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Getting to Know your Child

Dear Parent,
Please fill out the following questionnaire and return it to school as soon as possible.
Childs preferred name: _________________________________________________
Childs Birthday: _____________________________________________________
How many adults at home? ______ Sisters? ______ Brothers? _______ Pets? _______
Describe your child: ___________________________________________________
What does your child like best about school? ___________________________________
What does your child worry about/dislike most about school? ________________________
Describe what you like best about your childs personality: __________________________
Your childs favourite book: _______________________________________________

An achievement your child made outside of school: ________________________________

An achievement your child made at school: _____________________________________
List some activities or topics your child is interested or involved in: ______________________
What hopes or goals do you have for your child in Grade Four: _________________________
How does your child get to and from school?


Day home/care

Boys and Girls Club

Parent drop-off/pick-up

Other: ____________________________________________________________
As your childs teacher, is there anything else you want me to know? ___________________
The best way to contact you is: ___________________________________________
Thank you for filling this out! I cant wait to get to know your child!

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