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**Miller and Sagan 9** - Steven E.

Miller, Director,
International Security Program; Editor-in-Chief,
International Security; Co-Principal Investigator, Project
on Managing the Atom, Scott Sagan, Former Research
Fellow, International Security Program, 1981-1982;
Editorial Board Member, Quarterly Journal: International
Security ("Nuclear Power Without Nuclear Proliferation?"
Journal Article, Daedalus, volume 138, issue 4, pages 718,

**Kroenig** **14** Matthew, Associate Professor and

International Relations Field Chair at Georgetown
University, and Nonresident Senior Fellow in the Brent
Scowcroft Center on International Security at The Atlantic
Council ("The History of Proliferation Optimism: Does It
Have A Future?", April 2014,

**Bunn** **et** **al** **14** ~~[Matthew, Professor of

Practice at the Harvard Kennedy School, with Martin
Malin, Executive Director of the Project on Managing the
Atom at the Belfer Center for Science and International
Affairs at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government,
Nickolas Roth, Research Associate at the Project on

Managing the Atom, and William Tobey, Senior Fellow at

the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs,
March, "Advancing Nuclear Security: Evaluating Progress
and Setting New Goals," The Project on Managing the
Atom, pg. 5-9]

**Max - Planck- Gesselschaft 12** The Max Planck

Society for the Advancement of Science is a formally
independent non-governmental and non-profit association
of German research institute (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft,
Major Reactor, 5-22-2012, "Severe nuclear reactor
accidents likely every 10 to 20 years, European study
suggests," ScienceDaily,

**Stapleton 9** - Richard M Stapleton Is the author of

books such as Lead Is a Silent Hazard, writes for pollution
issues ("Disasters: Nuclear Accidents"

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