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Lecture 11

BCH 369: Worksheet 6

Due: Mar 4, 2016

Question 6
The selectivity filter in the bacterial chloride channel ClC is formed in part by the hydroxyl groups of Ser
and Tyr side chains and main-chain NH groups. Explain how these groups would allow Cl but not cations to
pass through.
Hydroxyl and amide groups donate protons and balance out the negative charge of the chloride. Cations,
however cant interact with the protein.

Question 7
A plot of the glucose transport rate versus glucose concentration for the passive glucose transporter of red
blood cells is shown here.

Explain why the plot yields a hyperbolic curve.
Transport protein binds to glucose and doesnt increase linearly with glucose.

Lecture 12
Question 1
Ouabain, an extract of the East African ouabio tree, has been used as an arrow poison. Ouabain binds to an
extracellular site on the Na,K-ATPase and prevents the hydrolysis of the high-energy phosphorylated
intermediate. Why is ouabain a lethal poison?

Ouabain causes cellular [Na] to increase causing cell to rupture.


BCH 369: Worksheet 6

Due: Mar 4, 2016


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