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Many areas in the United States have the type of mosquitoes that can spread Zika virus.
Virusul Zika, transmis de la nari, a fost asociat cu daunele cerebrale la mii de copii n Brazilia.
The best way to prevent Zika is to prevent mosquito bites.
Virusul este posibil s se mprtie n toate rile din America n afar de Canada i Chile, avertizeaz Organizaia
Mondial a Sntii.
During the first week of infection, Zika virus can be found in a persons blood and can pass from an infected
person to a mosquito through mosquito bites.
Nu exista medicamente sau vaccin care sa protejeze impotriva infectiei Zika.
Protect Yourself from Bites Day and Night Mosquitoes that spread Zika virus bite during the day and night.
Zika este "suspectul numarul unu" pentru explozia de cazuri de microcefalie in Brazilia - peste 4.000 de la
inceputul anului.
Zika virus can pass from a pregnant woman to her fetus. Zika is linked to microcephaly, a severe birth defect that
signals a problem with brain development.
If you are pregnant and living in an area with Zika, you should talk to your doctor or other healthcare provider
about Zika, even if you dont feel sick.
Comisia Europeana (CE) este informata in legatura cu depistarea unor persoane infectate cu acest virus in Franta,
Marea Britanie, Danemarca, Italia, Portugalia si Spania
If you have symptoms of Zika, you should be tested within 7 days of when your symptoms began. The most
common symptoms of Zika virus are fever, rash, joint pain, and red eyes.

Text for CI (refer to the audio file)

Zika Could Affect Adult Brains, Says New Study
New research suggests the Zika virus may damage some cells in adult brains.
Until now, scientists mainly worried about Zikas effects on the brains of babies whose mothers were infected with the
virus during pregnancy.
The Rockefeller University and La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology (Institutul de Alergie si Imunologie La
Jolla) carried out the new research. The findings were published last week in the Cell Stem Cell journal.
The research suggests the Zika virus could infect some kinds of adult cells. These cells are considered important to
learning and memory.
This is the first study looking at the effect of Zika infection on the adult brain, says Joseph Gleeson. He is a professor at
Rockefeller University and head of the Laboratory of Pediatric Brain Disease (Laboratorul de pediatrie). Gleeson says,
Based on our findings, getting infected with Zika as an adult may not be as innocuous (inofensiv) as people think.
By innocuous, Gleeson means not seeming to have a harmful effect.
In their study, the researchers examined cells in mice.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Centre de Prevenire si Control al Bolilor), or CDC, the
Zika virus is spread mostly by a bite from an infected mosquito.
Zika can be passed from a pregnant woman to her fetus, the CDC said. It said infection during pregnancy can cause
certain birth defects /di.fekt/ (malformatii congenitale).
Gleeson, the Rockefeller University professor, says most adults /dlts/ seem able to overcome the harmful effects
(efecte nocive) of Zika. But, he said people with compromised immune systems could face problems.
An immune system protects a person from disease and infection.
The major worry, Gleeson says, is that Zika could affect long-term memory in some adults. However, he adds that a lot
more research is needed.
Sujan Shresta is a professor at the La Jolla Institute of Allergy and Immunology.
She notes that most adults infected with Zika do not show any health problems.
Shresta said the effects on adult brain cells (celule cerebrale) may not be as clear as the effects on babies infected with the
Zika virus.
Shresta said, thanks to the new research, health officials (Oficiali din domeniul sntii) now know what to look for.
Im Bruce Alpert.
Words in This Story
birth defects n. a disability or medical problem that a baby is born with
compromised adj. damaged or weakened

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