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Bullying Prohibition

Policy (Reminder)
Policy 514

Bullying means intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming
conduct that is objectively offensive and:
1. an actual or perceived imbalance of power exists
between the student engaging in bullying and the target
or victim
2. the conduct is repeated or forms a pattern
3. materially and substantially interferes with a students
educational opportunities or performance or ability to
participate in school functions or activities
4. specifically includes cyberbullying

Cyberbullying means bullying using technology or

other electronic communication and applies to conduct
which occurs on or off school premises.

Any person who believes he or she has been the target or victim
of bullying or has knowledge or belief of an act of bullying must
report it immediately. School staff are mandatory reporters.
Reports can be made anonymously. A report form will be made
available for any person submitting a complaint of bullying.
Every school must designate a building report taker who is
responsible for receiving and investigating reports of bullying.
The building report taker must be a principal or a staff member
designated by the principal. APs are the building reporters at

Staff Responsibilities
If any staff member witnesses,
receives a report of, or has other
knowledge or belief that an
incident of bullying has occurred,
he or she must make reasonable
efforts to address and resolve
the bullying and should inform the
building report taker immediately.
Bullying is a pattern of

Investigation Process
Per policy,
Send report to appropriate Dean and AP to start the
investigation process.
within 3 days of receiving a report of bullying, the
building report taker must initiate an investigation
the building report taker or other school officials
may take immediate steps to protect the target or
victim of bullying, complainant, reporter, students, or
others pending completion of an investigation
upon completion of an investigation that determines
that bullying has occurred, the district will take
appropriate action

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