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Beouemic Development Dupes ef wind Power Notes. ES-! Q Sevrce of short-term employment. dering Constructitn and long-term eup ley ren torivg opevatim~ db mach terauce » How big of w Bleiccipteo, ee) eet ge ee eveutvally gos fer (MWs) 2 @ Excellent Summary ef how a local econerny operates . Hows has owe Prprlation Changed from 1990 to 2000? How dees cur eurply mend break down rato caegwies? 1@. % PF jobs in farm and agricultwe/ sev Vices Sector, Sevvices, poveramet, efc.? Whol 73 ey Unewp lnymenk pale? Week 13 ow per capita Meee tompaned the she Wetvage? What peventase of ew residents five Lelow pwer, leve|? (3) Lake Bousfon T sass B jobs. +799 oo rn pevsemnal mmeame dupmy comstyre tre, ark 3) bs al 7979 5. Lake Center, added 621,000 In property tages Pn eof hand omers have receie dt 5a), (25 total Net Cr —————C———C— pevrneanent Casmewt purthase ¢. Vausycle Rihge saw 4 jobs "105,000 pevsomal Tecome durin, conshvetion, Ard 6 jobs,*/03 000 pertemral Preewe LYN OFM, : ° 213, oe in Prepevte fares added Mn tes 764, 300 total ennel net (alert) Peveuve to landouners Delaware wtn, (in Tas) Sau 2b jobs /3%, 000 persone intense Wr, Crshrehs.. I jobs af Sather porsrn( more alhel dey of wr. Taxes part te loce( got weve ove’ BT 7600 memo F500 park ty landeumevs jn reye(Ares . Conclisimnrs on Core mie mye of Wy a pewer Abveloymenft * Le modest medtrele Source of? Now ecoremce selivity avo mw family weee Jobs. 2. basing bf Ard has FoporterdS Cooromee xX as lug 25 it gees fo @ local residents onlaedds te local hese helf Memes: Costof Srgme omportuattes smell Cmpardl fo rebenvos ob farmed. S. Property tarces eithey eosedl Pre buvelen thiagh vedisfpibutim, or was Peufon Mn prothy seviiies + +nbasheatne 2 $A ARLES IMS ah pened pean A 7710 oy am ped wanes pum ph vy Iw a FL APILMAS rmmewsI2 a ante ~~ aq may YL G) MON poy teroy pow borussng sans roped aor saat 2x0" sapmrnr ya ryen! ater wih WIT 780%} Yo ssouisoq 7399) 2v1 sgiC ara 2h007 94 sal mau Mayer a POHL ore 20 @® Dk pre develapnancl is Weer Teportant t Hre economics ef counlres Tn declrne - @ The new jobs CreaLef by wind poner Aevelofinen* Lan herve an adlitione rirple effech melt ply, the MA increase pies by Ht rend by roncl pend; cf The Meonn Kone Khe new fobs. (B. Tt bas heen said Hat Wd por cor be wn UDewed. 45 anew cosh woe" Cy revel aveas where fvortle sites ma, ke located. G.. 80% of labor for Constrectron 13 dmprrted 20% is lece( (BP High peporbo. 06 OF M peeks ere Labor and MOM mend mputs . The mone turbires ncfelleel HRA more ot m jobs. pelmeneutt, locaXdl Ta loca ( eree. Angers “Why shovld we be rtereshked wird powed development?" ~ fanihy wage pees (oppertunites Pre yous people te remain tm Commu nite) — CX fend tng meat kets Sov exit, busresses. new cents (dividends fo land wners, ob Aenease property tax base. Comvilsehion wt Dirty Living on Wasafel Wine W2Y fob Time line = yt [eet trwe fia tweet case. tru up bz Duly . Wore than due yeav pevy'ok — thyld ene pret, Charly akler | peg especially,

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