Outsiders Week 1

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Unit 3
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

Week 1

September 12- September 16, 2016

Name: ___________________________________________________
Class Name:__________________________________________________________

This packet is due on Monday, September 19!

Anticipation Guide The Outsiders

Sizing People Up
When you meet new people your age, what interests you about them? Use the rating scale at the
left. Circle the number that comes closest to showing how important you think each of the qualities
on the right hand column is to you. Then compare your responses with those of your classmates.

Not Very




the way they dress

their grades in school
the amount of money they have
the kind of possessions they have
the way they talk
where they live in town
who their friends are
how they treat their friends
where they hang out
their ethnic background
their hobbies and interests
their sense of humor
their athletic abilities

Which of the qualities above are the most superficial? Which qualities tell you something of true
significance about the person? Do two of each.
Superficial (shallow, not important)

Significant (important, matters)











Which one of these qualities would you want to be judged by? (At least 2 sentences)
Which would you NOT want to be judged by? (at least 2 sentences)
Clique Survey Directions: For each question below, choose the answer that best completes the
sentence to describe yourself. Then use the key at the bottom of the page to score your survey.

1. I _________ sit with the same people at lunch every day.

A) always

B) sometimes

C) never

2. When someone Ive never talked to before speaks to me, I feel _________ .
A) annoyed

B) afraid

C) excited

3. I _________ meeting new people!

A) hate

B) dont care about

C) love

4. When making a decision, I usually listen to _________.

A) my friends

B) my family

C) myself

5. My group of friends usually _________ other people.

A) makes fun of

B) ignores

C) welcomes

6. My group of friends _________ dresses the same.

A) always

B) sometimes

C) rarely

7. When a new student arrives in my class I _________.

A) ignore them

B) introduce myself

C) invite them to lunch with my friends

8. When my friends get in trouble at school I_________.

A) also get in trouble

B) pretend like nothing happened

C) Determine if the friendship is worth it

Are cliques positive or negative forces in a school community?

How can it be powerful to make friends outside of your clique?
What is your definition of an outsider?
Have you ever felt like an Outsider?

The Outsiders Chapter 1 Text-Dependent Questions

Directions: use Chapter 1 to answer the multiple choice and short answer questions. Your answers
should be full sentences and include textual evidence when asked!

Who is the narrator of The Outsiders?

Two Bit

How are the greasers and the socs different? Explain in 3-4 sentences.





What is one example of INDIRECT Characterization of Ponyboy (When the author Shows us
what the character is like)






What were Greasers known for? What was their reputation? Explain in 3-4 sentences. Use at
least 1 direct quote from the chapter (and explain using a Quote Sandwich!)








1960s Life
Directions: Write down what you learned about each topic using bullet points. The better notes you take,
the easier time you will have with the next part of the assignment.

Movies and TV



Important events

List at least five other things you learned about the 1960s today:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

The Outsiders: Privilege

Reflect on the exercise and discuss what it felt like to be a SOC or a GREASER.
Could you see how privileged the front of the class was and how this was unfair?
What about when there was a rule change? How did this balance the playing field?
Given our lesson yesterday about the 1960s how would the SOCs and GREASERS be similar or
different today?
(Hint: How would these rival gangs be shown in the media? How would the criminal justice
system/police respond to them? Would these gangs even exist/interact with each other?)

Extra Credit: Draw a picture that illustrates the Outsiders in the 1960s vs. Present Day


In every story we start with the basic situation, where we find out about characters and what they want.
Then we are introduced to the conflict. A conflict is the struggle between opposing characters or forces,
but it does not always mean a fight!!
Conflicts can include a character hating another character, a character trying to escape a shark, a character
bent on changing an unjust society, or a character thinking about his guilt in a crime.
What are the different types of conflict? *Hint use the above examples!
Character vs. ______________________
Character vs. ______________________
Character vs. ______________________
Character vs. ______________________
Think of three different conflicts from novels, movies or TV shows you know, and list them
Spiderman vs. the Green Goblin (character vs. character)
Spiderman vs. his desire for revenge (character vs. self)
Your Examples:
________________ vs. ______________ Type:_________________________________________
________________ vs. ______________ Type:_________________________________________
________________ vs. ______________ Type:_________________________________________
In the following conflicts, label the type of conflict
(C = Character vs. Character, N = Character vs. Nature, S = Character vs.
Society, and H = Character vs. Herself/Himself)
_____ Red Riding Hood vs. the big, bad wolf
_____ People vs. the lood
_____ Cinderella vs. her stepsisters
_____ Spongebob vs. the small but evil Plankton
_____ Martin Luther King Jr. vs. 1960s common beliefs about race
_____ Marlin the clownish vs. his own fear of the big ocean
_____ Xmen vs. evil Magneto

Resolving a Conflict
The Greasers and the Socs may have been able to live more harmoniously if they knew and applied some simple
techniques of conflict management. Instead of beating a face with a ringcovered hand, threatening an opponent with a
broken bottle, or throwing a soda in someones face, the angry ones might have resolved their problems peacefully.
Work in small groups to resolve these conflicts that occurred in The Outsiders by using one ore more of the
management techniques suggested below. Dramatize at least one of your groups ideas for peaceful resolution for
the class. Make sure to practice the techniques below!
1. Darry is angry with his brother Ponyboy because he is two hours late. Darry is tempted to hit him
for the irst time.
2. Johnny and Ponyboy are minding their own business late at night in the park. A group of drunken
Socs comes after them.
3. Dally makes Cherry mad. When he offers her a soda, she is tempted to throw it in his face
Resolution Techniques

1. SAY YOU ARE SORRY. Sometimes these words are the only thing the other person needs. They
need to know that you are genuinely sorry and regretful for your actions. Soemtimes an explanation
of why you are sorry will help, too.

2. COUNT TO 10 (OR 15 OR 20!) This give you time to cool down a bit and a chance to think before
you act. Think about ht edifferent choices you have in the situation. Think about hte consequence of
hte different actions you could take. Decide which choice of action is the best for you.

3. TAKE TURNS TELLING EACH SIDE OF THE PROBLEM. Let the other person go irst. Let
the person inish all he or she has to say, and truly do your best to empathize with their point of view.
When sharing your point of view, make sure you are emphasizing a sense of respect for each other.
Truly resolution stems from empathy and respect.

4. WALK AWAY. Sometimes the only choice you have is to walk away. This is hard to do, but
taking the high road to avoid a confrontational situation is alaways better than a physical

5. USE A RESPECTED MEDIATOR. Allowing a person that you both respect to help solve the
problem is a great way to mediate and solve a problem. It shows that you are both committed to
listening to each other and willing to work to ix the problem.

Throughout our lives, we are faced with choices. Sometimes the choices we make are the right
ones, and we experience success. At other times, the choices we make may be ones that do not
give us postiive experiences, and we learn from the mistakes we have made.
From time to time, we are faced with choices that are not desirable. These are called dillemas. We
have to make a decision based on our best judgement knowing that the outcome may not be pleasant.
It is one thing to be faced with a choice between vanilla or chocolate ice cream. It is quite another to be
faced with a choice between standing up to a bully or running to hide.
The characters in The Outsiders faced many dillemas. Few choices were clear-cut and easy for them
to make. Their lives would have been quite simple if their only choices involved flavors of ice cream!
For this activity, work with a partner. First use the 4 dilemmas below, and then add some more of your
own. Read the situation, reflect on the outcomes, formulate your choice, and explain your choice to
your partner. Your partner may then ask you questions so he or she can more clearly understand the
choice you have made. Please make sure your cards reflect your own personal experiences and
are also school appropriate!
A teenager with a knife approaches you
and demands you give him or her your
Should you:

Scream Loudly?
Try to race away?
Stand up to him or her and say no?
Other? Explain...

The group you hang around with has

been teasing a boy at school. The boy is
hurting. Your group expects you to go
along with teasing or you will be kicked
out of the group.
Should you:
1. Tease the boy to stay in the group?
2. Refuse to tease adn be kicked out?
3. Tease, and later tell the boy youre
4. Other? Explain

Your mother and father trust you not to have

friends over while they are out. A very attractive
person has asked to come over.
Should you:
1. Say yes?
2. Ask the person to come when your parents
3. Ask your parents to make an exception?
4. Other? Explain...
Your best friend committed a shoplifting crime.
You are the only person who knows.
Should you:
1. Encourage your friend to turn himself in?
2. Remain silent?
3. Make arrangements with the store manager
to pay back the store to get your friend off
the hook?
4. Other? Explain...

The Outsiders Chapter 2 Text-Dependent Questions

Directions: use Chapter 2 and the passage below to answer the multiple choice and short
answer questions. Your answers should be full sentences and include textual evidence
when asked!
Johnny grinned. How come yall aint scared of us like you were Dally?
Cherry sighed. You two are too sweet to scare anyone. First of all, you didnt join in
Dallass dirty talk, and you made him leave us alone. And when we asked you to sit up here
with us, you didnt act like it was an invitation to make out for the night. Besides that, Ive
heard about Dallas Winston, and he looked as hard as nails and twice as tough. And you two
dont look mean.
Sure, I said tiredly, were young and innocent.
No, Cherry said slowly, looking at me carefully, not innocent. Youve seen too
much to be innocent. Just notdirty
Multiple Choice
1. Why was Ponyboy embarrassed that Dally was hitting on the two girls at the theatre?
Because they were not attractive
Because they were not greasers
Because they were too nice
Because they were foreign
2. Why is Sherri Valance nick-named Cherry?
Because she loves cherries
Because she is a very sweet girl

Because she has cherry-red cheeks

Because she has red hair

3. Read this passage. She gave him an incredulous look; and then she threw her Coke in his
face. What does the word incredulous most likely mean in this passage?
4. What type of figurative language is he looked as hard as nails?
5. What did Cherry and Marcias boyfriends do to make the girls want to go to the movie
drive-in by themselves?
They flirted with other girls
They were on the run from police
They suggested getting drunk
They broke up with the girls

Constructed Response
1. Reread the passage. What are the three main reasons that Cherry and Marcia were not scared of Ponyboy
and Johnny? Use a Quote Sandwich to explain.

2. Cherry claims that Socs have problems too, just different ones than Greasers do. Make a guess, or
predict, what some of these unique challenges might be. (Hint: Why should you care that Socs have
problems? What does it say about us as a society that even the MOST privileged people have

The Outsiders Chapter 3 Text-Dependent Questions

Directions: use Chapter 3 and the passage below to answer the multiple choice and short
answer questions. Your answers should be full sentences and include textual evidence
when asked!
My face got hot as I bit my lip. Darrywhat was Darry like? Hes I started to say he was a good
ol guy but I couldnt. I burst out bitterly: Hes not like Sodapop at all and he sure aint like me.
Hes hard as a rock and about as human. Hes got eyes exactly like frozen ice. He thinks Im a pain
in the neck. He likes Soda everybody likes Soda but he cant stand me. I bet he wishes he could
stick me in a home somewhere, and hed do it, too, if Sodad let him. Two-Bit and Johnny were
staring at me now. No Two-Bit said dumbfounded. No, Ponyboy, that aint rightyou got it
wrong Gee, Johnny said softly, I thought you and Darry and Soda got along real well
1. Read the following sentence: Two-Bit gallantly offered to walk them homebut they wanted to
call their parents. What does gallantly most likely mean?
(A) Quickly
(B) Politely
(C) Slyly
(D) Secretly
2. What is, according to Cherry, the biggest difference between Socs and Greasers?
(A) Socs have more money
(B) Socs are almost all whites
(C) Socs dont express feelings much
(D) Socs commit worse crimes
3. Read the passage. What type of figurative language does Ponyboy mostly use in his rant?
(A) Oxymoron
(B) Onomatopoeia
(C) Metaphor
(D) Simile
4. Compared to Johnnys home, mine was heaven. The underlined section is a(n):
(A) Oxymoron
(B) Onomatopoeia
(C) Metaphor
(D) Simile
5. What did Ponyboy spot about the handsome, dark haired Soc?
(A) He had tattoos
(B) He was drunk
(C) He was wearing many rings
(D) He had piercings

6. Read the passage. Which word is a synonym for dumbfounded as it is used in the text?
(A) Indifferent
(B) Flabbergasted
(C) Pensive
(D) Flustered
Constructed Response
1. Why is it likely that Cherry and Marcias boyfriends were the ones who beat up Johnny all that
time ago? What is said in the book that led you to this conclusion?
2. What are some reasons that Ponyboy says the Greaser life is harder than the Soc life? Use a Quote
Sandwich to explain your answer.

Outsiders Vocab I
Asset () noun A useful or valuable thing, person, or quality
Incredulous () adjective unwilling or unable to believe something
Innocent () adjective honest, free from evil; not corrupted
Dumbfounded () adjective amazed or surprised
Gallant () adjective brave and heroic; like a hero

Contemptuous () adjective - showing hate or annoyance; believing something is below you or

deserves anger

Defy () verb to resist or refuse to obey; to challenge someone or something
Implore () verb to beg someone desperately

Horizon () noun the line at which the earths surface and the sky appears to
meet Sentence:___________________________________________________
Savage () adjective fierce, violent, uncontrolled, uncivilized

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