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CLE CIPI Ingls 2016

Articles: A/an/the.

Los nmeros: 1 to 100.

Verb to be. / Have got - Has got.

Cohesion: Addition: And, too. Contrast: But.

Los colores: pink; red; (light)blue; (light)green; white;

Imperatives (affirmative and negative).

Question words: Who / What / Where / How old / What

Contenidos gramaticales:

black; grey; brown; yellow; orange; violet/purple.

colour/ How many.

Las formas: circle, square; triangle; rectangle.

Place: Here There.

Partes del cuerpo: body; head; neck; shoulder; arm; leg;

Modals: Must (obligation) ( For recognition).

Can (permission and ability) (For recognition).

foot/ feet; hand; finger; eye; nose; mouth;ear.

Contenidos lexicales
There is/are (For recognition).
Present Simple (For recognition: all forms. For
production: affirmative and negative of verbs like and
Present Continuous (For recognition: all forms. For
production: affirmative form).
Possessive case and possessive adjectives: my; your;
his; her; their; our.
Personal pronouns: I; you; he; she; it; they; we.
Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns: this; that.
Prepositions: with; in; on; under; behind; at (at home, at
school, at work).

Animales: dog; cat; bird; rabbit; tortoise; hamster; fish;

Adjetivos descriptivos: big; small; short; tall; fat; thin;

lion; tiger; monkey; elephant; snake; giraffe;hippo;

good; bad; happy; sad; angry; beautiful; fantastic,

camel; pig; sheep; cow; horse; turtle; spider; bat, rat,

terrible, horrible; ugly; sweet; delicious; old; new;


Nombres de personajes de cuentos infantiles clsicos:
La familia y sus miembros: mother; father; sister;

monster; dragon; ghost; prince, princess; king; queen;

brother; grandmother/father.


Tipos de personas diferenciadas por edad: man; woman;

Vestimenta/Ropa: trousers/pants; t-shirt; shirt; dress;

girl; boy; baby.

blouse; sweater/ pullover; shorts; bikini; sandals; shoes;

La escuela el aula: yard/playground; desk; (black)board;

sneakers/ tennis-shoes; socks; hat; cap; scarf.

library; canteen; window; door.

Los medios de transporte: car; train, bus, boat; plane.

El hogar:

Juguetes y juegos: doll; skate; roller; tricycle; bike;

Partes de la casa: living-room; kitchen; bedroom;

teddy-bear; ball; puzzle.

bathroom; garden.

Las estaciones del ao: spring; summer; autumn; winter.

Quantity: A lot (of); numbers.

Muebles: table; chair; sofa; armchair.

Los tiles escolares: copy/notebook; book; pen; pencil;

Intensity: Very.

Artculos electrnicos y electrodomsticos: T.V. set;

Plural of nouns. (regular plurals).

DVD player; computer/PC.

marker; eraser; scissors; ruler; pencilcase/box;


CLE CIPI Ingls 2016

Los das de la semana: Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday,

Ofrecer algo de beber/comer; Aceptar/Rechazar lo que

Expresar (de modo sencillo) punto de vista y opiniones:

Thursday; Friday; Saturday, Sunday.

es ofrecido: Coke? Have a Yes, please / No, thanks.

(Its) OK. / I like football / Its great!; I dont like tennis

Los meses: January; February; March; April; May;

Hacer, aceptar, rechazar una invitacin: Come to my

June; July; August; September, October, November;

party. / Come and sit here. Yes / no, thank you.

; Its horrible!


Agradecer: Thank you / Thanks / Youre welcome.

Los edificios de la ciudad: flat; house; school; hospital;

El clima: rainy; sunny; cloudy; windy; cold; warm; hot.

Expresar sentimientos y emociones: I love /hate/ like +

noun ; Im happy/ sad ; Happy birthday!
Hablar de s mismo y de los dems. Eg: This is (my

Presentarse y presentar personas: Im / This is...

Saludar / Despedirse: Hello / Hi; Goodbye/ Bye; Good

mother). (Her) name is (Rita). (She) is tall and slim.

Identificar y describir personas, objetos, animales.

morning / afternoon/ evening/ night.

Comidas y bebidas: hamburger; spaghetti; hot-dog;
pizza; sandwich; cheese; egg; meat; vegetables; potato;
tomato; carrot; soup; cookies; milk; water; juice;
chocolate; ice-cream.
Profesiones y oficios: teacher; mechanic; fire-fighter;
nurse; doctor; dentist; police (officer/man/woman).
Nombres de fiestas tradicionales y celebraciones:
Christmas, Easter; Halloween; birthday.

Pedir ayuda: Help, please. / Can you help me, please?

Dar y pedir informacin: Whats your name? How old
are you? Im (10) years old.

Pedir una repeticin, una explicacin, una instruccin:

Again, please. / Pardon?

Dar y seguir instrucciones, indicaciones: Draw a ball

and colour it red and blue. / Listen and circle the right

Pedir permiso para hacer algo: Can I / May I clean the

picture. / Go to page 3 and read the story.


Disculparse: Sorry, I dont understand. (Im) Sorry. /

Preguntar acerca del significado, deletrear: Whats the

Thats O.K.

meaning of eraser? / Whats the English for

Informacin personal: name, address.

Expresar gusto y preferencia, agrado y desagrado.

Preguntar y contestar acerca de gustos y preferencias

Verbos de accin: play; sing; dance; (roller-) skate; ride

propias y de otros: I like / dont like + noun / Do you

(a bike/ a horse); talk; speak (English); spell; write;

like + noun?

read; draw; paint; do homework; work; sleep; cook; eat;

drink; jump; swim; listen to (music); watch T.V; like;
want; go to.

Contenidos funcionales:

Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Does (your friend) like + noun?

Yes, (she) does/ No, (she) doesnt.
Expresar necesidades y deseos. Preguntar y contestar
sobre necesidades propias y I want / + noun. Do you
want / need + noun? Yes, I do. / No, I dont

Proponer algo: Lets sing

Hacer advertencias: Careful! Dont cross the street!
Aconsejar: Its lunch time; Wash your hands; brush
your teeth every morning.

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