Sample Extemp Speech

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Little minds are interested in the extraordinary;

great minds in the commonplace.

Recently, the National Aeronautics Space
Administration began addressing issues of funding
towards the US Government for the exploration of
Mars. According to an article from CNN, NASA
wants approximately 18 billion dollars to pursue a
human-manned mission to mars, but should the US
government approve of such funds. But, to show
how unreasonable this plan is to look at the
following 3 contentions.:
First, we will begin by exploring previous space
expeditions from NASA and their successfullness.
Second, we will rocket our way into what the
money could better be spent with. And land our
way onto why this is ultimately a sour deal for the
US Government, and the negative effects that will
I believe that the future is only the past again,
entered through another gate. Previous expeditions
of NASA have been deemed unsuccessful, as
billions of dollars are spent each year, only to be
wasted on how many moons Pluto has, or what
gases make up Neptune, and a future in NASA
expeditions will be no different. While these
expeditions are somewhat benefiticial, it does not
outweigh the cost out of the United States treasury.

Science is important, sure, but based on the lack of

importance in recent NASA expeditions should
have you believing that this money could be better
spent somewhere else.
Which brings me to my next point, This 18 Billion
Dollars could be better spent on other things.
According to an article from NASA itself, 2015 has
been the hottest year on record with 9/10 years
since 2000 being the hottest years in history.
Whether than spend money on exploring space,
why dont we focus on the problems at hand on
Earth. We can emphasis this claim from esteemed
global scientist, and winner of the nobel prize for
science, Frank Fenner who predicts that humans
will be extinct within 100 years, if climate change
is not addressed. So rather than worry about
ditching the Earth for good, why not focus on
preserving our Earth and the human race.
And to finally settle down, let us discuss the
negative impacts imposing such plan would result
in. For 1, The United States Gov. is already trillions
of dollars in debt, and doesnt have the money to
afford such high expenses. This would only ruin US
economy more, by putting the US in more national
debt, and more inflation, which would then result in
a international bailout like Greece.

So, first we began by looking at why this program

would lead to no important scientific studies, and
then we studied what this money could be better
spend on, with finally talking about the negative
effects that would occur from passing such plan.
Little minds are interested in the extraordinary;
great minds in the commonplace.
So while universal exploration is good, we can see
that only the true great minds know that studying
the Earth we currently live on, would be more
important than the speck of light we see from the
night sky.

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