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Instruction Outline in the framework of the in

Company Trainer Training

Title; Taking table reservation at Fine dining



Address; ________________________________________
Exam No; _______________________________________

1.Instruction Topic
Professional taking table reservation by Phone.

Reception Head waiter
Head waiter

Starting situation of the trainee

The trainee Ko Kyaw Myint and Ko Than Shwe Was finished at South
Dagon University specialization subject with History Bachelor Degree,
which is not very much relative what they are working now. After they
got the degree from that university they are working at very small
Chinese Restaurant as waiter, after they got promotion at team leader
at that restaurant they apply at Victoria Fine western food dining
restaurant which is very high standard food are serving there.

Information on the development situation of the trainee

Ko Than Shwe and Ko Kyaw Myint both of them are very active to
learning and very willing to improve their service during they
dealing with telephone with their customer.


Information about training situation of trainee

Both of 2 people are finish basic provide table service training
since last 5 months ago, and they would like to learn another
training topic.


Special Character tics

Ko Kyaw Myint is very active and easy to adopt lesson and Ko
Than Shwe is good English Language and he is very active to
learning about everything new for his working place.

4. Didactic Considerations for Planning of the training unit

To train the trainee to be professional reservation taker in the future,
the didactic principles have to be followed.

Training topic

Telephone answering may many kind of answering, and standard

telephone answering may include in the topic

Source of instruction Topic

The training plan for training trainee in our section contains the
specific qualification for professional order taker which relies on
how to answering for customer reservation. The restaurant
training plan includes this topic.


Previous Instruction
Can select some of the answering word according to purpose and
is able to name them in the proper manner.


Following Instruction
After Ko Then Shwe has successful completed the training, they
will be able to know how to answering and taking the table
reservation and next training is how to take care the customer
service and Sequence of service standard.


Overall training objectives

How to answering telephone especially taking the table
reservation within 5 minute.


Higher Training objectives

Follow up to caller and follow up service and politely answer and
confirmation about reservation by e mail or by phone.


Specific Learning objective

According to the specified curriculum the trainee should learn the
occupational skill and knowledge necessary to answer to the
customer professional politely and know how to note for
systematically for table reservation.

The learning objectives should be as follow:

4.7.1 Cognitive area;
The trainee is able to identify how can be stand by when the
waiting the telephone call for table reservation, e.g ( Prepare note

pad, book, pencil or pen and some important promotion menu to

suggest when customer is calling for rsvn.
4.7.2 Affective area
The trainee is able take telephone reservation
confidently, respectfully and politely .
4.7.3 Psychomotor area
The trainee is able to take the table reservation
The trainee can perform how to answer autonomously
and professionally.
5. Accident prevention regulations
In the workshop , the general accident prevention regulations shall
apply. In this section , trainee was trained with imitation telephone.
Make sure the line of the phone is good connection internal phone and
not rush hours or not really operation hour.


What should be done

How is it done

Why is it done so

Establishing contact


Announce learning

Create relaxed
To give the trainee an
overview of what awaits


Making references to
the previous instruction
Beginning of the
practical instruction

Friendly welcome, short

casual discussion
Topic of instruction is on
the blackboard. Short
overview of the stages,
the structure of the
instruction is roughly
shown on the prepared
flip chart
Instructor asks
questions about last
instruction topic
The instructor
demonstrates each step
individually and

Telling the trainee to

wash her hands and
other materials
before working
Demonstrate how to
answer telephone
The trainee repeats
how to do step by
step and explain
every step by herself
under the supervision
of the trainer
The trainee could
have much time to
practice without
pressure by the time
The trainer observes
the trainee while she
is practicing and
evaluate the
The trainer should
praise for his success
and ask his about his
thought/opinion of

recognize and be
aware about
cleanliness and



Reminding about the

hygiene and


Beginning the


The Trainee imitates

how to do


Giving more time to

the trainee to


Observing and


Giving praise and

final discussion

In order to build on
what has already been
Thus the trainee
recognizes the meaning
of the action

hygeinic aspects

To make the trainee

understands how to
To practice and
understand how to
answer on her own

His or her
understanding will be
deepened and forever
Determine whether
the psychomotor and
affective learning
objectives of the
training are achieved
To motivate the
trainee more and
would like to learn
next topic

6. Tools and Material

Note book
Log book
Report record book
Regular customer list book
Table plan device tablet

Overall performance review

After Ko Than Shwe and Ko Kyaw Myint are finished practicing how to take
restaurant table reservation by phone, the trainer will assess the results
together with them to get feedback of the training and discuss about how
they applies the knowledge to telephone answering professionally as other
communication internal telephone answering and let them try to do for more
practicing and assess the results again.
Assessment will be make Q&A.
Learning location at Restaurant.

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