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Watermelon jelly rcipe

2 Packages of
neutral Gelatin
1 Waterjet

1. We collect all the ingredients to prepare the gelatin watermelon.
Please note the recommended amounts of gelatin neutral in the
package. For example, for a liter of liquid is recommended to use 6
sheets of gelatin. If you are vegetarian you can use agar agar or
vegetable gums.

Text instructive

2. First, we moisturize plates neutral gelatin in cold water. Let soak

following the manufacturer's instructions.

3. Using a spoon emptied the average watermelon removing all pulp,

that we turn to a glass blender. We try to hasten the maximum pulp
leaving the shell as bare as possible.

Text instructive

4. We beat the pulp watermelon in a blender until no lumps. It is important

to buy a seedless watermelon or remove previously using a knife or lace
for home gelatin smooth, smooth and homogeneous.

5. whipped once snuck watermelon juice with a strainer so it is not too

thick. Watermelon juice is a very refreshing drink that can be combined
with other fruits like strawberries or raspberries. And if you want to try
something completely different, do not miss the watermelon smoothie
recipe with banana.

Text instructive

6. On the other hand, gelatin escurrimos we had to soak and pour a

splash of hot water. Stir until dissolved. It is important that we continue
these steps hydration of gelatin as indicated, because it is not the same
use gelatin to hot dish cold dishes.

7. Mix the watermelon juice with melted gelatin and stir well. Then add the
juice of half a lemon and continue moving to continue the preparation of
fruit dessert for children.

Text instructive

8. Fill shell watermelon with homemade jelly. You can also fill ramekins
but it seemed to us to fill the watermelon itself can be fun for children.

9. We put the homemade jelly watermelon in the fridge for 3-4 hours and
ready to eat! We recommend other desserts for children as natural lemon
gelatin dessert or papaya and yogurt. We hope your photos and

Text instructive

10. I hope you liked haiga.

Text instructive

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