USDA Grant Information

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Po bsneten 1904. Page United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development ‘302 Eaet 1850 South Provo, Utah 84606, ‘Areal REBED May 15, 2006 ‘Mr. Greg Martin City of Monticello P.O. Box 457 Monticello, Utah 84535 Dear Mr. Martin: This is to inform you that the Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG) in the amount of $66,500 has been approved and has an obligation date of May 9, 2006. A copy of FmHA Form 1940-1, “Request for Obligation of Funds is included. If you have any questions feel free to call me at 801-377-5580 ext. 22 or email at jason Sincerely, fso Juans JASON JUSTESEN Area Specialist Enclosure 232 East 1860 South, Prove, UT 64806, (601 377-8580, Fax (60) 388-1287 Commies ote fre ofl communes “USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.” To file a complaint of discrimination write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). ] City of ‘Monticella 17 North 100 East + P.O. 80x 457 + Monticello, Utah 84535 » Phone (435) 587-2271 » Fox (495) 887-2272 FAX ** FAX ** FAX ** FAX ™* FAX ** FAX To: Christi We Mckel Fax Number _B91—~ %42-/675 From: eq Mortin Date: o5/15/0Ce= esse ee ee Subject: Monti Nello Wind fropesaf Pages: Notes: Defoe Dory of kepses’ Soe bhyorhon ' 0f funds. May 1700 10:20 Jeff Mikel! s01-042.1075 pa Wasatch Wind FAX: (801) 942.1675 CELL: (801) 455-1045, TELECOPY COVERSHEET To: Bruce Adams FROM: Christine Watson Mikell DATE: May 17, 2006 FAX NO: 435-587-9107 YOU SHOULD BE RECEIVING : TOTAL PAGES OF INT INCLUDING THIS COVERSHEET. IF YOU HAVE IOBLEMS, PLEASE CALL (f 1) 455-1045. wrortant: F Nome Tent any DRSEMMNATION saOnirg me ee Teer eae Sreenty pnotetTED, YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMMNICATION Ni EEVIOR, PLEASE MOTT Uo WCRI S Oe TNS [RETURN THE ORIGBAL NESSASE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADORESG VIA THE UNTED SUPER RAG. Sauer NS spa Form RD 1940-4 REQUEST FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS (Rev. 015 INSTRUCTIONS:TYPE IN GAPITALIZED ELITE TYPE IN SPAGES MARKED (_) Complete tems 4 through 29 and applicable ems 30 through 34. See FM. 1 CASE MOMBER LOAN NUNGER TSCALVERR ST CO BORROWER ID 52-019-876000250 00 BORROWER NAWE S NUMBER WANE FELDS IMowrrcetxo erry 3] .nerspomtny STATE NAME so ox 457 vrai 5. COUNTY NAME Porrrcsnto, ur 64535 SAN JUAN GENERAL HORROWERILOAN NFORUATION c RACEETINS THPEOR teenie | & COLLATERAL CODE | ® EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION Roruicant tacoma, | ° Chucerne s momen a | RELATIONSHP CODE i FEE, Sree [Es BS fecal 5 SEXCOOE TRE cage, | MANTALSTAUS, 7, VETERANCODE —_]13.CREDIT REPORT cima. ERRNO | | ie memes | [SF ue 14 DIRECT PAYMENT [10 TYPE OF PAYMENT | 16. FEE WSPECTION onne sama reese” | ys l L 7, COMMUNITY Se 75. EOF FONDS CODE SORE" SL” can COMPLETE FOR OBLIGATION OF FOROS TTREOF Wa PURPOSE CODE 7. SOURCE OF FUNDS [EZ TPE OF ACTION ASSISTANCE eee, oer | en of af Soemononer tea 13. TYPE OF SUBMISSION 24 ANGUNTOFLORN 5 ANGUNT OF GRANT peer $36,500.00 26, ANOUNT OF WMEDIATE Br ORTEGr TEWTEREST RATE [20 REPAVRENT TERS ipvance APPROVAL Mo DAY YR om fo COMPLETE FOR COMMUNITY PROGRAM AND CERTAN MULTIPLE FAMILY HOUSING LOANS. 0 PRORT TYPE ee a ‘COMPLETE FOR EM LOANS ORLY ‘COMPLETE FOR CREDIT SALE-ASSUMPTION 5. DISASTER DESIGNATION NUMBER TETPEOFSALE FINANGE OFFICE USE ONLY ‘COMPLETE FOR FP LOANS ONLY [5s OBLIGATION DATE MO OA YR 3a, BEGINNING FARMERIRANCHER | csoorne (Fie acon coil abe i om an dil atin cr cancelation USDA snc, Yu may appeal is ion nd ave when 7 01 ma rep ORIGINAL - Borrower's Case Folder cong eestor ne av ceo ir pupore "oy ng (COPY 1-Finance Office COPY 2 ApplicantLender WAY ~ COPY - State Office 04/26/2006 12:54 4956872272 CITY OF MONTICELLO Page a3 CERTIFICATION APPROVAL For All Farmers Prograrns EM, OL, FO, and'SW Joans 38, 36, Date, ‘This loan is approved subject to the availability of funds. If this lonn does not clase for any reason within 90 days from the ate of approval on this document, tre approval official will request updoted eligibility information, The undereighed loan applicant agrees thatthe approval official will have 14 wotking days to review eny updated information prior to submiting. this document for obiigetion of funds. If there have been significant changes that mey affect aligibiity, a decision 2s 0 eligibility and feasibility will be made within 30 days from the time the applicant provides the necessary information, Ie this is Jomn approval for which & lien nnd/or title search is necessary, the undersigned applicant agrees thatthe 1S-working-day loan closing requirement may be exceeded for tho purpases of the applicants lagl representative completing ttle work and completing loan cling. COMMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS OF CERTIFYING OFFICIAL See Attached Letter of Conditions dated Maxch 23,2006 TATEREBY CERTIFY that Ir untble to obtain sufficient exci elsewhere to finanoo say actual nende at reasonable reas sn terms, tang into consideration prevailing privet and cooperative tos ond terms i or uoar my comunity for Yeats for sinar purposos and periods of time. I apes to use the sus speciied herein, subject to and in accordance with regulations applicable to the typeof assistance Indicated sbove, and request payment of such sum. T gree 0 repart1o USDA uy material adveree changes, financial or otherwias, tbat occu prior to loan closing. I certify that ne pare of te sup specified herein has been received. have reviewed the loan approval requicements and comments associated with this loan request and agree to comply with these provisions, (For FP Jou atelgibi terms only) If this loan ie approved, elet the Interest rate toh charged on my Joan to be th lower of de Interest rte efit atthe time of lun approval or lean closing. F7 check NO”, the inferst rata charged en xy oan willbe the rte specie in Tem 28 ofthis form ES NO WARNING: Whoever, in any mattor within the jurisdietlon of any department of agency af the Unite! States knowingly and wilfully falsifee, conceals or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a miater/al fact, or makes any false, fictitious ar fraudulent statements or representations, or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious ar fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined under this ita or imprisoned not moro than five years, or both.” Dawe. a” uc sonovt, = /~ DE sine Aether Poogeten 1D, 3 00% FL _ 26 hye Kl, 20 (Signore of Applicant) (Gienauire of C-applicant) ) HEREBY CERTIFY that all of the commits and administrative dotermieations and certifications required by regulations protequlsie to providing assistance ofthe type indicated nbowe have boon made and that evidence thoreof i in tbe docket, nd {hat all requirements of pertinent regultions have bcon complied with, Thereby approve the above-described eststance Jn the amount eet forth above, and by this document, subject othe availabilty of funds, the Goveromsentagraes to advance such mount othe spplicant forthe purpose of end subject tothe avallablty prescribed by regulatems applicable to ths type of aselstance ignore Approving Oficla) Toe APPLICANT: As oftis date I= 7-06 LA). wite nt tha yous spicaton fr Gracia sesieenoo fiom ths USDA. bas been approved, as indicated above, subject to the availability of finds and ather conditions roquircd by the USDA. tf you have any guostions contact the apprapriate USDA Servicing Office. In o1s aH vasa 9oFPPZSTOS X¥I GE:ST 900z/F0/¢0 ATTACHMENT 1, 1940-1 “The Grantee understands the requirements for receipt of funds under the Rural Business Enterprise grant grogram. The grantee assures and certifies that it is in compliance with all applicable Jaws, regulations, Executive Orders and other generally applicable requirements, including those set out in Part 1942, Subpart G, Attachment 1, “General Requirements for Administration of Rural Business Enterprise and Television Demonstration Grants,’ 7 CFR, Parts 3015, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, and 3052 including revisions through 57/1 /oé (date of grant approval) and the Letter of Conditions. 2008) An o1s @& vasa BOPPFZSTOS X¥E GF:TT 900Z/T0/E0 Greg Martin, From: Phil Powlick [] Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 5:08 PM Te Greg Martin Subject: RE: Tower costs Greg: I talked with Christine yesterday. She says they are working on a detailed proposal for you and that she will share that with our office too. We want to help to make sure that Wasatch provides a good deal both to Monticello and for the state. She indicated that they will be doing some computer modeling and forecasting to determine best spots for the tower locations - that's a chunk of the added cost. She also says they will do a meteorological report with the data at the end and that they will only ask that the data be confidential for the year that they are collecting it - ie. you or we can release one year after towers go up. By then, she says, Wasatch will know whether or not they want to develop in Monticello and won't need to hold the data close. So maybe the deal they're offering won't be bad, but you can judge that when the time comes. "Close" for the purpose of cost savings on tower erection means that they don't have to drive more than a few miles from the previous location. The contractors have to pay their guys wages whether they are driving or putting up a tower, so if they put up three towers without having to drive much, they save a lot on their costs. Phil Philip Powlick State Energy Program Manager Utah Geological Survey 801-537-3365 >>> “Greg Martin" 5/1/2006 4:57 PM >>> How close is "close together"? We really haven't received a revised cost estimate with a breakdown on cost components. You may be talking about Wes Perrin from Colorado. We didn't hire him but he has been interested in what we are doing. original Message- From: Phil Powlick [ Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 12:50 PM To: Subject: Tower costs Greg: A complete $0 meter tower package from NRG systems (where we got our towers) runs 98,595 per tower. I talked with our contractor for doing tower erecting and he is working up an estimate for doing 3 towers for you. He did indicate that the $7,000 per tower that I mentioned was when doing towers at different locations - price comes down if you have several towers close together. This info suggests a big price savings overall for your towers. One thing that Wasatch may be including is the cost of hiring a consultant to site the towers, but even with that, you all may be able to do this for less or go back to having a fourth tower. I'll let you know what erection and decommissioning costs are estimated at and we can go from there. I seem to recall talking with a consultant who was looking at Monticello earlier this year. Was he working for you guys? Phil Philip Powlick ‘state Energy Program Manager Utah Geological Survey 801-537-3365 ettical “ECHNOLOGIES sical Technologies, LIC v 3543 Resort Road v Sreenbank, WA 98253 v Office:360-222-3129 v Faxc 360-639-1800 v ‘icaTechnologiesLLCcom v May 3, 2006 Philip Powlick ‘Utah Energy Salt Lake City, UT VIAE-MAIL: philippowlick@utah gov RE: Estimate to Install (3) 50m towers in Monticello Phillip: ‘Thank you for requesting an estimate for this work. We are excited to have the opportunity to ‘work with Utah Energy again. ‘The price estimate forthe installation of three NRG 50m towers ‘with instrumentation is as follows. Labor, Equipment & Materials $ 44,158.00 ‘This price is based on the following Terms & Conditions ‘© Price DOES NOT INCLUDE State and Local taxes, which will be added to invoice if applicable. ‘© Price assumes installation of three towers. Individual sets will require additional costs. ‘© Price assumes tower packages will be purchased from NRG direct by the City of ‘Monticello. ‘The tower package, including instruments, booms, loggers, grounding and shipping is $25,337.50. A 10% fee will be charged on the tower order if made by Vertical Technologies. All permits, easements and agreements by others. Anchors, rock drill or backhoe (as required), and standard installation materials included. Any additional materials will be billed at cost pus 10%. While we have never experienced an anchor failure, anchors are not guarantoed without soils engineering © Price assumes 4vvd pickup access to all sites. ATV access will require additional costs ‘© This price estimate is provided without any site location information. Site locations ‘may affect pricing, Please let me know if these prices are acoeptable and we can discuss a schedule for the work. 1 ccan be reached at 360-222-3129 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Cunts Siess ce Utah Energy Bid File WASATCH WIND ‘Tracy Livingston, Managing Partner — Wasatch Wind, LLC Mr. Livingston offers a wealth of experience and contacts in the investment community through his affiliations and memberships in various venture capital organizations including a member of Utah Angels and many years of management involvement, board level positions, and direct capital investment in nearly two dozen Utah businesses. He is experienced in structuring companies for maximum value, capital raising, and exit success. He has been involved in wind energy investments and related technology plays for 6 years and has received backing by the United States Department of Energy to develop the next generation of wind turbine towers expected to be the tallest turbines ever built. Mr. Livingston became involved in wind energy through his position as CTO of Isotruss Structures currently developing the next class of lightweight, wind monitoring towers. Mr. Livingston is also manager of Windtower Composites, LLC government funded to develop innovative, taller, lightweight composite towers for megawatt class wind turbines. He is using his structural, manufacturing, composite and business skills to grow the company to be a major contributor to the next generation of wind turbines. Mr. Livingston is also manager of Wasatch Wind, LLC, a wind energy development company currently sourcing wind sites for wind farm development. He is well versed in energy plays, renewable and alternative power systems, power plants, distributed energy, and utility deregulation and trends. Mr. Livingston has also founded and sold several Utah technology companies. As principal owner of Specialty Instruments Corp. a medical device manufacturing enterprise, he successfully built and sold this company in a matter of 3 years. As founder and principal shareholder of JTech Medical, a computer software and manufacturing business, Mr. Livingston built the company to a 28% net profit, $8 million operation in a short 6 years. Mr. Livingston’s other technology skills include ten years of engineering design work ai the aerospace firms of Pratt Whitney Aircraft, Hercules Aerospace, and Evans and Sutherland. (5 of those years include composite design.) Mr. Livingston also brings 18 years expertise in manufacturing and quality assurance systems implementation, software development, electronic systems product development, as well as FDA medical device and manufacturing quality compliance. He has earned a Bachelor of Science, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Tennessee. Wasatch Wind, LLC # 357 W 910 S, Suite A « Heber City, UT 84032 « 435-657-2550 office # 801-280- Rural Business Enterprise Grant Application Scope of Work a. Need for the grant The city of Monticello is located in southeast Utah and is the county seat of San Juan County. With 7,820 square miles of land area, San Juan County ranks number one as the largest county in Utah, and is one of the most sparsely populated with just 1.8 persons per square mile. San Juan County is also Utah’s poorest county with 31.4% of the population living below the poverty level, in addition to having the lowest per capita personal income ($10,229) and median household income ($28,137) in the state. As a result, the city of Monticello and San Juan County have very few resources available that will stimulate economic growth, Preliminary studies have shown, however, that this area of the state possesses a natural resource that could translate into significant economic development opportunities—wind. If it can be documented that the wind blows hard enough and consistently enough in Monticello and San Juan County, wind power developers may be enticed to construct wind turbines here. Depending on its scale, such an investment would help the local economy by creating both short- term jobs during construction of the facility and long-term jobs from operating and maintaining the facility This grant is needed to fund a “Wind Resource Assessment” project that will provide accurate and reliable wind resource data and eventually lead to a wind power project that will not only add to the supply of electric power in the area, but support some expansion of the local economy through the ripple effect of increases in jobs and income. b. Specific purposes for project funds Project funds will be used to pay for a wind energy feasibility study to document our wind potential through site analysis and wind resource measurement. The city of Monticello will contract with a wind energy development company to select, appropriate sites in or around Monticello on which to erect four 60-meter (approx 200-ft.) towers with anemometers to measure wind speed and sheer. The towers will remain in place until enough data is collected to support the feasibility of eventually constructing a wind farm in San Juan County. ¢. Timeframes or date for use of project funds The timeline for the project is between 12-24 months, depending on the quality of the data collected. Site selection and tower installation will take approximately ‘one week, The wind resource will be measured for at least one year (possibly up to two) to confirm the wind potential. Then the data will be analyzed and we can begin the process of wind farm development. 4. Key personnel and who will administer the project Greg Martin, Assistant City Manager, City of Monticello Add name ot entree Be cece e pe Boy oe OVOANES OSSem NY Hoe dah ality of rural jobs created or saved, primar ectors of the local econom me For example, a 30 MW with asimilarly | (0 5 naw ; ox 3 62 winks : declining population and economy, supported a total of about 26 jobs during the. Qx- * Comemnid beafhGts Venting Come w vol impact other areas o: beard Store | landowner Tevenue, Gos stabs 2 Availability and amount of other project funds No other funds are available for this Project. of hurdoreth‘addition to new jobs created, a wind development project can significantly Fi fl h. Discussion of budget items (including salaries, fringe benefits, indirect costs, fees, ete.) Major budget items include the following: Equipment: Four towers with anemometers @ $12,000 each Labor: Installation of four towers @ $4,000 each Land Contracts: $500 per year per tower for two years Total Project Cost: Sele 94K. wash. ead hie Middle of Fag we U/ freroee € 48,000 16,000 4,000 68,000 Fondling is te cceseS/ San Juan County - Wind Power Meeting February 19, 2004, 7:00 pm County Courthouse, Monticello, Utah ~ Agenda * Introduction and Wind Basics - Christine Watson, Wind Program Manager, State of Utah Energy Office ‘* Rural Economic Development Benefits of Wind Power - Bruce Adams, Chairman San Juan Public Land Council and Chairman Monticello City Economic Development Committee and Sarah Wright, Director, Utah Clean Energy Alliance * Policy Update (includes information on Farm Bill Grant Money), Sarah Wright This is an open forum, please feel free to ask questions! For more information on wind power visi Utah Energy Office wind site: DOE Wind Powering America http://www.eere.eneray.aoviwindpoweringamerical ‘American Wind Energy Association USDA Farm Bil info: towne. curdev.usda govibe/farmbil/resoure him Today's workshop was made possible by grant money from the Utah Energy Office and U.S. Department of Energy Wind Powering America Program in partnership with the Utah Clean Energy Alliance and the San Juan County Public Land Council Contact Information Christine Watson Sarah Wright Bruce Adams State of Utah Energy Office Utah Clean Energy Alliance PO Box 748 1594 West North Temple 917 2™ Ave. Monticello, UT 84535 PO Box 148480 Salt Lake City, UT 84103 (435) 587-2820 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6480 (801) 673-7156 (801) 538-4792 ‘ | www.utahgreenpower. org @ Ka scien ENERGY ALLIANCE The Utah Clean Energy Alliance is committed to a sustainable energy future through the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency technologies. Through advocacy, education, and uniting diverse constituencies, we promote energy use that is balanced, more efficient, economically sound, and environmentally beneficial. To: Div. 6f Corporations Fac: 801-530- £732 _ b/iq/os From: Greg Martin City of Monticello Phone: 495- $87- 2271 Re: TL wovld like fe reguest a convent Certificate lL bod Standing (or equivalent Certificate of Exist ence) From the stote of Utoh for the City sf monticell ,Utwh. Please send possible, Bill ro? AS Son &S Ziens Bank Credit Card Visa 364769 0010 3280 4¥8b Exp. 23/ob City of Monticello cc Trent schater Richeser, Bruce Rrebsazy has Grant propesa( QQ Ane meron ober ne Cell (© ’) LYVY FYE 2, wilevle isthe any gatocmation ove vecd to pre vide fhorn. ~ tel! Prom what weve alread, pecieved. prvlel free ingeemotion /repoct on Safari Q mill site 6) Veqa. (+8 fale of chley dene smacth) Brose lav pe pelace denping ote dry Al North ™m cidge South ow dodge poise past vevdure « ‘Proposal for site selection for the City of Monticello, OT 31 March, 2006 Mr. Greg Martin Assistant City Manager P.O. Box 457 Monticello, UT 84535, Scope of work: Consultant agrees to work from a list of sites selected by the client for assessment for placement of meteorological towers for the measurement and qualification of the wind regime within the ‘Monticello, Utah region. Said assessment will consider sites for placement of meteorological towers forthe purpose of measuring and analyzing the available wind resource on cach site using the following characteristics: ‘Topography. Physical obstructions to wind. Proximity to electric grid and interconnection requirements for each site Proximity to roadways sufficient for the support of construction of a wind farm. Initial archaeological impact review. Initial environmental review. Initial review of restrictions from regulation, Distance from residential buildings. Existing land use. Potential end purchaser of power developed ‘Existing and intended future use of neighboring lands. Amount of land available at each site. Degree of suppor fom nearby land owners. Impacts to listed endangered or threatened species and habitats. Proximity to navigable waterways and weilands, [Impacts from Government held lands. Consideration for the installation and erection requirements for the projected meteorological equipment tobe utilized. ‘The completed report will be delivered to the Assistant City Manager of the City of Monticello and will be the property ofthe City of Monticello, Stated amount will cover all expenses and work completed for this assessment. The above listed work will ‘be completed at the rate of $40 per hour plus expenses. The total amount billed for the project shall not exceed $2,000. Signed: Signed: City of Monticello 17 North 100 East + P.O. Box 457 + Monticello, Utah 84535 +» Phone (435) 587-2271 + Fax (435) 587-2272 FAX ** FAX ** FAX ** FAX ** FAX ** FAX To: jas 6 Us FaxNumber, _%0/- 3567 {237 From: we etm Date: %s/ob Subject: Form AD ~/048 Pages: 3 Notes: é me. ‘Ap, 08.08 0323p Jalf Mikel! e01-8a2-1675 p2 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Certification Regarding Debarmeat, Ineligibtity Sad Voluntary BicusiSu Lower Ther Covered Pranteetions ‘This certification is required by the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549, Debermemt and Suspension, ? CFR Parc 3017, Section 3017,510, Participants’ responabblities. The regulations were published 23 Part IV of tho Jenuary 30, 1989, Federal Rasister (pages 4722-4733). Copies of the regulmiona may be obtained by contacting the Department of Agricalture agency with which thie transaction originated. (BEFORE COMPLETING CERTIFICATION, READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) (1) The prospective lower ter participant certifies, by subraission of this proposal, Dut neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, propased for debarment, deciared ineligibie, oF voluntarity excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal deparunest or agency. @ Where ihe prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the sustements in this ccerification, such prospective participant shal! attach an explanation to this proposal, Wi i 3 i astainn Name Fratd abet or Proje Nene Ih Buea: r ‘Name() and Tie() Authorized Representative) genet) Pore: AD=1048 (1:92) zd szgezesaoe 8296 295 802 EPGIOL 90 Sz Ir ‘Aug 08.08 0223p aff Mikel, 801-942.1875 3 PRONE RL. Simons mS, PHONE NOL: 1S JOL 2248 Aug, 08 2005 87: 30R8 5. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ad Vovumenry Relana “Lawer Ys Goterea aa, ‘This oeriftcation is required ty the eegulationsicaplementing Executive Order 32549, Dedarment und Seapenin, 767m Pe, Sclea 81 310 Purp raps. Te ef wee poses Pat January 30, 1989, Bader Ratiszar (pages £722-4733). Coples Ofte repulations ray be brad by contacting te Department of Agriultre agency wid which this waasastlon shgaaieg oY (BEFORE COMPLETING CERTIFICATION, READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) Tu prompective lower tier participant confes, by sutmision of this proposal, thar natn © Waetincpae is pronenty debate sapensel opened sea ea a voluntarily exaluded om parcipaion ia this tanatcion by any Federal epucene or sper (2) Where the prospective lower tiet participant ie unable to certify to any of the statemmocts Jo this ‘certification, such prospective participant shall tach an explanation to this proposal mate rs aa i te Director ‘Nases) and Thee) of Autowined Representa) Eo) De Porm AD-1O4E (1/92) City of Monticella 17 North 100 East + P,O.B0x457 + Monticello, Utah 84535 * Phone (435) 587-2271 + Fax (438) 587-2072 FAX ** FAX * FAX ** FAX ** FAX ** FAX To: Christine watzon Mikel| FaxNumber: _fO]-94%2- Jb75 From: 6 req Martin Date: Wizofob Subject: Wind Date Pages: 3 a Notes: Mag be is wry help. Oe Greg Martin From: Christine Watson Mikell [] Sent: ‘Monday, November 13, 2006 9:54 AM Te Greg Martin Subject: RE: Weather Station at the airport We are hoping that the spring and summer averages bring it up a bit. A lot depends on whether the winds blow in the afternoon evening. From my knowledge of the area, it appears that the winds typically blow in the day and are strongest in the spring and summer, but we need to confirm with previous data. HL xes, m/s is the units, Jm/s would be great, I think we could get away with 6.5 m/ depends on the state incentives...Depending on the varying incentives that come about at the legislature (ye will likely need to get support from the county and city the Renewable Eneray Tax this year) Algo nee: fave you speak with Rep Noel and tell him that this bill will help your “County,.-.we can talk about this later- —— Original Message- From: Greg Martin [] Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 8:32 AM To: Christine Watson Mikel Subject: RE: Weather Station at the airport I‘11 have to ask around about other historical data and get back to you. So, is this good data? Average? Below average? I have no frame of reference. I assume it means meters/second. What is the threshold for showing promise? Greg Original Message- From: Christine Watson Mikell [mailto:christine@wasatchwind. com) Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 1:26 PM To: Greg Martin Subject: Weather Station at the airport Hey Greg, We got some preliminary data back from the tower: ~ Already et frre Brvee 14 Ni of tom 5.8 a/s — Talk 2» Tee Sede Period 8/28 to 10/21 50m Avg shown 0018 on bluft 5.6 m/s 0022 deer neck 5.3 m/s Most of wind rose is due Ss. We were wondering if you knew of a weather station at the airport or elsewhere (DOE site) Which might be collecting data now and in the past. Ideas on who I should contact? We would like to find a weather station that we could correlate and determine historical data at the 50 meter Weight. correlate and determine historical data at the 50 meter neigh ‘Thanks, christine

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