100 Books To Find On An Occultists Bookshelf (9820834)

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100 Books to Find on an Occultists Bookshelf

1. Alchemy: Science of
the Cosmos, Science
of the Soul by Titus
2. A New and Complete
Illustration of the Celestial Science of Astrology by Ebenezer
3. An Introduction to
the Study of the Tarot
by Paul Foster Case
4. Atlantis, America
and the Future by J. F.
C. Fuller
5. Ars Magna by Ramon
6. Bardo Thodol (The
Tibetan Book of the
7. Book of Shadows by
Gerald Gardner
8. Book of the Dead
(Egyptian Funerary
9. Centrum Naturae
Concentratum by Ali
10. Cheiros Language
of the Hand by Cheiro
11. Chymical Wedding
of Christian Rosenkreutz by Johann Valentin Andreae (Attributed To)
12. Collection des Anciens Alchimistes Grecs
by Marcelin Berthelot

13. Corpus Hermeticum

by Hermes Trismegistus
14. Das Geheimnis der
Runen by Guido von
List (The Secret of the
15. De Arte Cabbalistica by Johann Reuchlin
(On the Art of the Kabbalah)
16. De Praestigiis Daemonum et Incantationibus ac Venificiis by
Johann Weyer (Latin,
On the Illusions of the
Demons and on Spells
and Poisons)
17. Der Lange Verborgene Freund by John
George Hohman (German, The Long Lost
18. De Sole et Luna by
Michael Scot (The Sun
and the Moon)
19. De Vita Libri Tres
by Marsilio Ficino (Latin, Three Books on Life,
Translated by Carol
V. Kaske and John R.
20. Devic Counsciouness by Dora Van
21. Dictionnaire des
Symboles by Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrant (French, Dictionary of Symbols)

2015 Azukail Games

Florence Ross (Order #9820834)

22. Die achte GrossKraft der Natur: Und

ihre physikalischen Gesetze by Ludwig Straniak (German, The Eight
Great Forces of Nature
and its Physical Laws)
23. Enochian Vision
Magick by Lon Milo DuQuette
24. Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic by
Edred Thorsson
25. Grimoire for the
Apprentice Wizard by
Morning Glory and
Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
26. Grimoire of Armadel (Translated by S.L.
MacGregor Mathers)
27. Heilige Runenmacht
by Siegfried Adolf Kummer (German)
28. Helping Yourself with the Power of
Gnostic Magic by Al G.
29. Heptaplus by
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
30. Hundreds of Medicinal Herbs by Mellie
31. Isis Unveiled by
Helena Blavatsky
32. Key of Solomon
(Translated by S. L.
MacGregor Mathers)

Background: Inked Adventures

100 Books to Find on an Occultists Bookshelf

33. Konx Om Pax: Essays in Light by Aleister

34. La Science des Esprits by Eliphas Levi
(French, The Science of
35. La Trs Sainte Trinosophie by Alessandro
Cagliostro, the Count
of St. Germain (French,
The Most Holy Trinosophia)
36. Laws Of Occultism
by C. C. Zain
37. Le Livre des Figures Hiroglyphiques
by Nicolas Flamel (The
Book of Hieroglyphic
38. Le Mystre des
Cathdrales by Fulcanelli (The Mystery of
the Cathedrals)
39. Lesser Key of Solomon
40. Little Book of Alchemy by Albertus
41. Maatian Meditations
And Considerations by
42. Magical Herbalism:
The Secret Craft of the
Wise by Scott Cunningham
43. Monas Hieroglyphica by John Dee (Hiero-

glyphic Monad)
44. Mysticism at the
Dawn of Modern Age by
Rudolph Steiner
45. Odisch-magnetische Briefe by Carl
Reichenbach (German)
46. Of the Supreme
Mysteries of Nature by
47. Of the Vanitie and
Vncertaintie of Artes
and Sciences by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa
48. On the Mysteries by
49. On the Mystical
Rule of the Seven Planets by John Dee
50. Opus Majus by
Roger Bacon (Great
51. Pendel-Praxis - Der
Gebrauch des Pendels by A. Frank Glahn
(Pendulum Practice The Use of the Pendulum)
52. Philosophia Moysaica by Robert Fludd
53. Practical Candleburning Rituals by Raymond Buckland
54. Practical Occultism
by William Q. Judge
55. Practical Psychic
Self-Defense: Understanding and Surviving

2015 Azukail Games

Florence Ross (Order #9820834)

Unseen Influences by
Robert Bruce
56. Runes and Magic:
Magical Formulaic Elements in the Elder
Runic Tradition by Stephen Flowers
57. Seership! The Magnetic Mirror by Paschal
Beverly Randolph
58. Sefer Yetzirah by
Abraham (Book of Formation/Creation)
59. Self-Initiation into
the Golden Dawn Tradition by Chic Cicero and
60. Sixth and Seventh
Books of Moses (Alleged to be Written by
61. Speculum Astronomiae by Albertus Magnus (The Mirror of Astronomy)
62. Spiritist Codification
by Allan Kardec (Five
63. Stellar Healing by
C. C. Zain
64. Tetrabiblos by Cladius Ptolemy
65. The Alchemists
Handbook by Frater
66. The Ancients Book
of Magic by Lewis de

Background: Inked Adventures

100 Books to Find on an Occultists Bookshelf

67. The Apocalypse Unsealed, being an Esoteric Interpretation of

the Initiation of Ianns by James Morgan
68. The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda
69. The Book of Abramelin by Abramelin the
70. The Book of Black
Magic and of Pacts by
A.E. Walte
71. The Book of Ceremonial Magic by A.E.
72. The Book of Lies by
Aleister Crowley (Originally Under the Penname of Frater Perdurabo)
73. The Book of Thoth
: A Short Essay on the
Tarot of the Egyptians
by Aleister Crowley
74. The Blue Equinox
by Aleister Crowley
75. The Devils Notebook by Anton LaVey
76. The Forge and the
Crucible by Mircea Eliade
77. The Fourth Way:
A Record of Talks and
Answers to Questions
Based on the Teaching
of G. I. Gurdjieff by P.

D. Ouspensky
78. The Hermetic Traditions: Symbols and
Teachings of the Royal
Art by Julius Evola
79. The History of
Spiritualism by Arthur
Conan Doyle
80. The Intelligent Enneagram by A. G. E.
81. The Kabbalah Unveiled (A Partial Translation by S. L. MacGregor Mathers of
Kabbala Denudata by
Christian Knorr von
82. The King of the
World by Ren Gunon
83. The Master Book
of Candle-Burning by
Henri Gamache
84. The Magus by Francis Barrett
85. The Master Key by
L. W. de Laurence
86. The Mirror of Alchemy by Gareth Roberts
87. The Occult Power
of Numbers by William
Wynn Westcott
88. The Ocean of Theosophy by William Q.
89. The Power and Use
of Thought by Charles
Webster Leadbeater
90. The Prophecies by

2015 Azukail Games

Florence Ross (Order #9820834)

Michel de Nostredame
91. The Secret Teachings of All Ages by
Manly P. Hall
92. The Symbolic
Prophecy of the Great
Pyramid by Harvey
Spencer Lewis
93. The Third Testament by Martinus (Seven Books)
94. The Voudon Gnostic
Workbook by Michael
95. The Werewolf in
Lore and Legend by
Montague Summers
96. Thought & The
Glory of Thinking by
Torkom Saraydarian
97. Through the Grebbeline to Eternal Life by
Jozef Rulof
98. Traite Mthodique
De La Magie Pratiqu
by Papus (Methodical
Traits of Practical Magic)
99. Visions of the
Daughters of Albion by
William Blake
100. Yoga: a study of
the mystical philosophy
of the Brahmins and
Buddhists by J. F. C.

Background: Inked Adventures

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