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School of Education

Primary Professional Practice


Student Name

Nicole Thoonen



Student No


Placement No



Banyule Primary School






(Observation of the PSTs interaction with students, discussion with the PST and Mentor Teacher, PP

Nicole has really been enjoying her placement with grade 1 at Banyule
Primary School. She has been given the opportunity to meet with the
principal who provides feedback and offers advice on job applications, as
well as having many discussions with her Mentor.

Nicole has been in full control since week 4 of placement and has relished the

I observed Nicole teaching a reading session with a focus on non-fiction

texts. The introduction was engaging and introduced the topic well. Nicole
explained everything with age appropriate terminology and gave clear
instructions on what each reading group was going to be doing once they
moved off to their activities.

Nicole then worked with small reading focus groups. During their discussions
she asked great questions to encourage higher order thinking and
encouraged everyone to have a say.
Share time was ran well and allowed for a good classroom discussion on
words to do with space. I like how Nicole let the children lead this as it was
obviously something they were very interested in.

I observed Nicole to be a very confident teacher with excellent classroom

control and behaviour management skills. She has a lovely nature with the
students and shows a genuine passion for teaching.

All required documentation was in a folder and lesson plans are detailed and
well thought out. They link to the curriculum and have clear learning
intentions set out.

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Strengths and Area for improvement

(Based on discussion with Mentor and notes taken above)

Nicole is well presented, punctual and attends all meeting and yard duty. She
has developed a good rapport with the students, her Mentor and other staff,
and conducts herself in a professional manner at all times.

Wadad has been pleased with Nicole and spoke very highly of her. She is
impressed with Nicoles confidence in the classroom and ability to plan age
and learning level appropriate lessons that engage the students.

Nicole uses her initiative at all times and is a very competent and capable
teacher. She uses precise and clear language with the students, has good
time management and is very organised.

You are doing a great job Nicole. Good luck with the rest of the course
and with the job hunt.

Site Visitors Signature: Belinda Hume

Date: 25/08/16
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