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40 CAVATINA NORINA SGENA IV! Stanan In case dl Nore,” Andante 1. ae = = ae (gba, Quel guardo il ca. va. lie. re. ‘On “him her gaze had” light- ed, in merzoal cor tra . fis plegé il gi-noe-chio ¢ deep to his heart ap ~ peal straighit-way, he swore to her, PO wee Bll 4 E tanto e-rainquel guar sa. por di pa So much” he saw in” ‘her ‘Slane pombe of heav'n =~ so che il ca. va - lier Rie - car - do,. = nal, Rich-ard threw down his "lan ~ces, See gheel hy AE orien laughs, and tosses away the book) c ld Sat rd” 7 — w = ; 7 , Bird TOR SOL ga TB. Reng: Aah! rall. AZ 29) anosretto NORINA So anchio lavir.ti ma. gica d'un guardo at Mars solnow theor-cety of plances well Gf lo. ¢9,soanch'io come si bru-ciano (i co.ria lento fo - co; d'un bre_vosor. ri eke SPO Me, SRT TRS bn Gath epee Acco oe bees tegen ah = airy N SE -set - to co-nosco anchioVef_fet . to, di men. zognera la -grima, d'un su - bi.to__lan. ‘mil “ing, T imow can be be-guil~ ing,” and sighs that fill your eyes with tears that suddenly de= 2 ‘o-noscoimiLle modi del-’a - . se i, i venmieVar.ti Y Wnow a thousand fashions ‘to wak= ‘en ten < der tie chara tg — fa. cll por a. descare uncor. bre-vesor-ri-set - to ¢o.noscoanch'iolef. wick-erzy Platcap“tivate a hea see-retway” of smil > ing ‘T “know ean be. be> -fet . to, sco, co, no - sco, dun su. bito languor, soanchio lavir. ti pu zing? Poimow Wel, Piatow” vel? “the sighs that soon depart Pm. elo te P - gi. 0 "ef. ! mes Big Per Jpepimmareapmor— — qnne.- feo Let fet te “— f. wspita-te a mor, ie ways to win a man'sheart, He tects Rg tae eat nae rt mie . Pia mosso nt a, vi va.cebrillare mi ‘mr ligotand vivaclout,and often flitt- Aa con forza — ig jiace scher.zar, Sete eS mi pia.coscherzar.,di radostoal apy Libveinbe gay. 1 fly into “rages in unlikely ma lo sdegno fo prest Bape SES OPN ys al lp Fat ot my ‘testa blz.zar = a, macoreeccel. Jen - But though ram flight- ¢ ss fr, oo ~te, macoreeseel.len - Zed? T'm ve-ry good-heart bru. ciano i co. fo - co: dimbre. vesor. ri- set - to co. hearts — a-fire from spark-ling eyes se-flect-a ed: a sec ~ret way of _smil = ing, I P qno.scomndhioPef.fet . to, di, men. zogne.ra la - ts Bg; Seganehtio Vet. fet,- fo. di, mon -y2ane re. des grime, du ge - Gite — -guor. Co. noscoimil.le modi del.I’a- . se fro- di, i vezieTar.ti Spar, Timowa thousané fesivons %> “wale en ten = det paste fons, che charming arisof cor. D'yn bre. vesor_rj-set - fo co-nosco anchtioLef. wet way ofsmil > tng, °P "Mow ean be be- RE peters Be — aft = 12), °P-BBs ER, FOBBe SER Sees en BEER: So pnehiip _Ieyir,, fH, P, i it i no. sco Veffet_to, ah! Ba per in-eping, reamor,— gone, geo Yelfebto, ght — lo teceaPiaeangng PRE Miga antes a, ft leggerissime pete orp — mi piace,mipia.ce scherzar, ah! and often at, tious, I Tove to be: ey lp vi-va - Wiva 7 clo RTE Mlk AP ems halt ce viva = ciols, I léve _, - c scherzar, mi co scherzar, ° ny, wo be aay?

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