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Building Community Lesson Plan Day One~ Learning Targets: ean explain what the six pillars of caring are and describe what they look like and sound like at BMS. understand how school spirit is a way to show pride in my school and give example of what this could look like. Activity 1 — Six Pillars of Caring (25 minutes) ‘Materials: Copies of the Six Pillars articles, 1 set of the Pillar Poster (1 triangle, 6 pillars), Markers, Tape Divide the class into 6 groups (if you have a very small class, do three groups and assign each 2 pillars to complete). Assign each group a pillar to read about. Give them the appropriate article for their pillar and one poster pillar. ‘Asa small group, they need to read the article and discuss what their pillar means (ex - What doe respect mean?). © Have them record the name of their pillar and what it means on one side of the poster pillar. ‘Next, have small groups decide what their pillar looks like and sounds like at BMS. ‘© Have them record this on the other side of their poster pillar. Have each group share out what they wrote on their poster pillar in front of the whole group. After they have shared, attach their poster pillar to the triangle (label the triangle “BMS”) to create the pillars that hold up our school. ‘© Sec the attached example of how to assemble the poster. After the poster is assembled, explain to the class that each of these pillars works to support the culture of schoo! — like the pillars support the roof of the poster. ‘Transition — Activity 1 focuses on the school as a whole. Activity 2 focuses on one way to build ‘community in our school — school spirit, which is part of showing school pride (one of the six pillars of caring). Activity 2 — School Spirit (25 minutes) Materials: Peneils, Paper, School Pride Article from Previous Activity (optional) Present the following quote to students. In partners, have students discuss the following questions. ‘© “Students feel like their school is “Number One” when they sense a strong attachment — a feeling of belonging to something SPECIAL. The school with the most “spirit” is not necessarily the one with the loudest pep rallies, or the most championship teams, or the ‘most posters in the gym at game time, But rather, the most spirited school is the one that has the largest percentage of students who feel like they belong, like it’s their school, too.” © Optional — share the School Pride article from the previous activity with the whole class. Questions (2-3 minutes) 1. Inyour own words, what is this quote really saying? 2. How does this quote add to your understanding of what school spirit means? Whole Class Discussion Prompts (10-15 minutes) ‘© What are some specific things about BMS that make you proud to be a student here, © AsaBMS student, how can you show that you are proud of your school? -During school -Outside of school ‘© What would BMS be like if no one showed school spirit? What would BMS be like if everyone showed school spirit? © How can we make sure that every student feels like they have a strong connection to our school? © What are some specific things that we can do to make our school spirit even stronger here at BMS? (write ideas down) + Personal Goal Setting (2-3 minutes) © Have students take out a piece of paper and write down at least ONE action they can commit to this year to show their school spirit, Day Two — Link to yesterday’s work — Activities 1 and 2 focused on the school as a whole. Activities 3 and 4 focus on the individuals that make up our school community. ‘Learning targets: * will reflect on the six pillars of caring and characteristics that are important to me to choose what zy strength is and create a “circle of strength” to represent myself. * Iwill work with my class to prepare interview questions for a member of the BMS staff. Activity 3 — Circles of Strength: What Do You Stand For? (25 minutes) Materials: Circle handouts (each student and staff member gets one circle), Colored peneils/erayons/markers, Circles of Strength handout Go over the Circles of Strength handout with the class. Give students time to create their Circle — feel free to have them do a rough draft first if you would like. © Staff should also create a Circle to contribute to the display. * Collect all of the circles and put them in Wilke’s box so we can display them around the school. + Atthe end, have students reflect on how sharing individual strengths makes the community stronger. This can be through discussion or as an independent writing task. Transition — Activity 3 focuses on a personal reflection of each member of our community. Activity 4 allows us to get to know the staff in our building better, some of which students don’t always sce (classified staff). Activity 4— Around Your School - Bonding Students to Staff (25 minutes) Materials: Peneils, Paper, Poster board (optional ~ for taking notes as a class) * You will be assigned a BMS employee for your class to interview. (You will be assigned one ‘employee for your A day class and a different employee for your B day class.) + Asaclass, brainstorm questions to ask your employee. Try to encourage students to avoid asking yes/no questions and instead ask open-ended questions to get more information from their interview. There are three categories for questions: ©. Job responsibilities ©. Skills needed for the job © Life outside of school * Choose two class representatives that are comfortable being on camera. They will interview your ‘employee (on your scheduled day). The interview will be shown on the Moming Announcements later in the year,

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