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What if there was a town, a citynoan entire world, where everyone agreed.

to say that everyone agreed with each other buthere, let me start over. What if
there was such a thing as a perfect world? Has anyone ever sat down and really
thought about what it would be like to live in a perfect world. When you think to
yourself what your perfect world would be like, let me ask you this: how many
people are in it? 5? 10? 30? 100? 500? 1000? For most people, they dont see a
whole lot of people, certainly not 7 billion. Of course, its nearly impossible for the
brain to think of that many people at a time. Think about it, how many objects can
you put in your minds eye? For me, its around 1000 before my brain starts hurting.
Now whether this is a coincidence or not is beside the point. My point is that when
people think of the human race, depending on who you talk to, the answer will
range from Theyre the epitome of death itself and everything cruel in this world
to Theyre beautiful in their graciousness, kindness, and good will or something
like that. The point is, the human race has many different views on itself, and
depending on who you talk to, its either the worst, or the best.
Back to my first question, what if there was such a thing as a perfect world? Could
you even imagine such a thing? Fortunately, most people can; but again, theyre all
different. Unfortunately, most of them involve nearly everything about that person.
For instance, some people believe that those who dont succeed in life should be
taken care of and encouraged, whereas others believe they should rightfully
deserve whatever comes there way, no matter how hard the hardship. Another
example: some people believe doing good deeds should always result in good
rewards, and bad deeds should result in bad rewards or punishment; whereas other
people believe that it doesnt matter what you do, good things should happen to
everybody; and yet others believe that it doesnt matter what comes out of it, good
deeds should always be done. These questions and many others make up a
persons beliefs. These beliefs are what culminate every religion. Now, I know. This
is a bold statement, especially for those strong in your faith. But before you turn
away from ignorance of thought, hear me out.
If I were to come up to you and say, What happened, oh say, 1000 years ago?
how would you respond? You would probably tell me about some ancient civilization.
If I were to ask you, What happened 100 years ago? youd probably tell me about
some advancement in the current era, or some downfall, or even some war. If I were
to ask you, What happened 10 years ago? youd probably tell me about
something that happened in your life, or somebody elses. If I were to ask, What
happened 1 year ago? 1 month ago? 1 day ago? youd probably tell me about
something more specific about you or somebody elses life. But let me ask you this,
did any of that actually happen? Most people would say, Of course it happened!
and when I ask for proof they show me evidence of those things happening.
Whether that be a used plate, a dirty sneaker, a birthday card, an old article, or an
ancient artifact, they would all say the same thing: this happened. But is that all we
have? After physical objects, people would start to mention mental or emotional
happenings, such as memories or emotions. But at some point, we can only go back
so far before we cant remember what happened mentally or emotionally. Whether
it be through forgetfulness or just not being there. There isnt a single person alive

today that was alive when president George Washington was around. So how do we
know it happened? Again, people point to evidence; but in the back of everybodys
mind, I know that they know that they dont knowlet me rephrase that: they know
that no one can know what happened, not truly. We can assume all we want, but we
all know that we can only assume. Let me repeat that, we can only assume what
has happened in the past, we cannot ever know. With that being said, lets go back
to the subject of religion. If youre smart, then youll know what Im about to say,
and before I say it, I just want to let you know: it hurts me to say this. I have been a
strong in my religion and I have not backed down from it and to this day I will
defend its authority. To some that puts me as a hypocrite, but Ill get to that.
We cannot know if the events recorded in any religious book are true, we can only
Now, did nothing recorded in a religious book happen? Maybe, we cant be sure.
Like I said, we can only assume. Im going to use Christianity as a reference here
because of two reasons: one, its popular; two, its the religion I know most about. I
cant know if there was ever a man like the described Jesus, just like I cant be sure
if there was ever a man like the described George Washington.
The point is, once you put aside all of the authority figures in religion, what do you
have? Beliefs. Morals. Ideals. Rules designed with everyones best interest. Let me
give you an example. I was messaging a friend of mine who brought up this idea,
she asked me What is Christianity? To which I started replying about Jesus and the
gospel. Before I could finish my explanation, she cut me off saying, No, not the
people. I mean what does Christianity do? She was clearly trying to make a point I
was understanding. To clear my confusion she asked, What are the seven deadly
sins? With the great memory I had I answered, Lust, Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Pride,
Sloth, and Envy in no particular order. So, wouldnt you say that Christianity is
meant to suppress these sins? to which I agreed. But then she made an interesting
point, See, the seven deadly sinsarent sins. In a way, they are all good. With lust
we can love people, with wrath we can get out our true feeling and feel better,
greed so we can strive to have more, gluttony because we like to enjoy ourselves,
pride so we can believe in ourselves, sloth so we can recharge and rethink, and
envy so we can strive to do better. I told her that although most if not all of that
was true, we shouldnt put ourselves in those temptations. She agreed saying,
Youre right, the seven deadly sins have to deal with one thing: desires. But let me
ask you this, are desires bad? I immediately didnt replyI didnt know what to say.
On one hand, they were, but they also werent. She continued, We all have desires
dont we, desire to be better, more powerful, more liked, we all have it in us. Have
you heard of Satanism? Of course I had, it was a cult that worshipped the devil, or
so I told her. She replied, But take the authority out again and what do you have?
Desires. See, in the end, Christianity is meant to suppress desires and Satanism is
meant to enrich those desires. In reality, we need both. Not meaning that we need
Christianity and Satanism, but we need to find a balance between fulfilling our
desires, and suppressing them. Thats where it struck home with me.

The point is, religion was made with the idea that everyone should believe and act
the same way, and therefore, everybody has the best and same interest.
And thats the key.
Let me ask you something: What if everybody had the good intention? The same
idea? The same beliefs? What if everybody in the whole world all believed in the
same things and therefore, acted accordingly? Do you think there would be peace?
Would it be a utopia?
Wellyes and no. See, the key here is that if we were to do that, we need to find a
set of rules that are perfect, that are the truth, ones that we should follow. But
unfortunately, thats not possible. Or at least, I can think of it. Im not sure anyone
can. Because with every right in the world, there is a wrong. With every good, there
is an evil. So if everyone believed in the same thing, the few problems with it would
stand out like a sore thumb, eventually crumbling the human race as we know it.
Socould there possibly be a utopia? In my eyes, not exactly. There is good, and
there is evil; there is right, and there is wrong. So in the end, you cannot have only
good, but you cannot have only bad. Just like you cannot have light without dark.
You cannot have the light if there is no dark, and you cannot be the good if there is
no evil.
My view of a perfect world? Thats a trick question
There is no such thing as utopia.

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