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Quote Analysis
Institutional Affiliation


1. QOUTE: But to me, a real hero is someone who does the right thing when the right
thing isnt easy to do. -Mr. Feeney (Levithan, 2005).
The world that we are living in is so misconstrued as people try to live their life in
ways that are not necessarily right. Individuals escape reality and the few left to face it do not
have an idea on the right thing to do. From the quote above, it describes a hero as a person
who makes the difficult choices at the most complicated moments. It is rare to find such
people since people are not always brave enough to face the difficult situations. In the film,
however, Mr. Feeney is trying to explain to Eric about the difficulties of the world and how to
approach them appropriately.
I choose the quote since it represents the type of life I had had so far, where the
closest people to me had chosen the easy road when things became tough. The quote
identifies the reality of life and elaborates that only the brave enough get the opportunity to
continue living since they are not afraid to make the unpopular choices. Being a hero in this
instance, therefore, does not require an individual to carry out unusual activities, but rather he
or she does what is necessary.
The quote catches my attention since it is a way of expressing the feelings that people
have hidden inside. So, for an individual like Mr. Feeney who has been through some
challenges understands the necessity of that one person who fights for the others and how that
would be beneficial (Levithan, 2005). Also, heroes are at times overrated whereby they are
only recognized by doing extraordinary and superhuman activities. Therefore, the quote gives
a better outline of the particular ways through which the society can understand and
appreciate those who do small but significant events.
Having lost my parents at a very tender age, I have always needed a hero in my life. A
person who would carry out various the activities that matter whenever necessary. An


individual would be willing to make difficult choices that would end up not only helping me
in the long run but also assisting others who might be going through the same ordeals.
Therefore, as Feeney puts it out, the society should appreciate those who stand up for the less
fortunate and make choices that end up helping them to cope during the difficult times.
The quote holds true to other people, whether they have a complicated and
problematic upbringing or not since there are those situations that require individual decisions
to be made. It takes a lot of courage and self-acceptance to make the difficult decisions in life
and at the same time ensure that the people benefit from the consequences even if you dont.
Therefore, life requires that people appreciate one another and always help out wherever
necessary for there to be prosperity and continuous improvement of the life situations.
Individuals should practice to heroes and make decisions that are for the better good
(McDonald, 2012).

Levithan, D. (2005). Boy meets world. Ember.
McDonald, T. J. (2012). Boy Meets Word (Vol. 34). Columbia University Press.

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