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1. Import the following files from c:\excel_exer to c:\yournamedir
a. Bill. dbf- (excluding particular column)
b. Collection.dbf
c. Deposit.dbf
d. Empfile.dbf
e. Debtor.dbf
f. Gsisbill.txt
2. Using Empfile execute the following functions:
a. Insert a column that will contain the name of employees in the following
format (Last Name, First Name MI.).
b. Count the number of active and inactive employees.
c. Determine the total basic pay of all active employees.
3. Using the imported files, perform the following:
a. Sort bills by bill no. and collections by or no.
b. Check for duplicate records on collection and bill files.
c. Determine completeness of records in the collection file.
d. Determine if all collections for the day were deposited the following day.
Provide a column for remarks that will indicate undeposited collections or
over remittances.
e. Insert a cell comment for collection not deposited on the following day by
indicating the date of deposit.
f. Change the font color to red for collections which did not tally with the
deposited amount(s).
g. Determine uncollected accounts as of June 30, 2004. Perform aging of these
accounts. Insert column for remarks and indicate the corresponding
comments as follows:
i. 90 days and below
ii. 91 days to 120 days
Past Due
iii. 121 days to 180 days
For Demand Letter
iv. 181 days and over
For Legal Action
h. Extract all accounts with remarks For Demand Letter in a separate sheet
and get the names and addresses of debtors from the debtor file. Delete
unnecessary columns.

Information and Communication Technology Center

December 2004


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