A Beginners Guide To Hypnotic Regression

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A Beginners Guide to Hypnotic Regression

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Hypnotic Regression

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Disclaimer and Warnings about using this material

Hypnotic regression is perhaps considered one of the more advanced areas of hypnosis. It is
advised that you do not experiment with these techniques until you are completely
comfortable with the hypnotic induction process. It is also recommended that you prepare
yourself for the possibility of the client experiencing an abreaction.
Regardless of the depth of trance that the client appears to be in, always assume that they are
reliving the experience and avoid causing them to go through anything that may be too
traumatic or cause emotional stress. At the close of the session be sure to bring the client back
to full waking consciousness at the present date as the person they are now at their correct
Finally, this information is provided to be used at your own risk. I have never experienced
any problems following these techniques and I am sure you will have many safe fascinating
sessions using them too, but I cannot accept responsibility for anything that occurs as a result
of following these instructions.
Off all the many and varied experiences I have had as a hypnotist, my experiments in past life
regression will forever be the most memorable and fascinating. Past life regression allows
you to delve into a world that has long since been forgotten, it reveals some of the most
incredible powers of the human mind and it poses many interesting and thought provoking
questions about our existence.
Before we begin to discus the ways in which you are able to regress a client to a former life
we first need to look at the validity of the entire experience. How do we know that what the
client is reporting back to us is indeed a past life experience? And if it isnt, what else could
it be? The big questions that you will be asking yourself as you use these techniques are Is
this genuine? and Where is this information coming from?
There are many theories that explain the origin of the details that a regressed client may
report back to you, some of these do indeed support a belief in life after death and
reincarnation, others offer an alternative (and sometimes surprisingly esoteric) explanation.
Its important to remember that the validity of one explanation cannot discredit another. It is
possible that all current theories are correct in different circumstances, as indeed it is possible
that we are yet to discover the truth about past life regression and none of the suggestions
explored in this text are an accurate representation of this fascinating phenomenon.

Many psychologists favour the first possible explanation that I want to discuss with you and
this is the idea that a recalled past life experience is nothing more than a memory that has
been released from the depths of our subconscious mind. This theory suggests that everything
we experience is stored in our subconscious mind and under the right circumstances we are
able to access that information. In such a situation the recalled past life may simply be a
character from a long forgotten film or book we read as a child. Of course the life experience
that is recalled may be that of a real historical figure so in many cases it is possible to have
the information validated, but this certainly doesnt mean that the person that recalled it once
lived as that individual in a former life.
Although this theory isnt very popular with those looking for evidence of reincarnation it
definitely has its place and in many circumstances it will be the most logical and practical
explanation available. What makes this theory interesting is the way that it implies that
everything that we have ever experienced can be accessed and recalled in detail. Those that
support this theory suggest that the source of the past life may never have been consciously
processed by the client at all and even glancing at a news story or report for a few seconds as
a child would be enough for the contained information to be stored in the subconscious mind
ready to create an entire false life experience on cue when regressed as an adult decades later.
This ties in with false memory syndrome, which is a well-documented phenomenon in which
a hypnotised subject inadvertently creates a seemingly realistic memory due to being asked
leading questions. False memories feel just as real as genuine ones and can be difficult to
remove once they have been created. They are one of the reasons that hypnosis is not used in
a court of law and also the reason that strict control is exercised when questioning children in
cases that may involve child abuse.
There have been documented cases where false memories where inadvertently created during
questioning which ultimately lead to unjust prosecution. This phenomenon, along with the
belief that everything we have ever experienced can be recalled under the right
circumstances, offers a fascinating glimpse at what it is possible to achieve with the human
mind, however it doesnt satisfactorily explain many of the cases of reincarnation that have
been documented over the years.
There have been several cases where a child has reported the memory of a previous life with
incredible detail and accuracy. Most of these are dismissed due to the possibility of the
information having been gained in this lifetime. However, some cannot be ignored and the
evidence they present is shockingly convincing, even to the most hardened sceptic.
In a study of 895 children that claimed to recall a previous life 309 had birthmarks or defects
that directly corresponded to a wound (often fatal) on the body of the person whose life they
were able to remember. The accuracy of these marks is incredible, in many cases birthmarks
that accurately match bullet entry and exit wounds are clearly visible on the children.
This evidence definitely supports the idea that we are not confined to a single life experience
and for me is particularly fascinating as my birthmark, which is in the centre of my back,
looks very much like a small collection of stab wounds.

So, if we can accept that we live again, then it can be safe to assume that sometimes a person
that is under the influence of hypnosis may be able to access a former life and bring back
detailed information to the present day. but from where?
There are a couple of theories that attempt to explain the origin of this information.
Two of these are very similar and I want to explore these first before we look at what
I believe to be a more probably answer.
As you are very probably aware the human mind can be divided into the conscious mind,
which is the part that we use to do our everyday thinking and reasoning and the subconscious
mind, which is the bit that takes care of all the complicated stuff, like making sure we
continue to breathe while we sleep. This split is very often likened to an iceberg with the
conscious mind being the tiny segment that is visible above the surface of the water and the
subconscious representing everything that is hidden below.
Given this simple analogy we have a third component, which is represented by the sea in
which these icebergs float. Well call this third segment universal consciousness. By using
this model we can see how everyone is connected to the universal consciousness and under
the correct conditions we all have access to the information that it stores.
When you regress a client it is possible that they are accessing this universal mind and
bringing back information of a previous life experience. That life might not necessarily be
one they actually lived but it could still be a genuine life.
This idea is supported by the concept of critical mass. Critical mass states that when a certain
percentage of a species are able to do something the rest of the species spontaneously gain
the same ability without having to go through the learning process. This was first reported in
the famous hundredth monkey experiment of
1952 where scientists witnessed macaque monkeys washing sweet potatoes on the Japanese
island of Koshima. Gradually this behaviour began to spread amongst the monkeys as they
copied each other in the usual way. When a point of critical mass was reached (the so called
one hundredth monkey) it is said that the action spontaneously spread to monkeys on
neighbouring islands.
Although this experiment is fascinating and congruent with many theories, such as morphic
fields and of course universal consciousness, its validity is still in debate and attempts to
replicate the results observed have failed.
Another possible source of the information gained during regression is known as the
akashic records. The akashic records are a compendium of knowledge that is stored in a nonphysical dimension. It is said that everything that has ever been is stored within this universal
filing system and under the right circumstances it is possible for anyone to gain access to this
information and bring it back to conscious awareness.
It is possible that a hypnotised subject is connecting to this storehouse of knowledge and
collecting information on the life of a person that once lived here on Earth. Again that person
may or may not have been a previous life of the hypnotised subject but the information
retrieved could obviously be validated as a genuine existence.

One of the most common problems that question the validity of regressed memories is that
many people report to having lived the same life. This problem arises because most people
that accept reincarnation automatically adopt a linear model that suggests we only live one
life at a time. The model is very simple and easy to understand. We are born, we live, and we
die. After a period of time existing in some kind of non-physical dimension we repeat the
process again. This cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth continues indefinitely. Some people
believe that each life offers learning experiences that enable us to grow spiritually so that one
day we might break the cycle and evolve into something that is beyond human.
This model clearly supports the concept of reincarnation and it is safe to assume that each
person we regress should have access to every life they have previously lived on this linear
path that stretches back to who knows when!
Another phenomenon that is rarely discussed is that of future life progression. As its name
suggests, this is the process of future pacing a person into a life they are yet to experience. On
our linear model those future lives are all neatly lined up and stretch out into the future until a
point where the human evolves into something more. Future life progression is often a little
difficult for many people to accept as we live in a linear dimension that clearly has a past,
present and future. From our perception of reality, here in the present, it appears as though the
future has not yet happened so it should not be possible to travel forward in time while
hypnotised to gather information from a life that we have not yet lived. That makes logical
sense, but is our perception of time an accurate representation of the ultimate reality? Many
people think that it is not.
One possible explanation is that experiences outside of the physical dimension are all
happening at the same time in what is known as the eternal moment of now. However, such a
concept is too much for our linear brains to understand, so we need a system that allows us to
sort the information in a logical way. To do this we have what we call time. But, as many
people know, time often misbehaves.
Back in 1998 my ex-partners alarm woke her from her slumber at the usually time of
7.30pm so that she could begin getting ready for a nightshift as the manager of a local
nightclub. She went through her usual routine, just as she did every week and while applying
her makeup she called down to her father and asked him to shout up the results of the
national lottery as the numbers were being drawn live on TV. She wrote down the numbers
on a piece of paper on her bedside table and continued getting ready.
A few minutes later her alarm sounded again. She assumed she had accidentally put the alarm
on snooze so reached over to deactivate it properly. The alarm continued to ring. At this point
she opened her eyes and realised it had all been a dream. Confused, she got up and went
downstairs. Still blurry eyed she asked her dad how hed done on the lottery but he told her
that it hadnt yet been drawn. Coming to her senses she realised what had happened. She
could still remember the numbers from the dream and immediately wrote them down before
continuing to get ready for work.

The lottery was drawn live on TV less than 30 minutes later. Of the six numbers she wrote
down every single one was drawn. Thats a chance of around 14,000,000 to 1.
Unfortunately for her, she didnt act on her vision and decided not to walk the 200 yards to
the shop at the end of her street to buy a ticket. If she had, she would have been considerably
Many people have a similar story to tell and it seems that if we have not ourselves, then we
usually know someone that has gained accurate information of a future event that suggests
that time might not be as linear as we imagine.
I have another friend that keeps a dream diary. Her dreams often include names, dates and
personal details of people she doesnt know and weeks or months later those specific
individuals will appear in the news with the content of her prophesised dream the main focus
of the story.
By viewing time as a non-linear concept future life progression becomes a viable probability
and is certainly an area that you may like to experiment with in the future.
All this sounds great, but we are still stuck with our linear model of one life at a time. So of
all the people you regress that purport to have lived as Joan of Arc, if they are indeed
accessing a previous life and not simply dipping into a store house of information, only one
can possibly be telling the truth. This brings us to my favourite theory.
Imagine that the physical life that you are currently living is a droplet of water. Although it
doesnt realise it, that droplet is part of a fountain. The moment that it left the fountain at the
top and began its journey downward was the moment of your physical birth. When the
droplet finally reaches the pool of water at the base of the fountain will be the moment of
your physical death. Your life, therefore, is represented by the time that the droplet spends
falling through the air.
As you look around, youll see other droplets that are also falling with you. Well call these
your soul mates or twin souls. There are obviously many droplets that have already
completed their journey and have rejoined the main body of the fountain in the pool at the
base; these are your past lives. The droplets that are yet to break away from the top of the
fountain are your future lives.
The entire fountain is more than a collection of droplets. It is an entity in its own right. This
we call your soul, although I much prefer the terms soul group, over soul or soul family.
When most people talk about a soul they tend to gesture to their heart or their head and say
that they have a soul. I think a more accurate description would be to say that a soul has us
or we are part of our soul. A soul is something greater and bigger than what we call I and if
we adopt our fountain model as an accurate representation of a souls existence (which I dont
suggest that it is, but it might be!) then our soul not only has us but it also have lots of other
uss too!

Now the fun part. Step back so that you can see your soul group fountain in its entirety. Now
shrink it down so that it is no bigger than a single droplet of water. This new droplet of water
is falling from a bigger fountain. Our new fountain might represent an ascended being or
angel. If we shrink this down to a single droplet of a bigger fountain we can keep on going up
through the hierarchy of spiritual evolution until we reach a point where nothing exists
beyond the droplet. This we can call All
That Is or God if you prefer.
Getting back to our part in this grand plan for a moment, as our droplet falls through time we
evolve and gain experience. When we rejoin the fountain at the moment of our physical death
our life experiences are assimilated into the collective that we call our soul family. Similarly,
the droplet that contains our soul family fountain evolves and contributes to the evolution of
the fountain to which it belongs. This continues all the way up to All That Is
I consider the Earth plain an incredibly valuable place where, as spiritual beings having a
human experience, we are able to learn and grow. Our evolution here as humble humans, on
our little blue planet hurtling through space, ripples right back to the creator and everything
that we experience becomes a part of the collective experience of All That Is. Of course if,
by definition, All That Is is all that is how could it not?
So, in essence we are Gods fingers experiencing the very edge of creation. In fact, if we
delve a little deeper into this theory, which is beyond the scope of this book, we are actually
Gods fingers creating the edge of experience too. But for now, lets get back to regression!
I present this theory to you here only as a possible explanation as to why so many people
claim to have lived the same previous life experience. In our fountain analogy there are
simply two droplets that are currently falling remembering a third that has already fallen.
In fact, as we are ultimately all connected, theoretically there is no reason why every living
being should not be able to recall any other. It has been suggested that outside of linear time
experience is sorted by emotional charge. So one possible explanation would be that the
emotional charge of the memories of lives that belong to your personal fountain would be far
greater than those to which you are only connected to via a higher one.
All of this is really only theory and Ive already strayed too far off topic. Regression as a
means of exploring past lives is a fascinating experience (for both you and the client!) what I
want you to take away from this theoretical discussion is the possibilities of your questioning.
Dont constrain yourself to past lives, experiment with future ones too! You might also like to
probe around the land of the living and look for twin souls of your client to see what you can
dig up in this area.
Before we press on to the actual process itself I want to quickly tell you about some of my
own experiences with past life regression. Ive met some fascinating characters over the years
and Ive included a few case studies for you below. Incidentally, for me hypnotic regression
was never a tool for proving reincarnation so I never took the time to investigate or validate
my findings. I have always believed in reincarnation and never felt the desire to try to prove

it to anyone, myself included. I only really experimented with regression to meet and
converse with fascinating people from other times.
Case 1: Polly Millan
Polly lived and worked in London in the early 1900's. The building in which she worked was
situated on Maynard road. Born in London in May 1901, Polly met her unfortunate demise
just 23 years later in 1924. Her job required her to sign documentation, so, as an experiment,
I had Polly sign her name on numerous sessions.
Polly's handwriting was extremely flamboyant and decorative, a stark contrast to the rather
tiny and neat handwriting of her present incarnation. The signatures always matched and the
handwriting was consistent throughout. Polly was very well spoken and polite, although she
did reveal that she had often gotten drunk with friends by drinking cough medicine!
Polly was able to recall both parents names and gave details of her fathers profession. She
was a complete delight to converse with and lead a positive energetic life.
As with most of the cases that left an impact on me Polly completely took over the body of
my client. During each session it was very clear the moment that Polly arrived, many sessions
were conducted with regularly spectators and everyone quickly learned and recognised
Pollys energy before she spoke.
What made this case different to many others is that over time the sessions became a dual
experience, not only were we peering into Pollys life, but she was also looking into ours. I
was able to keep Polly in conscious control of my clients body and bring her into what you
might call conscious awareness so that she could interact with material in our time. Polly was
fascinated by our technology; she was thoroughly confused by the TV and very impressed by
modern fabrics. Obviously there is no way that I could ever check this, but I would love to
have known if the real Polly Millan was ever aware of the experience. A part of me would
like to think that our sessions did stretch across the boundaries of time and perhaps became a
recurring feature of the original Pollys dreams.
Case 2: Elizabeth
I have spoken with Elizabeth on a numerous occasions, yet have been unable to determine a
specific time period for her life. It appears that she lived at some time around the year 1250.
There has never been an indication as to where she lived, but she describes her home as a
single story wooden building comprising of either a single room or perhaps two rooms, one
being a living area and the other sleeping quarters. It is possible that both of these are the
same room but furnished differently depending on the time of day.
Elizabeth was rather unusual in a number of ways, when questioned as to her fathers
profession she replied that he made places to sit. I asked if he made chairs and she did not
understand the word. After some time she settled on calling them 'sitters'. She also could not
understand modern music, she confessed to enjoying dance and agreed to give a
demonstration of the way she dances for her father. She would not dance to conventional

music as it was unfamiliar. I played a classical piece on the guitar, which was rejected in the
same manner. She insisted that the music was not the same as her Bo (the name she gave for
her father) played it. Eventually we settled on a rhythmic drumbeat. Elizabeth performed a
series of exquisite movements to the slow beats that were rather similar to modern ballet,
although much more animated and tribal in presentation. She paused a great deal between
movements and the whole thing seemed as though I was witnessing a stop animation
sequence played back in slow motion.
Elizabeth was unable to write, although she said that she did leave messages for her friend (I
believe this to be her sister) in the sand. I handed her a pen and drawing pad asking for a
demonstration of these messages. She held the pen as you would a stick if you were writing
in sand, with all four fingers and her thumb straight out and her arm stretched at full length.
She rested the pad on the floor as she drew several symbols. She explained the symbols to
mean 'meet me at home', with a further symbol that represented her name.
During another session, several months later, I asked if she were able to write the message
'meet me at home' and each symbol was identical. On yet another occasion she was asked to
interpret the symbols as I wrote them. She immediately recognized the symbols that she had
originally included in her message and I was unable to confuse or trick her with similar
Elizabeth was a pleasant worry free young woman. I sensed that she was around the age of 14
during our meetings yet she was mature far beyond her years. Playful, yet level headed and
responsible, she loved her family (especially her farther, Bo) dearly and was happy to
converse. She appeared a little bemused at my apparent ignorance of her lifestyle and my
obvious misunderstanding of music the way Bo played it!
Case 3: Lucy
Lucy was in her early teens when she died and led a troubled and abused life. She lived with
her employer, a businessman called Mr. Schlo in what appears to be
London, perhaps around the 1800s. Her job was to deliver messages for Mr. Schlo and in
return she was given a place to sleep and a daily meal, which consisted of scraps of stale
bread. She was terrified of her employer and was forbidden to look at the messages she was
required to deliver. Mr. Schlo regularly sexually abused Lucy and her timid subservient
personality echoed a life of fear.
Due to the nature of this life, I only spoke with Lucy on one occasion to prevent her current
incarnation suffering the emotional torment of an unpleasant experience.
During this single session my clients posture shifted dramatically, her shoulders and back
contorted, chest sunk inward and her facial expression filled with sorrow and pain. Her voice
became soft and broken, stuttering her speech and frequently apologizing for her verbal
Lucy was a dear little girl that led an unfortunate life. I would like to have found a happier
moment to converse yet this was never possible. My client is far more outspoken than Lucy,

yet character traits can be seen that exist in them both. It seems that Lucy's scars have lived
on and this is no more evident than in my clients hatred of authority figures and distrust of
older males.
Case 4: Plus signs!
Case four is a little different in that it is not a past life regression experience but a regression
to early childhood. A client that had been regressed to her toddler years for her own curiosity
was very proud that she had just learned to write her own name. She clutched the pen in her
fist and scrawled her name on the pad. Under her name she drew three plus signs. At the time
I was unsure as to what these may be, but her mother later confirmed that she always insisted
on signing her own name on birthday cards and putting in some kisses!
We assumed the plus signs must be kisses, although her mother and the client both
remembered that she had used crosses as kisses when signing her name.
A few months later my client found a birthday card that she had signed as a child in an old
memorabilia box. The handwriting matched perfectly and all of the 'kisses' were little plus
symbols. She had only drawn them this way for a few weeks when she first learnt to sign her
I hope these case studies have whetted your appetite for regression and youre eager to give it
a go yourself! Ive prepared a script for you that you can use to regress your client. To use the
script simply read it out slowly following your favourite trance induction and deepening
script. Id recommend using a progressive relaxation induction prior to this script, followed
by a basic trance deepener such as a staircase method. This will lead onto the script nicely as
you can have a door at the bottom of the stairs that leads through into the regression room.
The script begins as your client reaches the bottom step of the deepening script. Make sure
you read through the entire script several times before you use it and adapt it to suit your
specific needs. You will also need to know how to deal with an abreaction if necessary; I have
covered this after the script at the end of this book. Its very important to bring the client back
to the present day when you close the session and to make sure they are fully awake and back
with you before you end the session. If your client wakes up prior to the completion of the
session you should still go through the wake up script and allow them time after the session
to ask questions and discuss the experience. As with all hypnotic work, its a good idea to
stay with the client for 20 minutes after the session as people are often still very suggestible
when first waking from trance. This will allow you to control your clients experience more
easily and prevent any unwanted suggestions gaining access to their subconscious mind.
Remember to take the necessary precautions before beginning the session, such as silencing
phones, loosening tight clothing or shoes and visiting the toilet if necessary. Its a really good
idea to record the session. If you have the facilities, video the session as a regressed client
often adopts the posture and facial muscle distribution of the past life and many clients will
be eager to witness this phenomenon themselves.

Finally, as fascinating as regression might be, you should restrict yourself to one regression
per hypnotic session, respect your client and remember that the experience can be incredibly
emotional for them so never over do it. Often, following regression to a former life the client
will have many things to report about the experience and how the past life relates to their
current life. In many cases spontaneous healing can take place and the cause of mysterious
illnesses revealed!

The hypnotic regression script

As you take a step down now, from the last step, you can allow yourself to relax even deeper
now, deeper and deeper into trance.
For a few moments you can enjoy this wonderful feeling washing through your entire body.
In front of you there is a door. This is a very special door and it leads to the secrets of the
Reach out your hand and imagine slowly opening the door and stepping through into a small
room. Making your way into the room now causes you to feel even more relaxed and
comfortable. You are in a safe place, you feel safe and warm because the room feels so
welcoming as you step inside and close the door behind you.
My voice is here with you now in your special room and my voice will stay with you as you
go deeper and deeper into trance.
In the centre of the room is a wonderfully relaxing chair. In a few moments you are going to
imagine sinking deep into the comfort of the chair and letting go completely, causing you to
go deeper and deeper into trance, allowing your mind to open to new possibilities as you drift
so effortlessly and naturally into a delicious state of peace and rest.
Now, before you allow yourself to relax completely you are going to explore this peaceful
experience a little deeper. All around the room there are many books on shelves. Each book is
dated and as you look around the room you can see that the dates stretch back for many years.
The books are neatly arranged in a logical order and you quickly locate the book that
represents the present. The date on the front of this book is your birth date and as you open
the book to the first page you see a recent photograph of yourself just as you appear today.
As you turn the page, you reveal a photograph on yourself where you appear to be
approximately one year younger than you are now.
Each successive page that you turn takes you back another year. You can take a few moments
now to go through this photo album and review the photographs. As you look at each
photograph in turn pleasant memories of your past come flooding back.

Option One
When you have finished you place the album back on the shelf and pick up the one next to it.
The photographs that appear in this album document a previous life, prior to the one that you
are currently experiencing.
You take the book to the chair and slowly sit yourself down.
Option Two
When you have finished you place the album back on the shelf and take a few moments to
cast your eye over the other books in the room. After a few moments one book seems to catch
your eye. Its almost as though this book is calling out to you and it appears to glow as you
take it from the shelf.
This album documents a past life that you have lived before. It is a life that contains valuable
information and insights that will fascinate you and be of great assistance in your current life.
You take the book to the chair and slowly sit yourself down.
As you relax into the comfort of the chair you open the book and look through the pages until
you find a photograph that you would like to explore further.
When you have chosen your photograph simply nod your head. If you cannot find a
photograph in this album that you would like to explore in more detail, simply return it to the
shelf and chose another album.
(Wait for confirmation that a photograph has been chosen)
Now that you have selected a photograph to explore you can allow yourself to relax even
deeper as you gaze deep into the picture. All the time my voice will go with you as the
picture slowly begins to grow on the page.
The borders of the image are beginning to open up now, getting bigger and bigger as you
notice that the image is slowly beginning to come to life. Gazing deeper into the image you
can see that it is beginning to move on the page, as though you are watching a video, but
somehow even more realistic.
The image appears three dimensional as it grow larger and larger now. My voice is here with
you and you feel comfortable and in control as the image begins to grow all around you
filling the room completely.

You now find yourself within that past experience looking out to a time that had long been
forgotten. You are able to see the other you that lived this life in front of you and you can
sense the emotion of the experience.
If you are comfortable to explore further nod your head, if you would prefer to step back at
this stage and perhaps explore a different photograph then simply raise the index finger on
your left hand.
Thats fine.
(If they nod their head continue with the following. If they raise their finger then reverse the
process and shrink the image back down to a photograph in the book and find another image
to explore or end the session.)
Allow yourself to explore this experience now; I am with you every step of the way as you
connect with your previous life and introduce yourself. You can imagine stepping right inside
that life now, as though you are stepping into a boiler suit.
If it helps, you might like to imagine a zipper running down this persons back which you are
able to open up to step inside. As you do so, feel yourself merge with them completely.
Imagine your arms sliding down inside theirs and your hands into their hands, as though you
are putting on a pair of gloves.
Now feel your face aligning with theirs, so that you senses align and you can see through
their eyes, talk through their mouth and hear through their ears. All the time I am here with
you, you can hear my voice clearly and easily.
As I speak with you now you will answer my questions knowing what you knew as you lived
as this person in this previous life. You will speak freely and easily about your experiences
and know everything that you knew then. If at anytime I ask to speak directly with (name),
your current life here in (year) you will immediately allow (name) to communicate with me
with all of the knowledge and wisdom that (name) has gained back here in (year).
(From this point you can begin to question the client as though you are talking directly to
their previous life. You line of questioning will obviously depend upon the answers you
receive. If you wish to later validate the information be sure to ask for names and dates and if
possible have your client spell out any names they give. It is often very beneficial to ask
about hobbies and pastimes as these vary greatly over the years and may reveal some
interesting results that back up the validity of the experience. You might also like to ask
questions about the news stories of the time that you can later confirm in your research.)
When you are ready to end the session always thank the past life for sharing the information
with you and then ask to speak directly to your client. Tell you client to step back out of the
previous life and thank them personally. Now talk them back out of the photograph and into
the chair. Have them replace the album on the shelf and exit the room through the same door
they entered. As you talk them back up the stairs confirm that they are back as themselves

(say name) and confirm the date tell them that they are back in (year) here with you and they
can bring back any information that they feel will be valuable to them in this life or leave
whatever is best left behind for another time.
Now wake your client gradually while reaffirming that they are back to their normal self at
their current age and the present day.
An abreaction is an emotional response to an experience. It happens when a client suddenly
releases trapped emotion and can be very frightening when you experience it for the first
time. You will easily recognise this experience, as the client will appear very visibly
distressed. They will probably cry and will often call out as though going through a painful
There are two ways you can deal with this. The first is to back away from the experience and
quickly talk the client back to their current life and the present date.
Reassure them that you are here and get them to gain conscious awareness and come back to
the room. You might like to think of this approach as what most people would naturally do if
their child were having a nightmare.
The second option is to talk them through the experience and tell them they are safe to let it
all out. This approach can be incredibly therapeutic and it allows the client to release
negative emotion that is trapped at a deep subconscious level. When you go through this
process the client will often report feeling as though a weight has been lifted from their
shoulders that they hadnt realised was there until now.
A pocket of stagnant negative energy can lead to all sorts of problems so often this experience
is incredibly beneficial to the clients mental, physical and spiritual health and well-being.
If you opt to allow a client to experience the emotions and let them go, be sure to offer
constant support and guidance. Tell them that everything is okay and explain that they are
simply releasing some trapped energy and it feels really good to let it go. Reassure them that
you are there.
You may also give them the option of ending the session if they choose to. To do this, just tell
the client that if they would prefer to end the session and return to their normal waking state
here in the year **** to raise their left arm. (or whatever signal you feel appropriate)
It is important to remember that a past life regression can be a very emotional experience for
a client so always prepare the session so that you will have plenty of time after the actual
session to discuss it with them. Abreaction is very rare so it certainly isnt something you
should worry about, just be aware of it and youll be fine if it ever happens. You could easily
spend an entire lifetime hypnotising thousands of clients and never have a single one abreact.

I have only mentioned it here as it is more likely that if it does happen it will be during
regression therapy as opposed to other uses of hypnosis.
This free book is provided by Steven Hall, to see more of Stevens hypnosis books
and courses please visit his website here. To watch Steven Hall free Law of
Attraction videos click here.

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