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Room 13 Comprehension Exercise

1. Name four things that the children were given for tea.
2. Why did the children have to change their clothes after tea?
3. Why did Lisa miss out on the activities after tea?
4. Describe Garys stick of rock.
5. How did Gary get the stick of rock out of the shop?
6. How much would Fliss have paid for the rock?
7. What made the game of rounders more fun?
8. Why did they have to stop the game?
9. What time did the children have to go to bed?
10. What did Mr Hepworth give to Lisa when she had written her
11. Does Fliss like Gary? Find at least two examples in the text to
support you answer.
12. Think of a word or phrase with similar meaning to:
a) Enormous
b) Chuckled
c) Retrieved
d) Munching
e) Scornful
f) Fun
13. From the text, find:
a) Six nouns (naming words)
b) Six verbs (doing words)
c) Three adjectives (describing words)
14. Write a paragraph describing the game of rounders.
(Setting, characters, what happened and a conclusion)

K Simons Room 13 Comprehension (Page 32)

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