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Borromeo, Carmel Therese P.

Seat # 8-6

7:30 9:00 MW

August 31, 2016

A. Physical Appearance
- Male-The upper part wasa jacket with short sleeves called kangan while the
lowerpart was a strip of cloth wrapped around the waist and inbetween the legs
called bahag. Males used a piece of cloth or a headgear called putong.
Female- they wore baro or camisa, a jacket with leeves. The lower part was
called saya.
B. Food and Farming
-Agriculture was the early Filipinos main means of livelihood. They also grew an
abundance of rice, sugarcane, cotton, hemp, coconuts, bananas, and many other
fruits and vegetables. Land cultivation was by tilling or by the kaingin system.
C. Trades and Commerce
- Domestic trade of different barangays from different regions and islands were
made possible using boats. Foreign trade was carried on with countries like
Borneo, China, Japan, Cambodia, Java and Siam (Thailand). Other means of
livelihood were ship building, weaving, poultry raising, mining, weaving and
D. Religion
- Bathala supreme being, Idiyanale god of agriculture, Sidapa god of
deathAgni god of fire, Balangaw god of rainbow, Mandarangan god of war,
Lalahon god of harvest, Siginarugan god of hell
E. Literature and Entertainment
- Oral Literature (maxims (sabi)-Bugtong (riddles)-Boat song (talindaw)-Victory
songs (tagumpay)-Lullaby (uyayi)-Wedding song (ihiman)-War song (kumintang)
etc.). Written Literature (Biag ni Lam-Ang (Ilocano epic)-Indarapatra at Sulayman
and Bidasari (Muslim Epics)-Handiong (Bicolanos))
- They play musical instruments like cymbals (plantiles)- nose flutes, bamboo
mouth organs (aphiw)- brass gong (gansa)- flute (bansic)- long drum (colibao)bamboo harp (subing)- water whistle (paiyak)- guitar (bugtot)- xylophone
(agong)- drum (tugo). They also danced during festivals and other merry-making
F. Social Organization
- Nobles who were composed of ruler sand their families occupied the highest
class. They were usually addressed as Gat, Lakan, Raja or Datu. Freemen
were the working class. Slaves were classified into two;* Aliping namamahay
were not full pledge slave.* Aliping sagigilid were the real slaves.
G. Weapons and War

- They made good armor for use in the battlefield and built strong fortresses
called kotaor moog to protect their communities.

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