

Higher Secondary teachers should be given two-year training and graduates should be
given one-year training.
Pupil teachers should be trained in one or more extra-curricular activities.
There should be provision for Refresher Course and Practical Training and Workshops in
Training colleges.
Training Colleges should charge any fee from pupil teachers. State should provide
There should be hostels in training colleges.
The teachers who have three year teaching experience only year teaching experience only
should be eligible for M.Ed.

Director of education should be direct in touch with education minister.
There should be a board of 25 members for inspection and co-ordination of education.
Central Advisory Board of Education should work as a coordinator solving the problems of
education at national level.
Eligibility criteria for applying for school applying for school inspectors should be
10 years of teaching experience.
Headmasters of the high-school.Headmasters of the high-school.
Able teachers of training colleges.
School should be given recognition only when they ful ll all the conditions.
In rural areas, schools should be at the reach of people of surrounding villages.
Every classroom should have the capacity of accommodating 30-40 students.
Every school should have co-operative stores so that students can get the necessary
School should work at least 200 days in a year and teaching work should be done 35
periods per week.
There should be at least 2 month vacation in summer and 10-15 days holidays in winter.


On secondary level for technical and vocational education, Industrial Education Cess
should be imposed.
Some part of the income from railway, telecommunication and post should be spent for
developing the technical education. There should not be imposition of income tax on the
development fund of secondary education.

Merits of Commission
Merits of Commission
Activity based education.
Stress on agricultural education.
Discussion of aims of secondary education.
Child-centered education.
Improvement in teachers salary and position.
Co-curricular activities.
No more stress on external examinations.
Stress on multi-purpose schools.
Suggestion to open technical schools near industries.

Demerits of the Commission

The suggestions are given in haste, so problems are still there.
No new statement regarding the improvement of social and economic conditions of
No suggestions regarding women education.
Still stress on English.

National Policy on Education 1986

Lesson Plan : A Classroom Road Map For



April 30, 2016 AbhiDeep 1

April 26, 2016 AbhiDeep 3

April 26, 2016 AbhiDeep 1

Educational Commission in

Lesson Plan : A Classroom

Road Map For Teacher

National Policy on
Education 1986

Guidelines to Present a

Lesson Planning: A Classroom

National Policy on Education

Educational Commission in

Road Map For Teachers A

1986 The National Policy on

Examinations A type of

lesson plan is a framework for

Education 1986 is a document

government agency that


that brought...

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