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A succinct and thoughtful annotation of why each document demonstrates achievement of the standards is a significant feature of

evidence. Each piece of supporting evidence must be annotated by the teacher to demonstrate achievement of one or more standard
descriptors of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the level of Graduate Teacher (BOSTES, 2015, p. 7).
Note the focus area and
standard descriptor/s the
artefact / document reflects

Reflect on the document / artefact and indicate the possible impact or result of the artefact / document on
teaching and/ or student learning. Draw upon the teaching and learning in this unit. References can be used
to substantiate the reflection.

APST 1.5 Differentiate

My Personal Philosophy Diverse student abilities and needs will also be considered and

teaching to meet the

catered to in my teaching practice. It is pivotal to consider the diverse learning needs and abilities

specific learning needs of

of all students. As suggested by Wolpert-Gawron (2012), when engaging students, it is essential to

students across the full

understand students, within each and every class the students will all be different. When planning

range of abilities

lessons, differing abilities need to taken into account and catered to in each and every lesson.

Demonstrate knowledge
and understanding of
strategies for differentiating
teaching to meet the
specific learning needs of
students across the full
range of abilities.
APST 2.6 Information and

My Personal Philosophy In my teaching practice I will integrate the use of technology. By


integrating the use of ICT into curriculum learning, student learning will be more hands-on,

Technology (ICT)

interactive and applicable to real-world experiences such as employment, or a visit to the

Implement teaching

supermarket with the automated checkouts. Killen (2014) suggests some advantages of using ICT

strategies for using ICT to

in the classroom, as the engaging nature of ICT, for example, when explaining concepts and giving

expand curriculum-learning

examples, as well as being familiar to the generation of digital technology citizens.

opportunities for students.

APST 7.3 Engage with the

My Personal Philosophy - I will build respectful, caring and positive relationships with students,


colleagues, families and the community. By encouraging and welcoming parents, carers, families

Understand strategies for

and the community to be a part student learning, relationships can be established and developed.

working effectively,

As stated by Churchill and Keddie (2013), The establishment and maintenance of high-quality

sensitively and

positive relationships is perhaps one of the most crucial must-have capacities in the makeup of the

confidentially with

twenty-first century teacher (p. 592). This is vital for the success of student learning, as working


collaboratively helps to cater to the needs of the student. Families can provide the teacher with
useful information on their child as well as being able to provide extra support for learning at home.

Australian Institute for Training and School Leadership. (2014). Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Retrieved from

Chruchill, J., Keddie, A. (2013). The future of teaching: schooling, equity. In R.Churchill, P. Ferguson, S. Godinho, N. F. Johnson,
A. Keddie, W. Letts M. Vick (Eds.), Teaching: Making a difference (pp. 566-597). Milton, Australia: John Wiley & Sons.
Killen, R. (2014). Effective Teaching Strategies. : Cengage Learning Australia. Retrieved from
Wolpert-Gawron, Heather. (2012). Kids speak out on student engagement. Retrieved from

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