1987 Nov 10 G. Apostolatos' Letter To T. Laing

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ETAIPIA”” MEAETHE EAAHNIKHE IETOPIAL (E.M.EIZ) HMITOY 3, 10587 A@fva, THA: 3250319, 3224509 {TOU 3,105 87 ATHENS, Tel -32-50.319,32.24.509 P fr T.LATNG 3 Mayfield Grove, Witmstow Cheshire, ENGLAND SK9,6BU = me Athens 10 November 1987 Dear Mr Laing, A cony of your letter has arrived at our "SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF GREEK HISTORY" office. The writer of this letter is a Cephalonean. I was in Cephalonia during the earthquake of 1953. Recently, we had visited the {sland with two Air Marshals from the Royal Mr Force, which during the war, they took part in bombing German installations in Cephalonia. Their names are Sir Ivor Broom and Sir Edward Gordon-Jones. During our stay in Cephalonia, we were informed of your letter and it was very sentimental to us all. We all Cephaloneans feel grateful to you at] for your support in those days. Ne discussed the possibilities in seeing you all again on the sland. The Mayor, the President of City Council and the Provincianal Government Representative all agree to find a way expressing our gratitude towards you. iiewish to know the number of Officers and Sailors of the crew of the "DARING" who will be able to come to Cephalonia as our guests, spending a week with Cephalonean families and to attend an honorary reception, to your honour. I will be awaiting your reply. Yours, sincerely The Vide President . MV, GERASINOS ApostoLatos / © Former Minister

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