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The first draft of the Economics S.B.A is due on Wednesday 7th

September, 2016

Please bring the SBAs to the office and sign them in there.
Please choose one of the following topics. You may revise the topic; however, the
ideas of the given statement/question should still be expressed in your final
statement of a topic.
The Pros and cons of Globalization and Trade Liberalization on the
_______________ industry in ( _____________) St. Vincent and the
( You MUST add to St. Vincent and the Grenadines a specific
location in SVG and a specific type of industry must also be named.
E.g The Pros and cons of Globalization and Trade Liberalization on the Retail
Industry in Kingstown, SVG
The Pros and cons of Globalization and Trade Liberalization on the
Manufacturing Industry in Campden Park , SVG.
Pros and cons of Economic Integration and the CSME as it relates
to ___________________ in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The blank space can be filled out with an area of CSME that is prevalent.
E.g. Crime/ Free Movement of Labour/ Any aspect of your choice

The Pros and cons of living in a _________________ economic system in
__________ and the ability to meet the resource allocation needs of
the people of _______________________.
The type of economic system must be insertede.g Mixed/ Command/ Free
The country must be specified ANY named Caribbean Country

Resource Allocation questions must be discussed as it relates to the type of

economic system if this question is chosen.

Every candidate who enters for the CSEC Economics examination must submit a report on a
project. The report should not exceed 1,000 words and should include appropriate charts,
graphs, tables and pictures.
A students report should be submitted electronically or presented in a soft folder bearing the students
name of subject and the date submitted. The project document should comprise:

(ii) table of contents;
(iii) aims and objectives;
( iv) report (not exceeding 1000 words). ONLY THESE HEADINGS MUST BE USED

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY (Please include methodology, very brief background of

information, rationale for study)

Collection and Presentation of Data
Interpretation and Analysis
Findings and Recommendations


The sources of data listed below can be used by candidates in their research activities.
(i) The business section of local newspapers.
(ii) Statistical reports such as national income statistics, balance of payments statistics, survey of living
conditions, household budgetary surveys, annual economic reports of Central Banks, Ministries of
Finance and Planning Units, questionnaires and interviews.
(iii) Annual reports of firms in the region.
(iv) The economic information available on the Internet.
(v) Budget speeches of Ministers of Finance.

(vi) Reviews of estimates of income and expenditure from Ministries of Finance.

Students should:
(i) state the purpose of the investigation; -Purpose
(ii) select an appropriate method of investigation; - Purpose
(iii) describe the procedures used to collect the data; - Purpose
(iv) present data in qualitative or quantitative formats or both; Collection and Presentation of Data
(v) explain the data presented; Interpretation and Analysis
(vi) interpret data in terms of the purpose of the investigation; Interpretation and Analysis
(vii) state findings; Findings and Recommendations
(viii) make recommendations based on findings and suggest measures

Please find the Mark Scheme you will be graded on:
%20Economics.pdf PG 29-30

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