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4 Slipper seals

4.1 W hat is a slipper sealand how does it

w ork

XX 0000 000 00000 X


(See section 4.3)


G roove outer diam eter x

10 (m illim eter)(See section 4.4)

W hen installed, the resilient elastom er is squeezed and pushes

the polym erring againstthe dynam ic groove m ating surface,creating a tightsealeven atlow -pressure.Athigher hydrostatic system pressures the O -Ring is energized by the m edium ,increasing
the contactpressure againstthe m ating surface.


M aterialfor dynam ic elem ent

(See section 4.5.1)

The polym erring alw ays faces the dynam ic side ofthe application
w hile the elastom eric elem ent provides positive sealing at low pressure and com pensates for polym er thickness reduction from
w earand cold flow .


Series num ber / energizer m aterialcode

(See section 4.5.2)

C ross-section code
(See section 4.4)

O rdering exam ple

A w ide variety ofprofiles is available both in rod and piston configurations.
The polym ercom ponents are typically m ade ofPTFE-based com pounds offering low friction and high w earresistance.The chem icalcom patibility ofthe slippersealhow everis lim ited to thatofthe
elastom eric energizer.The energizerelem entis available in a w ide
range ofelastom eric m aterials such as N BR,EPD M and FKM .

AD 0400 052 00592 B


Sealtype (w iperring AD )
G roove outerdiam eter(40 m m )
M aterialcode (PTFE + 40 % bronze)
Series num ber/energizer m aterial code (series 590,
O -Ring in FKM 75 Shore A)
C ross-section code

Pressure load

O -Ring load

O -Ring load


4.3 H ow to select the slipper sealtype for

your application

Fig.4.1 Slippersealoperating principle

4.2 Slipper sealstandard part num ber

nom enclature
The O -Ring anti-extrusion ring standard range is defined by the
follow ing partnum berw hich includes allkey design elem ents.

This decision tree is designed to guide you to the appropriate slipper sealfor your application.It is to be used as and engineering
guideline only.In m any cases severalotherparam eters need to be
considered as w ell.
Please contact Parkers consultancy service or your local sales
representative for confirm ation of your choice or further recom m endations.

4 Slipper seals

The slippersealis a radialsealing elem entthatconsists ofa polym erring and an elastom eric O -Ring energizer.This type ofsealis
typically selected for general industrial pneum atic/hydraulic applications w here there is a need fora dynam ic sealing elem ent.

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