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Jenis -jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris (genre)

Jenis -jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris (genre)

1. Narrative



Social Function
To amuse,

entertain and
to deal with
actual or

experience in
different ways.
Narratives deal

events which
lead to a crisis

turning point of

Snow White
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow
White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle because her
parents were dead.
One day she heard that her Uncle and Aunt talking
about leaving Snow White in the castle because they
wanted to go to America and then they didnt have
enough money to take Snow White.
Snow White didnt want her Uncle and Aunt to do this
so she decided it, would be best if she run away from
home if her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She
ran away into the woods.
She was tired and hungry.
Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no
one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home work.
They went inside. There they found Snow white
sleeping, Then Snow White woke up. She saw the
dwarfs. The dwarfs said, What is your name? Snow
White said, My name is Snow White.
One Dwarf said, If you wish, you may live here with
us. Snow White said, OhCould I? Thank you. Then
Snow White told the dwarfs whole story and Snow
White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.
Generic Structure

Lexicogrammatical features
Orientation: Sets the Focus and specific and
scenes and introduces
usually individualized
the participants.
Evaluation: a steeping Use of materials processes
back to evaluate the
(and in this text, Behavioral
and Verbal processes).
Complication: a crisis Use of relational processes
and mental processes.
Resolution The crisis is Use of temporal
resolved, for better or for conjunctions and temporal
Re-Orientation: optional Use of past tense.

some kind
which turn
finds a
2. Recount
I was driving along the coast road when the car
suddenly lurched to one side.
Event 1
At first I thought a tyre had gone but when I saw
telegraph poles collapsing like matchsticks.
Event 2
The rocks came tumbling across the road and I had to
abandon the car.
Event 3
When I got back to town, well, as I said, there wasnt
much left.
Note: young writer often indicate temporal sequence with and then, and
then. Alternatives can be modelled and used when the teacher and students
jointly construct recount.

Social Function

Generic Structure

To retell events
for the purpose
of informing or

Orientation: Provides the

setting and introduction.
Event: tell what

happened in sequence.
Re-Orientation: optional
closure of events.

Focus in specific
Use of material processes
Circumstances of time and
Use of past tense.
Focus of temporal

3. News Item
Town Contaminated

Moscow A Russian journalist has uncovered evidences

of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10
sailors and contaminated an entire town.
Yalena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to
people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear
submarine at the nayal base of shkjove 2 near
The accident, which occurred 13 month before the
Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall out over the


base nearby town, but was covered up by officials of

the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in
the reactor of the victor-class submarine during a refit
had been a thermal and not a nuclear explosion. And
those involved in the clean up operation to remove
more than 600 tones of contaminated material were
sworn to secrecy.
A board of investigators was later to describe it as the
worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.

Social Function

Generic Structure

To inform

listeners or
viewers about
events of the
day which are
newsworthy or

Newsworthy Event (s)

recounts the event in
summary form.
Background events

elaborate want
happened, to whom, in
what circumstances.
Sources comments by
participants in witnesses
to and authorities expert
of the events.

Lexicogrammatical features
Short, telegraphic
information about story
captured in headline.
Use of Material Processes to
retell the event (in the text
below, many of materialprocesses are nominalised).
Use of projecting verbal
processes in sources stage.
Focus in circumstances
(e.g. mostly within

4. Description
Natural Bridge national Park

Natural Bridge National Park is a luscious tropical

It is located 110 kilometres south of Brisbane and is
reached by following the pacific Highway to Nerang
and then by travelling through the Numinbah Valley.
This scenic roadway lies in the shadow of the
Lamington National Park.
The phenomenon of the rock formed into a natural arch
and the cave through which is waterfall cascades is a
short 1 kilometre walk below a dense rainforest canopy
from the main picnic area. Swimming is permitted in
the rock poles. Night time visitors to the cave will
discover the unique feature of the glow worms.

Picnic areas offer toilets, barbecues, shelter sheds,

water and fireplaces: however, overnight camping is
not permitted.
Social Function

Generic Structure

To describe a
person, place
or thing.

Identification: identifies
phenomenon to be

Description: describes
parts qualities


Lexicogrammatical features
Focus in specific
Use of attributes and
identifying processes.
Frequent, use of Epithets
and Classifiers in nominal
Use of Simple Present

5. Report
qualities, parts)

Social Function

Whales are sea-living mammals.

They therefore breather air but cannot survive on land.
Some species are very large indeed and blue whales,
which can exceed 30 m in length, is the largest animal
to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks
rather like a fish, but there are important differences in
its external structure. Its tall consist a pair of abroad,
flat, horizontal paddles (the tall of a fish is vertical) and
it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head.
The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer
of fat (blubber). This is up to 30 cm in thickness and
serves to conserve heat and body fluids.
Generic Structure

To describe the General Classification

way things are tells what the
with reference
phenomenon under

to a range of
discussion is.
natural, man Description tells what
made and
the phenomenon under
discussion is like in
phenomena in
terms of

(1) Parts

Lexicogrammatical features
Focus on generic
Use of relational processes
to state what is and that
which it is.
Use of simple present tense
(unless extinct).
No temporal sequence.

environment. (2) Qualities

(3) Habits or behaviours, if
6. Explanation
A Brief Summary of Speech Production
Statement to
Position the


Speech production is made possible by the specialized

movements of or vocal organs the generate speech
sound waves.
Like all sound production, speech production requires
and source of energy; the source of energy for speech
production is the steady stream of air that comes from
the lungs as we exhale. When we breathe normally, the
air stream is inaudible. To become audible, the air
stream must vibrate rapidly. The vocal cords cause the
air stream to vibrate.
As we talk, the vocal cords open and close rapidly,
chopping up the steady air stream into a series of puffs
are heard as a buzz. But, this buzz is still not speech.
To produce speech sounds, the vocal tract must change
shape. During speech we continually alter the shape of
the vocal track by moving the tongue and lips, etc.
These movements change the acoustic properties of
the vocal tract, which in turn produce the different
sounds of speech.

Social Function

Generic Structure

To explain the
involved in the
formation of
workings of
natural or socio

A general statements to
position the reader.
A sequenced

explanation of why or
how something occurs.

7. Discussion
Gene Splicing

Lexicogrammatical features
Focus in generic, non
human participants.
Use mainly of material and
relational processes.
Use mainly of temporal and
causal circumstances and
Some use of passive voice
to get them right.


Generic research has produced both exciting and

frightening possibilities. Scientists are now able to
create new form of life in the laboratory due to the
development of gene splicing.
On the one hand, the ability to create life in laboratory
could greatly benefit mankind.
For example, because it is very expensive to obtain
insulin from natural sources, scientists have developed
a method to manufacture it inexpensively in the
Another beneficial application of gene splicing is in
Scientists foresee the day when new paints will be
developed using nitrogen from the air instead of from
fertilizer. Therefore food production could be increased.
In addition, entirely new plants could be developed to
feed the worlds hungry people.
Not everyone is excited about gene splicing. However
some people feel that it could have terrible
A laboratory accident, for example, might cause an
epidemic of an unknown disease that could wipe out
As a result of this controversy, the government has
made rules to genetic experiments. While some
members of the scientific community feel that these
rules are too strict, many other people feel that they
are still not strict enough.

Argument for


against point

Social Function

Generic Structure

To present at
least two points
of view about
an issue.


Arguments for against
or statement of differing
points of view.
Conclusion pr

Lexicogrammatical features
Focus on generic human
and generic non human
Use of:
Material processes e.g. has,
produced, have developed,
to feed
Relational procession e.g.
is, could have, cause, are
Mental, processes e.g. feel
Use of comparative
contrastive and
consequential conjunctions

Reasoning expressed verbs

and nouns (abstraction).

8. Analytical Exposition

Argument Point
Argument Point
Argument Point

In Australia there are three levels of government,

federal governments, state governments, and local
governments. All of these levels of government are
necessary. This is so for a number of reasons.
First, the federal government is necessary for the big
They keep the economy in order and look after things
like defence.
Similarly, the state governments look after the middle
sized things.
For example, they look after law and order, preventing
things like vandalism in schools.
Finally, local governments look after the small things.
They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise
everyone would have diseases.
Thus, for the reasons above we can that the three
levels of governments are necessary.

Social Function
To persuade
the reader or
listeners that
something is
the case.

Generic Structure
Positions introduces
topic and indicates
writers position.
Preview outlines the
main arguments to be
Points: restates main
arguments outlines in
Elaborations: develops
and supports each
Reiteration: restates
writers position.

9. Hortatory Exposition

Lexicogrammatical features
Focus on generic human
and non human
Use of Simple Present
Use of relational processes.
Use of internal conjunction
to state arguments.
Reasoning through causal
conjunction or

Country Concern




In all discussion over the removal of lead from petrol

(and the atmosphere) there doesnt seem to have been
any mention of the difference between driving in the
city and the country.
While I realize my leaded petrol car is pollution the air
wherever I drive, I feel that when you travel through
the country, where you only see another car every five
to ten minutes, the problem as not as severe as when
traffic is concentrated on city roads.
Those who wants to penalize order, leaded petrol
vehicles and their owners dont seem to appreciate
that, in the country, there is no public transport to fall
back upon and ones own vehicle is the only way to get
I feel that country people, who often have to travel
huge distances to the nearest town and who already
spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be
treated differently to the people who live in the city.

Social Function

Generic Structure

To persuade
the reader or
listener that

shouldnt be
the case


Announcement of issue

Reasons of concern,
leading to
Statement of what ought
or ought not to happen.

Lexicogrammatical features
Focus on human and non
human participants except
for speal er writer referring
to self.
Use of
Mental processes to state
with writer thinks or feel
about issue, realized, felt
Material processes to state
to happens, e.g. polluting
drive, travel, spend, should
be treated.
Relational processes to
state what is be e.g. doesnt
seem to have been, is.
Use of Simple Present

10. Annecdote
Snake in the Bath

How would you like to find a snake in your bath?

A nasty one tool.

We have just moved to a new house, which been
empty for so long that everything was in terrible mess.
Anna and I decided we would clean the bath first, so
we see to and turned on the tap.
Suddenly to my horror, a sneaks hade appeared in the
plug-hole. Then out slithered the rest of his long thin
body. He twisted and turned on the slippery be tom of
the bath spitting and hissing at us.
For an instant I stood there paralysed. Bottom then
yelled for my husband, who luckily come running and
killed the snake with the handle of a broom. Anna, who
was only there at the time, was quite interested in
whole business. Indeed I had to pull her out of the way
shed probably have leant over the bath to get a better
to look!
We found out later that it was a black mamba, a
poisonous kind a snake. It had obviously been fast
asleep, curled up at the bottom of the nice warm water
pipe. It must have had an awful shock when the cold
came tricking down. But nothing to the shock I got.
Ever since then Ive always put the plug in firmly before
running the bath water.





Social Function

Generic Structure

To share with
other an
account of an
usual a musing

Abstract signals the

retelling of an unusual
Orientation sets the
Crisis provides details of
the unusual incident.

Reaction to crisis.
Coda optional reflection
on or evaluation of the

Lexicogrammatical features
Use of exclamations,
rhetorical questions and
intensifiers (really, very,
quite etc) or point up the
significance of the events.
Use of material processes
to tell want happened.
Use of temporal

11. Spoof
Event 1

Penguin in the Park

Once a man was walking in the park when a penguin
He took him to a policeman and said, I have just found

Event 2


this penguin. What should I do? The police replied,

Take him to the zoo.
The next day the policeman saw same man in the
same park and the man was still carrying the penguin
with him. The policeman was rather surprised and
walked up to the man and asked, Why are you still
carrying the penguin about? Didnt you take it to the
zoo?. I certainly did, replied the man.
And it was a great idea because he really enjoyed it,
so today Im taking him to the movies.

Note: the twist in this particular text is related to the circumstances of place
the penguin is taken to and to the mans misinterpretation of the
policemans (unspoken) reason for taking the penguin to the zoo.
12. Review






Private Lives Sparkle

Since the first production of Private Lives in 1930,
with theatres two leading sophisticates Noel Coward
and Gertrude Lawrence in the leads, the play was
tended to be seen as a vehicles for stars.
QUT Academy of the art production boasted no stars,
but certainly fielded potential stars in a sparkling
performance that brought out just how fine a piece of
craftsmanship Cowards play is.
More then 60 years later what new could be deduced
from so familiar of them?
Director Rod wiss ors highly perceptive approach went
beyond the glittery surface of Witty banter to the
darker implication beneath.
With the shifting of attitudes to social values, it became
clear that victor and Siby were potentially the more
admirable of the couples, with standards better
adjusted than the volatile and self indulgent Elyot and
The we was there, dexteronsiy pig-ponged to and fro
by a vibrant Amanda (Catherine Jones) and a suave
Elyot (Daniel Kealy).
Julie Eckersleys Sibyl was a delightful creation and
Philip came on Smiths more serious playing was just
right for Victor. Jodle Levesconte was a superb French
maid. James Macleans set a captured the Thirties
atmosphere with many subtle touches.
All involved deserve the highest prase.

Social Function

Generic Structure

To critique an
art work, event
for a public

Orientation: places the

work in its general and
particular context, often
by comparing it with
others of its kind of
through analogue with a
non art object or event.
Interpretive recount

summaries the plot

and/or provides an
account of how
interviewed rendition of
the work came into
being is optional, but if
present, often recuisive.
Evaluation: provides an
evaluation of the work
and/or its performance
or production; is usually
Evaluative summation:
provides a kind of puck
line which sums up the
reviews opinion of the
art event as a whole is

Such works of
art include
movies, TV

shows, books,
plays, operas,
concerts, and

Lexicogrammatical features
Focus on particular
Direct expression is options
through use of Attitudinal
Ephitets in nominal groups;
qualitative Attributes and
Affective Mental Processes.
Use of elaborating and
extending clause and group
complexes to package the
Use of metaphorical
language (e.g. the wit was
there, dexterously ping
ponged to and fro).

13. Procedure
The Hole Game
Two players.
One marble for person.
A hole in ground.
A line (distance) to start from.
Method (step) 1. First you must dub (click marbles together).
2. Then you must check that marbles are in good
condition are nearly worth the same value.
Next, you must dig a hole in the ground and draw a
line a far distance a way from the hole.
The first player carefully throws his or her marble
towards the hole.
Then the second player tries to throw his or her
marble closed or the hole than his or her opponent.

The player whose marble is closet to the hole than his

or her opponent.
The player whose marble is closet to the hole tries to
flick his or her marble into the hole. If successful, this
player tries to flick his or her opponents marble into
the hole.
The person flicking the last marble into the hole wins
and gets to keep both marbles.
Social Function

Generic Structure

To describe

how something
through a
sequence of
actions or


Materials (not required

for all procedural texts).
Step 1-n (l.e Goal
followed by a series of
steps oriented to
achieving the goal.

Sumber: SSC kelas XII Smt 2

Lexicogrammatical features
Focus on generalized
human agents.
Use of Simple Present
Tense, often imperatives.
Use mainly the temporal
conjunctions (or numbering
to indicate sequence).
Use mainly of Material

Ada beberapa Jenis Teks (genre) dalam bahasa inggris yang dipelajari pada tingkat



Analytical Exposition




Hortatory Exposition







10. Discussion


News Item

11. Review



12. Spoof

Jenis teks yang dipelajari di setiap jenjang dan semester tentunya berbeda. Inilah
urutan jenis teks yang dipelajari di setiap jenjang dan semester.

Class X, semester 1 (recount, procedure, and narrative)


Class X, semester 2 (descriptive, news item, and narrative)


Class XI, semester 1 (report, analytical exposition, and narrative)


Class XI, semester 2 (spoof, hortatory exposition, and narrative)


Class XII, semester 1 (Explanation, Discussion, and Narrative)

Class XII, semester 2 (Review, and Narrative)


Tujuan komunikatif:
Melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan dengan tujuan memberitakan atau
Struktur teks (Generic Structure) :
* Pendahuluan (orientasi), yaitu memberikan informasi tentang apa, siapa, di mana dan
* Laporan (rentetan) peristiwa, kegiatan yang terjadi, yang biasanya disampaikan
secara berurut
Last week I and my family went to Pangandaran beach for having holiday.
Arived there, we looked for a hotel. Afteer that I visited spill market to buy swiming
dress. Then I went to the beach for swimming and surving. The next day, I visited the
souvenir shop. There were many kinds of souvenir. I bought some souvenirs there.
Meanwhile my parents and my sister were looking for beach dress at the market.
Finally, we went home and we had the holiday.
Social function report:
To describe the way things are (for example: a man -made thing, animals, plants). The
things must be a representative of their class.
Text organization report:

General classification (introduces the topic of the report/tells what

phenomenon under discussion is.)

Description (tell the details of topic such as physical appearance, parts,

qualities, habits/behaviour).
Language features report:

Use of general nouns ( Whales, Kangaroo, Computer)

Use of present tense(Komodo dragons usually weigh more than 160 kg)

Use of behavioural verbs (Snakes often sunbathe in the sun)

Use of technical terms ( Water contains oxygen and hydrogen)

Use of relating verbs (is, are, has)

General Classification
Whales are sea-living mammals
Description: (behaviours, qualities, parts)
They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large
indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30m in length, is the largest animal to
have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are
important differences in its external structure: its tail consists ofa pair of broad, flat,
horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it hasa single nostril on top of its
large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat
(blubber). This is up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body
Social function Procedure:
To help us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions.
Text organization:
1. Goals ( the final purpose of doing the instruction)
2. Materials ( ingredients, utensils, equipment to do the instructions)
3. Steps ( a set of instruction to achieve the final purpose)
Language features :

Use of imperative ( Cut.., Dont mix..)

Use of action verbs (turn, put)

Use of connectives(first, then, finally)

The Hole Game
Materials needed
Two players
One marble per person
A hole in ground
A line (distance) to start from
Method (step 1-n)
1. First you must dub (click marbles together).
2. Then you must check that the marbles are in good condition and are nearly worth the
same value.
3. Next you must dig a hole in the ground and draw a line a fair distance away from the
4. The first player carefully throws his or her marble towards the hole.

5. Then the second player tries to throw his or her marble closer to the hole
than his or her opponent.
6. The player whose marble is closest to the hole tries to flick his or her marble into the
hole. If successful, this player tries to flick his or her opponents marble into the hole.
The person flicking the last marble into the hole wins and gets to keep both
Social function narrative:
To amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experience in different ways.
Narrative always deals with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into
a solution to the problem.
Generic Structure Narrative:

Orientation ( who was involved, when and where was it happened)


Complication ( a problem arises and followed by other problems)

3. Resolution ( provide solution to the problem)

Language features Narrative:

Use of noun phrases ( a beautiful princess, a huge temple)

Use of adverbial phrases of time and place ( in the garden, two days ago)

Use of simple past tense ( He walked away from the village)

Use of action verbs ( walked, slept)

Use of adjectives phrases ( long black hair)

Snow White
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived withher Aunt
and Uncle because her parents were dead.
Major Complication
One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle
because they both wanted to go to America and they didnt have enough money to take
Snow White.
Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best
if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle
were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
She was very tired and hungry.

Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so
she wentinside and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside.
There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She sawthe dwarfs.
The dwarfs said, what is your name? Snow White said, My name isSnow White.
Major Resolution
Doc said, If you wish, you may live here with us. Snow White said, Oh could I? Thank
you. Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the
7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.
Social function news item:
To inform readers or listeners about events of the day which are considered newsworthy
or important.
Generic structure news item:

News worthy event ( tells the event in a summary form)


Background events ( elaborate what happened, tell what caused the incident)

Sources ( comments by participants, witnesses, authorities and experts

involved in the event)
Language features news item:

Information on the use of head lines.

Use of action verbs( hit, attack)

Use of saying verbs( said, added, claimed)

Use of passive sentences ( Aceh was hit by Tsunami in 2004)

Use of adverbs in passive sentences (The victims were badly injured)

Town Contaminated
Newsworthy Event
Moscow -A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear
catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.
Background Events
Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the
explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base ofshkotovo 22 near Vladivostock.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chemobyl
disaster, spreadradioactive fall-out over the base and i.earby town. but was covered up

by officials of the then Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of
the Victor-class submarine during a refit had been a thermal and not a nuclear
explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600
tonnes of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.
Social Function descriptive:
To describe a particular person, place or thing.
Generic Structure descriptive:

Identification (identify phenomenon to be described)

Description (describe parts, qualities, characteristics)

Language features descriptive:

Focus on specific participants

Use of attributive and identifying processes

Frequent use classifiers in nominal groups.

Use of the Simple Present Tense

Natural Bridge National Park
Natural Bridge National Park is a luscious tropical rainforest.
It is located 110 kilometres south of Brisbane and is reached by following the Pacific
Highway to Nerang and then by travelling through the Numinbah Valley. This scenic
roadway lies in the shadow of the Lamington National Park.
The phenomenon of the rock formed into a natural arch* and the cave through
which a waterfall cascades is a short 1 kilometre walk below a dense rainforest
canopy from the main picnic area. Swimming is permitted in the rock pools. Night-time
visitors to the cave will discover the unique feature of the glow worms.
Picnic areas offer toilets, barbecues, shelter sheds, water and fireplaces; however,
overnight camping is not permitted.
Social function analytical exposition:
To persuade the readers or the listeners that something in the case, to analyze or to
Generic Structure analytical exposition:


Thesis (usually includes a preview argument. It introduces topics and indicates

the writers position)


Arguments (consists of a point and elaboration sequence. The number of

points may vary, but each must be supported by discussion and evidence)

Reiteration (restates the position more forcefully in the light of the arguments
Language features analytical exposition:

Emotive words such as : alarmed, worried.

Words that qualify statements such as: usual probably

Words that link arguments such as: firstly, however, on the other hand,

Usually present tense

Compound and complex sentences

The Importance of English
Thesis { I personally think that English is the worlds most important language. Why do I
say that?
Argument 1 { Firstly, English is an international language. It is spoken by many people
all around the world, either as a first or second language.
Argument 2 { Secondly, English is also the key which opens doors to scientific and
technical knowledge, which is needed for the economic and political development of
many countries in the world.
Argument 3 { Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs. Applicants
who master either active or passive English are more favorable than those who do not.
Conclusion { From the fact above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn English
to greet the global era.
Social function hortatory exposition:
To persuade the readers or the listeners that something should or should not be the
Generic structure hortatory exposition:

Thesis ( stating an issue of concern)


Arguments ( giving reasons for concern, leading recommendation)

Recommendation (stating what ought or ought not to happen)

Language features hortatory exposition:

Emotive words: alarmed, worried

Words that qualify statements: usual probably

Words that link arguments: firstly, however, on the other hand, therefore

Usually present tense

Compound and complex sentences

Modal auxiliary: can, may, should, must

(Announcement of issue concern)
Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between money
and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world, even in the United
States. Its just a matter of intensity. However, it is quite shocking when one reliable
survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in Indonesia.
Argument 1
The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and earn a living here in the
capital. As most people know, Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a new thing at all.
Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a thing more
often. They even bribe the officials.
Argument 2
Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the
corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generations from
getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.
I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone should be
involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any distinction.
Adapted from: The Jakarta Post, February 2005
Social function explanation:
To explain the process involved in the formation or working of natural or socio cultural
Generic structure explanation:

A general statement to position the reader


A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs

Language features explanation:

Focus on generic, non-human participants.

Use mainly of general and abstract nouns, action verbs, simple present tense,
passive voice, conjunction of time and cause, noun phrases, complex
sentences, and technical language.

A brief Summary of Speech Production
General Statement to Position the Reader
Speech production is made possible by the specialised movements of our vocal
organs that generate speech sounds waves.
Like all sound production, speech production requires a source of energy.The
source of energy for speech production is the steady stream of air that comes from the
lungs as we exhale. When we breathe normally, the air streamis inaudible. To become
audible, the air stream must vibrate rapidly. The vocal cords cause the air
stream to vibrate.
As we talk, the vocal cords open and close rapidly, chopping up the steady air
stream into a series of puffs. These puffs are heard as a buzz. But this buzz isstill
not speech.
To produce speech sounds, the vocal tract must change shape. Duringspeech we
continually alter the shape of the vocal track by moving the tongueand lips,etc. These
movements change the acoustic properties of the vocal tract, which in turn
produce the different sounds of speech.
Social function discussion:
To present information and opinions about more than one side of an issue (for points
against points)
Generic structure discussion:

Opening statement presenting the issue


Arguments or evidence for different points of view ( pros and cons)

Concluding recommendation
Language features discussion:

Use of general nouns: alcohol, abortion, smoking, etc.

Use of relating verbs: is, are, etc.

Use of thinking verbs: think, feel, hope believe, etc.

Use of additive connectives: addition, furthermore, besides, etc.

Use of contrastive connectives: although, even, if, nevertheless, etc.

Use of causal connectives: because, because of, etc.

Use of modal auxiliary: must, should, etc.

Use of adverbial manner: hopefully.

Contoh 1:
Gene Splicing
Genetic research has produced both exciting and frightening
possibilities.Scientists are now able to create new forms of life in the laboratory due
to the development of gene splicing.
Arguments for
On the one hand, the ability to create life in the
laboratory could greatly benefitmankind.
For example, because it is very expensive to obtain insulin from natural sources,
scientists have developed a method to manufacture it inexpensively in the laboratory.
Another beneficial application of gene splicing is in a agriculture.
Scientists foresee the day when new plants will be developed using nitrogen from the
air instead of from fertilizer. Therefore food production could be increased. In addition,
entirely new plants could be developed to feed the worlds hungry people.
Argument against
Not everyone is excited about gene splicing, however. Some people feel that it could
have terrible consequences.
A laboratory accident, for example, might cause an epidemic of an unknown disease
that could wipe out humanity.
As a result of this controversy, the government has made rules to controlgenetic
experiments. While some members of the scientific community feelthat these
rules are too strict, many other people feel that they are still not strict enough.\

Contoh 2:
The Advantage and Disadvantage of Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various part of
the world. The first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in
Cumbria, England in 1956.

Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plant for engine. Nuclear
power produces around 11% of the world's energy needed, and produces huge
amounts of energy. It cause no pollution as we would get when burning fossil fuels. The
advantages of nuclear plant are as follow:

It costs about the same coal, so it is not expansive to make.

It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the
greenhouse effect.

It produces huge amounts of energy from small amount of uranium.

It produces small amount of waste.

It is reliable.
On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and
buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is
reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear
accident ca be a major accident.
People are increasingly concerned about this matter. In the 1990's nuclear power was
the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world.

Social function review:
To critique an art work or event for a public audience
Generic structure review:

Orientation ( background information on the text)


Evaluation ( concluding statement : judgment, opinion, or recommendation. It

can consist of more than one.


Interpretative Recount ( summary of an art works including characters and


Evaluative summation: the last opinion consisting the appraisal or the punch
line of the art works being criticized.
Language features review:

Focus on specific participants

Use of adjectives

Use of long and complex clauses

Use of metaphor

Reviews are used to summarize, analyze and respond to art works. They may
include: movie, TV shows, books, plays, concerts, etc.
Contoh 1:
Private Lives Sparkle
Since the first production ofPrivate Lives in 1930, with the theatres two
leadingsophisticates Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence in the leads, the play has
tended to be seen as a vehicle for stars.
QUT Academy of the Arts production boasted no stars, but certainly fielded potential
stars in a sparkling performance that brought out just how fine a pieceof
craftsmanship Cowards play is.
More than 60 years later, what new could be deduced from so familiar a theme?
Director Rod Wisslers highly perceptive approach went beyond the glitterysurface
of Witty banter to the darker implications beneath.
Interpretative Recount
With the shifting of attitudes to social values, it became clear that Victor andSibyl were
potentially the more admirable of the couples, with standards better adjusted than
the volatile and self-indulgent Elyot and Amanda.
The wit was there, dexterously ping-ponged to and fro by a vibrant Amanda (Catherine
Jones) and a suave Elyot (Daniel Kealy).
Julie Eckersleys Sibyl was a delightful creation, and Phillip CameronSmithsmore serious playing w&sjust right for Victor. Jodie Levesconte was
asuperb French maid. James Macleans set captured the Thirties atmosphere
with many subtle touches.
Evaluative Summation
All involved deserve the highest praise.

Contoh 2:
The Advantage and Disadvantage of Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various part of
the world. The first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in
Cumbria, England in 1956.
Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plant for engine. Nuclear
power produces around 11% of the world's energy needed, and produces huge
amounts of energy. It cause no pollution as we would get when burning fossil fuels. The
advantages of nuclear plant are as follow:

It costs about the same coal, so it is not expansive to make.

It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the
greenhouse effect.

It produces huge amounts of energy from small amount of uranium.

It produces small amount of waste.

It is reliable.
On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and
buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is
reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear
accident ca be a major accident.
People are increasingly concerned about this matter. In the 1990's nuclear power was
the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world.
Social function: To tell an event with a humorous twist.
Generic structure:
1. Orientation (who were involved, when and where was happened)
2. Events ( tell what happened in a chronological order)
3. Twist (provide the funniest part of the story)
Language features:
-Use of connectives (first, then, finally)
-Use of adverbial phrases of time and place (in the garden, two days ago)
-Use of simple past tense (he walked away from the village)
The Blonde and the Lawyer
A blonde and a lawyer are seated next to each other on a flight from LA to NY. The
lawyer asks if she would like to play a fun game.
The blonde, tired, just wants to take a nap, politely declines and rolls over to the window
to catch a few winks.
The lawyer persists and explains that the game is easy and a lot of fun.
He explains, I ask you a question, and if you dont know the answer, you pay me $5.00,
and vise versa.
Again, she declines and tries to get some sleep. The lawyer, now agitated, says, Okay,
if you dont know the answer you pay me $5.00, and if I dont know the answer, I will pay
you $500.00.
This catches the blondes attention and, figuring there will be no end to this torment
unless she plays, agrees to the game. The lawyer asks the first question. Whats the
distance from the earth to the moon? The blonde doesnt say a word, reaches into her
purse, pulls out a $5.00 bill and hands it to the lawyer. Okay says the lawyer, your
She asks the lawyer, What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four
legs? The lawyer, puzzled, takes out his laptop computer and searches all his
references, no answer. He taps into the air phone with his modem and searches the net
and the library of congress, no answer. Frustrated, he sends e-mails to all his friends
and coworkers, to no avail. After an hour, he wakes the blonde, and hands her $500.00.

The blonde says, Thank you, and turns back to get some more sleep.
The lawyer, who is more than a little miffed, wakes the blonde and asks, Well, whats
the answer? Without a word, the blonde reaches into her purse, hands the lawyer
$5.00, and goes back to sleep.


By: Rusmanhaji
Published by ESS






A. Recount


B. News item


C. Procedure



D. Description



E. Narrative



F. Report


G. Analytical exposition


H. Hortatory exposition







J. Explanation


K. Discussion



L. Review


M. Anecdote




Al-hamdulillah buku Simple Genre ini telah selesai tersusun. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan siswa
SMA sesuai dengan kurikulum yang berbasis kompetensi dan berkarakter.

Buku ini berisi 13 macam jenis teks yang harus dipelajari siswa SMA mulai dari kelas X sampai
Dalam buku ini disajikan jenis-jenis teks beserta ciri-ciri umumnya, yaitu tujuan , struktur,
kebahasaan, contoh-contoh teks dan summary masing-masing teks. Juga disertai vocabulary
maupun soal-soal.
Penyusun menyampaikan rasa terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang ikut andil dalam
penerbitan buku ini.
Mudah-mudahan mendapat ridha Allah SWT dan menyebabkan ilmu yang bermanfaat amin.

Bekasi, 16 April 2013



Jenis Teks
Genre much deals with kinds of texts.
Genre banyak berhubungan dengan jenis tek.
It has: ia memiliki

1. Communicative purpose/social function (tujuan komunikasi)


Generic structure/text organization (struktur teks)


Linguistic features (ciri-ciri kebahasaan)

What is a text? (Apa teks itu?)

Texts consist of spoken or written words that have the purpose of conveying a message.
Teks terdiri dari kata-kata lisan atau tertulis yang bermaksud menyampaikan sebuah pesan.
The text types (Tipe teks)
There are two main categories of text type: literary and factual.

Ada dua kategori utama pada jenis teks yaitu: sastra dan fakta.

Literary text type:

1) Narrative
2) Poems
3) Drama

These text types are used to tell us about human experience usually in an imaginative way.
Jenis teks ini digunakan untuk menceritakan tentang pengalaman manusia biasanya dengan cara
Their purpose is to make readers or listeners think, laugh, cry or be entertained.
Maksud mereka ialah membuat pembaca atau pendengar berpikir, tertawa, menangis atau

Factual text type

1) Recount

11) Discussion

2) News item

12) Review

3) Procedure

13) Anecdote

4) Description
5) Narrative
6) Report
7) Analytical Exposition
8) Hortatory Exposition
9) Spoof




Berikut ini bentuk-bentuk genre (Jenis teks) dalam bahasa Inggris:



1. Ciri Umum
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose):
To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining
(melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan dengan tujuan memberitakan atau menghibur).
b. Struktur Teks (Generic Structure):
 Orientation: memberikan informasi tentang siapa, di mana dan kapan
 Events: rekaman peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan yang terjadi, yang biasanya disampaikan dalam
urutan kronologis
 Reorientation: pengenalan ulang yang merangkum rentetan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan.
c. Ciri Kebahasaan (Linguistic Features): Menggunakan:
 nouns dan pronouns sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan atau benda yang terlibat, misalnya David, the
monkey, we dsb.
 action verbs atau kata kerja tindakan, misalnya go, sleep, run dsb.
 past tense, misalnya We went to the zoo; She was happy dsb.
 conjunctions dan time connectives yang mengurutkan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan, misalnya
and, but, then, after that, dsb.

 adverbs dan adverb phrases untuk mengungkap tempat, waktu dan cara, misalnya yesterday, at my
house, slowly dsb.
 adjectives untuk menerangkan nouns, misalnya beautiful, funny, dsb. Generic Structure/Text
Organization Orientation: menunjukkan setting (tempat) dan memperkenalkan tokoh. Event 1 Event
2 Event 3 dst. Reorientation: Penutup ataupun penekanan kembali Events: menceritakan apa yang
terjadi secara berurutan.

2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks:

Topic: Our trip to the Blue Mountain
Last Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at David and Dellas house. It has a big
garden with lots of colourful flowers and a tennis court.
On Saturday we saw the Three Sisters and went on the scenic railway. It wasscary. Then, Mummy
and I went shopping with Della.
We went to some antique shops and I tried on some old hats.
On Sunday we went on the Scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw cockatooshaving a shower. In
the afternoon, we went home.

1. Mountains

: pegunungan


2. lots of : many: banyak


3. tennis court : lapangan tenis


4. scary ks. Menakutkan


5. scenic ks. permai, indah (of an area, view). s. railway jalan kereta api dengan/yang
penuh pemandangan


6. cockatoo kb. Kakatua


7. having a shower



: mandi

o Bacaan berbentuk recount adalah suatu kejadian yang pernah dialami, biasanya berbentuk
laporan dan lain sebagainya.

o Siswa perlu mempelajari recount text untuk menceritakan kejadian-kejadian nyata yang sudah
dialami baik secara lisan maupun tulisan.
o Standar kompetensi yang terkait dengan penguasaan jenis teks ini adalah mampu berkomunikasi
secara lisan atau tulisan secara interaksional.
o Generic Structure dari recount :
a. Orientation : menyebutkan orang atau benda yang melakukan atau yang terlibat didalamnya
serta waktu, tempat, situasi .
b. Event: urutan kejadiaanya.
c. Re-orientation : Rangkuman dari seluruh kejadian yang ada pada teks atau komentar pribadi
yang dapat dimulai dari tahap mana saja sesuai dengan kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh setiap siswa.



(Warta Berita)

1. Ciri Umum:
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose):
To inform readers, listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or
(memberitakan kepada pembaca, pendengar atau penonton tentang peristiwa-peristiwa atau
kejadian-kejadian yang dipandang penting atau layak diberitakan).
b. Struktur Teks (Generic Structure):

Newsworthy events: kejadian inti/menceritakan kejadian-kejadiannya dalam bentuk

yang sangat singkat.

Background events: menjelaskan apa yang terjadi, siapa yang terlibat, dalam situasi

Sources: komentar saksi kejadian, pendapat para ahli

c. Ciri Kebahasaan (Linguistic Features):

 Informasi singkat tertuang dalam headline
 Menggunakan action verbs
 Menggunakan saying verbs, misalnya say, tell, dsb.
 Menggunakan kata keterangan, misalnya badly injured, the most beautiful bride in the world
Generic Structure/Text Organization Newsworthy event Background event Sources
2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks:
Topic: Town Contaminated
Newsworthy event
Moscow A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe,
which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.
Background events
Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed theexplosion of a
nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotovo 22 near Vladivostock. The accident,
which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyldisaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base
and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told the
explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had been a thermal and not a
nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tones of
contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.
A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet
Vocabularies :

1. journalist

: wartawan


2. evidence

: kb. 1 fakta-fakta. 2 bukti. 3 keterangan, tanda , petunjuk. conflicting

e. keterangan yang saling bertentangan. -kkt. menunjukkan.


3. catastrophe disaster

: kb. malapetaka, bencana alam.


4. witnessed

: menyaksikan


5. explosion

: kb. letusan, ledakan, letupan. e. of anger kemarahan yang meledak.


6. submarine

: kb. kapal selam. s. chaser pemburu kapal selam. -ks. yang

berhubungan dengan dasar laut. s. geology geology dasar laut.


7. occurred

: took place : terjadi


8. refit

: kkt. (refitted) memperlengkapi lagi (a ship).


9. thermal

: ks. yang berkaitan dengan panas. t. current arus panas.

10. secrecy

: kb. (j. -cies) sifat rahasia, kerahasiaan.




1. Ciri Umum:
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose):
To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps
(Memberi petunjuk tentang cara melakukan sesuatu melalui serangkaian tindakan atau langkah).
b. Struktur Teks (Generic Structure):

: tujuan kegiatan


: bahan-bahan
: langkah-langkah


Ciri Kebahasaan (Linguistic Features):

 pola kalimat imperative, misalnya, Cut, Dont mix, dsb.
 action verbs, misalnya turn, put, dont, mix, dsb.

 connectives untuk mengurutkan kegiatan, misalnya then, while, dsb.

 adverbials untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, tempat, cara yang akurat, misalnya for five minutes, 2
centimetres from the top, dsb. Generic Structure/Text Organization Goal: Biasanya judulnya
Materials Steps (berupa metode)
2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks:
How to Make a Cheese Omelet
Materials: Ingredients 1 egg, 50 g cheese, cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper
Utensils Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, plate
Method 1. Crack an egg into a bowl 2. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth 3. Add milk and
whisk well 4. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir 5. Heat the oil in a frying pan 6. Pour the
mixture into the frying pan 7. Turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns 8. Cook both sides 9.
Place on a plate; season with salt and pepper 10. Eat while warm.
Topic: How to boil an egg
Do you know how to boil an egg? Well, this the way . First, heat a saucepan of water on the stove.
Then put the egg in the boiling water. Next, heat it until it boils. Then, cook it for three minutes.
Remember, Leave the egg until it cools. Now, the egg is ready to serve. Finally serve it with pepper
powder and salt.

1. to boil

: merebus


2. heat

: panaskan


3. stove

: kompor


4. pepper powder: bubuk merica

Topic: How to cook rice

First, wash some rice in cold water. Like this. Second, put the rice with some water in a pot.
Then, boil and cool it slowly for about 20 minutes. (After 20 minutes) See, there is no more water
now. After that, put the rice to the simmerand steam it for about 45 minutes. Now, the rice is ready
to be served.

1. Boil

: rebus


2. Simmer

: mendidih dengan perlahan


3. Steam

: kukus

Choose the correct answer

1. What kind of the text is it?
a. recount
d. report

b. spoof

c. narrative

e. procedure

2. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
b. to present two points of view about an issue.
c. to amuse or entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.
d. to describe how something accomplished through a sequence of steps
e. to describe a peculiar person, place or things.
3. Mention the generic structure of the text ?
a. goal, events, reorientation
b. goal, materials and equipments, resolution

c. orientation, events, steps

d. orientation, steps goal
e. goal, materials and equipments/steps
4. What kind of verb is mainly used in the text?
a. Mental verbs b. linking verbs c saying verbs d. thinking verbs

e. action verbs

5. How many ingredients / materials are needed to cook rice?

a. Four

c. only one

b. Two

d. five

e. three


Summary of Procedure Text

a. Purpose:
-To help us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions


b. Text Organization:

: (tujuan kegiatan)

-Materials : (bahan-bahan)

: (langkah-langkah)

c. Language Features:

Use of imperatives (pola kalimat imperatives) for example: Cut, Dont mix ,etc.

Use of action verbs (ex: turn, put, mix, etc.)

Use of connectives (untuk mengurutkan kegiatan) (eg: first, then, while, etc.)

Use of adverbial phrases (untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, tempat, cara yang akurat. (ex: for

five minutes, 2 centimeters from the top)




(Deskripsi/ Gambaran)

1. Ciri Umum:
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose):
To describe a particular person, place, or thing
(Mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri seseorang, benda atau tempat tertentu).
b. Struktur Teks (Generic Structure):
Identification: mengidentifikasi fenomena yang akan dideskripsikan
Description: mendeskripsikan bagian-bagian, kualitas, ciri-ciri subjek, perilaku umum, sifat-sifat.
c. Ciri Kebahasaan (Linguistic Features):
Terfokus pada participant tertentu: misalnya my house, my cat, the museum, dsb. Menggunakan:
 simple present tense.
 detailed noun phrase untuk memberikan informasi tentang subjek, misalnya It was a large open
rowboat, a sweet young lady, dsb.
 berbagai macam adjectives, yang bersifat describing, numbering, classifying, misalnya, two strong
legs, sharp white fangs, dsb.
 relating verbs untuk memberikan informasi tentang subjek, misalnya, My mum is realy cool, It has
very thick fur, dsb.

 thinking verbs dan feeling verbs untuk mengungkapkan pandangan pribadi penulis tentang subjek,
misalnya Police believe the suspect is armed, I think it is a clever animal, dsb.
 action verbs, misalnya Our new puppy bites our shoes, dsb.
 abverbials untuk memberikan informasi tambahan tentang perilaku tersebut, misalnya fast, at the
tree house, dsb.
 bahasa figurative, seperti simile, metafor, misalnya John is white as chalk, sat tight,dsb
2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks:
Topic: MacQuarie University
Macquarie University is one of the largest universities in Australia. This year, in 2004, it celebrates
its 40th anniversary.
The university is located at the North Ryde Greenbelt, Sydney, where the New South Wales
government sets aside 135 hectares for the institution. In 1964, Macquarie area was
a rural retreat on the city fringe, but today the campus and its surroundings
have evolved beyond recognition.
The North Ryde District has grown into a district of intensive occupationanchored by
a vibrant and growing university. Blessed with a fortunate location and room to breathe, Macquarie
can be proud of that careful planning that retains and enrich the universitys most attractive natural
A pleasing balance between buildings and plating is evident across the campus. This emphasis on
the importance of landscape has created images of Macquarie as a place that members of the
university are most likely to pleasurably recollect.
Today, a railway station is under construction. In three years1 time, Macquarie will be the only
university in Australia with a railway station on site. Macquarie is poised to be the most readily
accessible in Sydney region by rail and motorway, yet retaining its beautiful site.


1. locate kkt. 1 menempatkan. 2 menemukan (a friend, book). -kki. menetap. to be located



2. rural ks. pedusunan, pedesaan, pedalaman. to live in a r. area tinggal di daerah



3. retreat kb. 1 mundurnya (of troops). 2 tempat pengasingan diri. 3 tanda mundur. -kki.


4. fringe kb. 1 pinggir (of town, of society). 2 golongan pinggir. 3 lingkaran pinggir. -kkt.
menyusur. Grassy slopes f. the stream Lereng berumput menyusur sungai itu.


5. vibrant ks. 1 bergetar (tones). 2 bersemangat (spirits).


6. evolve kkt. menyusun, memperkembangkan. -kki. berkembang.


7. recognition kb. 1 pengakuan (of a country, by the chairman). 2 pengenalan (by s.o.). 3
penghargaan (for outstanding service).


8. Emphasis : penekanan


9. under construction sedang dibangun

10. poised

: -kkt. memperseimbangkan


1. What is one of the largest universities in Australia.?


2. Where is The university located?


3. What is under construction today?


4. What has created images of Macquarie as a place that members of the university are
most likely to pleasurably recollect.?


5. What kind of genre is the text?


(Cerita, Dongeng, Legenda)

1. Ciri Umum:
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose):
To ammuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways

(Menghibur pendengar atau pembaca (yang bertalian dengan pengalaman nyata, khayal atau
peristiwa pelik yang mengarah ke suatu krisis, yang pada akhirnya menemukan suatu
b. Struktur Teks (Generic Structure):
Orientation: mengenalkan pengenalan tokoh, waktu, dan tempat
Complication: pengembangan konflik
Resolution: penyelesaian konflik
Reorientation: perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari cerita.

c. Ciri Kebahasaan (Linguistic Features):

 nouns tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan dan benda tertentu dalam cerita, misalnya,
stepsisters, housework, dsb.
 adjectives yang membentuk noun phrase, misalnya, long black hair, two red apples, dsb.
 time connectives dan conjunctions untuk mengurutkan kejadian-kejadian, misalnya then, before
that, soon, dsb.
 adverbs dan adverbial phrases untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian atau peristiwa, misalnya here, in
the mountain, happily ever after,dsb.
 action verbs dalam past tense; stayed, climbed, dsb.
 saying verbs yang menandai ucapan seperti: said, told, promised, dan thinking verbs yang
menandai pikiran, persepsi atau perasaan tokoh dalam cerita, misalnya thought, understood, felt,
2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks:

Once upon a time a hawk fell in love with a hen. Then the hawk flew down from the sky and
asked the hen, Wont you marry me?
Then the loved braved, strong hawk and wished to marry him. But she said, I cannot fly as
high as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then, we can fly together.
The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. This is to show that you
have promised to marry me, said the hawk.
So it happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster
saw the ring, he became very angry. Throw that ring away at once! Didnt you tell the hawk that
youd already promised to marry me? shouted the rooster. The hen was so frightened at the rooters
anger that shethrew away the ring immediately.
When the hawk came the next day, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious that
he cursed the hen. Why didnt you tell me earlier? Now, youll always be scratching the earth, and
Ill always be flying above you to catch your children, said the hawk.
The curse seemed to have come true.

Choose the correct answer:

1. Why couldnt the hen say yes right away? Because .
(A). she didnt love the hawk
(B). she had no ring to exchange
(C). it would make the rooster angry
(D). the hawk was too brave and strong
(E). she had to learn how to fly as high as the hawk

2. What is the story about?

(A). A hen and a rooster.

(B). A hawk and his wife.

(C). A hen and her children.
(D). A rooster and his fianc.
(E). A hawk, a hen and a rooster.

3. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen, Wont you marry me?(paragraph 1)
What does the underlined utterance mean?
(A). The wanted to marry the hawk
(B). The hen refused to marry the hawk
(C). The hen agreed to be the hawks wife
(D). The hawk proposed the hen to be his wife
(E). The hawk wanted to marry the hen at the sky

4. Why was the rooster angry when he saw the ring?

(A). The hen had betrayed him
(B). The hen had stolen his ring
(C). The hen didnt wear her own ring
(D). The ring was not good for the hen
(E). The ring was too small for the hen

5. What can we learn from the story? We have to .

(A). take care of our children

(B). keep our promise
(C). love one another
(D). listen to other
(E). marry soon



There once was a poor woodcutter, named Ali Baba. He lived in the wooden house near the forest.
One day, he was gathering wood in the forest when a band of thieves approached. He hid and
watched them enter a cave that opened when they said to the words, Alakazam, open!. After they
departed, Ali Baba stood before the cave and gave the command Alakazam, open!. He was
surprised, the cave opened to reveal an enormous supply of gold and treasures. Ali Baba packed
some of the gold on his donkeys and returned home.
His brother Qasim was rich but hardhearted merchant, discovered Ali Babas new wealth, he
demanded an explanation. The next day Qasim visited the cave and greedily gathered as much
treasures as he could, but forgot the formula for leaving the cave. The thieves opened the cave and
found Qasim over there. The leader of the thieves killed him.
Qasims wife was worried why her husband did not come home for a day. She asked Ali Baba to
look for him. Ali Baba went to the cave and was surprised that his brother killed. He brought his
brothers body home and one knew it and reported that to the leader of the thieves.
The following day the leader of the thieves planned to kill Ali Baba and he came to his house. He
tried to kill him, fortunately his slave, Murganah, helped him. She swung a sword and killed the
leader of the thieves. Murganah freed Ali Baba from the murder.
Finally Ali Baba married Murganah and they lived happily ever after.

Answer the following questions:

1. Which paragraph is Orientation of the story?
2. Which paragraphs are Complications of the story?
3. Which paragraph is Resolution of the story?
4. What is the theme/message of the story?


Once, when a Lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon
wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and opened his big jaws to swallow him.
Pardon, O king, cried the little Mouse, Forgive me this time, I shall never forget it; who knows but
what I may be able to do you a turn some of these days?
The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him, that he lifted up his paw and
let him go.
Some time after the Lion was caught in a trap, and the hunters, who desired to carry him alive to the
king, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him on.
Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and see the sad plight in which the Lion was.He went
up to the lion and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the king of the Beasts. Wasnt I right?
said the little Mouse.
Moral: Little friends may prove great friends.(AESOP)


1. Who was the author of the story?


2. Did the lion parden the mouse?


3. Could the mouse help the lion?


4. How did he help him?


5. What is the message of the story?

Summary of Narrative Text

to amuse or entertain or to deal with ctual/imaginative experiences in different ways.
Schematic Structure/Text Organization:
Orientation: sets the scene and introduces the participants (When? Who? Where?)
Complication: a crisis arises (What was the problem?)
Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse (How was the problem resolved? How did
the story end?)
Re-orientation: (optional stage)
Theme: Clear message
Linguistic/language features:
Specific participants
Action verbs (material processes)
Saying verbs (verbal processes)
Mental verbs (mental processes)
Linking verbs (relational processes)
Temporal connectives
Temporal circumstances
Spatial circumstances
Personal pronoun
Simple past
The use of Direct Indirect Speech.


(Laporan Hasil Pengamatan)

1. Ciri Umum:
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose):
To describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man-made, and social
phenomena in our environment
(menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu, apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau
analisis. Yang dideskripsikan dapat meliputi gejala alam, lingkungan, benda buatan manusia, atau
gejala-gejala sosial. Deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat berupa kesimpulan umum, misalnya, ikan
paus termasuk binatang mamalia karena ikan tersebut melahirkan anaknya. Untuk membuat
laporan semacam ini, siswa perlu mengamati dan membandingkan ikan paus dengan binatang
lainnya yang memiliki ciri-ciri yang sama).
b. Struktur Teks (Generic Structure):
 General classification: pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan
 Description: menceritakan fenomena apa yang sedang didiskusikan; berkaitan dengan parts,
qualities, habits or behaviors.
c. Ciri Kebahasaan (Linguistic Features): Menggunakan:
 general nouns, seperti Reptiles in Comodo Island, dsb.
 relating verbs untuk menjelaskan ciri, misalnya reptiles are scaly animals (ciri ini berlaku untuk
semua reptilia), dsb.
 action verbs dalam mejelaskan perilaku, misalnya lizards cannot fly, dsb.  present tense untuk
menyatakan suatu yang umum, misalnya Komodo dragons usually weight more than 160 kg, dsb.
 istilah teknis, misalnya water contains oxygen and hydrogen, dsb.
 paragraf dengan topik sentence untuk menyusun sejumlah informasi.

 Tidak bersifat promotif

 Terdapat dalam ensiklopedia

2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks:

General classification
The white pelican is one of the most successful fish-eating birds.
The success is largely due to its command hunting behaviour. A group, perhaps two dozen birds,
will gather in a curved arc some distance offshore.
The birds then begin to move forward towards the shore, beating the waterfuriously with their
wings, driving the fish before them.
When the water is shallow enough for the birds to reach the fish, theformation breaks up as each
bird dips its bill into the water to scoop up its meal.
As the bird lifts its head, the water drains from its bill leaving the fish which are then swallowed.
Pelicans are among the oldest group of birds, Fossils of this genus have been found dating back 40
million years.


Whales are sea-livings mammals. They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land.
Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 meters in length, is the
largest animal to have lived on earth.
Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its external
structure; its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it
has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head.

The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber).
It can be up to 30 meters in thickness and serves heat and body fluids.
Answer the following questions:

1. What group of animals do whales belong to?


2. How long is a whales body?


3. Why cant whales survive on land for a long time although they breath air?

4. What is the difference between whales and fish?


(Eksposisi Analitis)
1. Ciri Umum:
a. Tujuan Komunikatif (communicative purpose/social function):
The communicative purpose/social function of analytical exposition is to persuade the reader or
listener that something is the case
(Untuk membujuk, meyakinkan atau mempengaruhi pembaca atau pendengar bahwa
sesuatumerupakan kasus)
Kadang juga dikatakan bahwa analytical exposition dimaksudkan untuk mempengaruhi audience /
pendengar atau pembaca bahwa ada masalah yang tentunya perlu mendapat perhatian)
b. Struktur Teks (generic structure):
1. Pernyataan pendapat


2.Argumen (arguments), terdiri atas point yang dikemukakan dan

3.Elaboration; Penguatan pernyataan (Reiteration)
c. Ciri Kebahasaan (linguistic features):

1. General nouns, misalnya car, pollution, leaded petrol car, dsb.
2. Abstract nouns, misalnya policy, government, dsb.
3. Technical verbs, misalnya species of animals, dsb.
4. Relating verbs, misalnya It is important, dsb.
5. Action verbs, misalnya She must save, dsb.
6. Thinking verbs, misalnya Many people believe, dsb
7. Modal verbs, misalnya we must preserve, dsb.
8. Modal adverbs, misalnya certainly, we, dsb.
9. Connectives, misalnya firstly, secondly,dsb.
10. Bahasa evaluatif, misalnya important, valuable, trustworthy, dsb.
11. Kalimat pasif (passive voice)

2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks:

Topic: The Importance of English Language
I personally think that English is the worlds most important language. Why do I say that?
Firstly, English is an international language. It is spoken by many people all over the world, either
as a first or second language.
Secondly, English is also the key which opens door to scientific and technical knowledge, which is
needed for the economic and political development of many countries in the world.
Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those seeking for jobs. Applicants who master either active
or passive English are more favorable than those who dont.
From the facts above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn to greet the global era.

(adapted from: Student Book for SMA, Balai Pustaka)



Why do you say that English is the worlds most important language?



Where does the text adapt from?

(Eksposisi Hortatori)

1. Ciri Umum:
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose):
To persuade the reader or listener that something should be/shouldnt be the case
(Untuk membujuk, meyakinkan atau mempengaruhi pembaca atau pendengar bahwa sesuatu
seharusnya/tdk seharusnya demikian
b. Struktur Teks (Generic Structure):
 Thesis (pernyataan isu yang dipersoalkan)
 Arguments: berupa alasan mengapa ada keprihatinan, dan mengarah ke rekomendasi
 Recommendation: pernyataan tentang bagaimana seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya.
c. Ciri Kebahasaan (Linguistic Feature):
 Terfokus ke pembicara / penulis yang mengangkat isu. Menggunakan:

 Abstract nouns, misalnya policy, government,dsb.

 Technical verbs, misalnya species of animals, dsb.
 Relating verbs, misalnya should be, doesnt seem to have been,dsb.
 Action verbs, misalnya We must act, dsb.
 Thinking verbs, misalnya I believe, dsb

 Modal verbs, misalnya we must preserve, dsb

 Modal adverbs, misalnya certainly, wem dsb.
 Connectives, misalnya firstly, secondly, dsb
 Simple present tense
 Kalimat pasif
 Bahasa evaluatif, misalnya important, valuable, trustworthy, dsb.
2. Contoh Teks:
Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, andcause a lot of
road deaths and other accidents.
Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Carsemit a deadly gas
that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and triggers off asthma. Some of these
illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.
Secondly, the city is very busy. (point) triggers wander everywhere and cars commonly hit
pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers.
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or
concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone.
In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

1. Banned

: dilarang


2. Cause

: menyebabkan


3. Deaths

: kematian


4. Accidents: kecelakaan


5. Emit


6. Triggers : memicu


7. Wander

: menggeluyur, keliling


8. Noisy

: berisik

: memancarkan, mengeluarkan


1. In the writers opinion what do cars in a city cause?


2. What do cars emit?


3. Who mostly are the victims in car accidents?


4. Which paragraph tells you that cars also cause noice pollution?


5. What is the topic of the text?


6. What kind of text is the above reading?


7. What is the generic structure of the text?



Crime is a serious problem in big cities and it is getting worse every year. This is what police
departments around the country said in their reports last week. The subways and the streets are
more dangerous. You may not even besafe in your own home.
Why is the problem so serious now? This is not an easy question to answer. There may not be
a single answer. Many problems together seem to make cities so dangerous.
One of the problems is money. To fight crime a city needs police officers, cars, and guns. These
cost a lot of money. But right now cities do not have much extra money. So, there are not enough
police officers, cars and guns for the cities.
Another problem is drugs. Crime studies show that many criminals use and sell drugs. After
they start taking drugs, they want to have more. However,drugs are very expensive. So, these people
may sell drugs to other people to make money or they may steal money to get more drugs.
There is an even more important cause of crime. Critics have rich and poorneighborhoods.
In the poor neighborhoods, jobs are hard to find. Many young people dont have much hope for a
better life. They only know one way to make a better living, that way is to sell drugs or steal. So, some
of these young people become criminals.

It is not going to be easy to change these crime problems. We must first change many of the
laws about drugs. We must change the way cities spend their money. Until then, the crime problem
will not go away and we will live our live in fear.

Adapted from Reading Power,Beatrice S.M

Addison-Wesley Publishing

1. crime


2. worse

kb. 1 kejahatan. 2 kesalahan

ks. lih BAD. 1 lebih buruk/jelek. 2 bertambah buruk. 3 lebih jahat.

-kk. lebih buruk


3. subway

kb. kereta-api dibawah tanah


4. safe

kb. peti besi. -ks. 1 aman. 2 tidak berbahaya


5. dangerous

ks. berbahaya, membahayakan.


6. drug kb.

kb. 1 Med.: obat-obatan. 2 Narc.: obat bius


7. steal

kkt. (stole, stolen) 1 mencuri


8. neighborhood kb. lingkungan. in the n. of 1 didekat, disekitar


9. criminal

kb. penjahat, narapidana. -ks. 1 kriminal, pidana. c. court pengadilan

perkara-perkara pidana. 2 yang bersifat kejahatan, kriminal. c. behavior tingkah laku



(Laporan Kejadian Atau Peristiwa Lucu)
1. Ciri Umum:
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose):
To retell an event with humorous twist

(menceritakan kejadian, peristiwa aneh atau lucu berdasarkan kejadian atau peristiwa dalam
kehidupan nyata yang bertujuan menghibur, yang biasa diakhiri dengan sesuatu plesetan yang
lucu (twist).
b. Struktur Teks (Generic Structure):
 Orientation: memperkenalkan participants (tokoh), waktu, dan tempat
 Events: berisi kejadian/peristiwa/kegiatan 1, 2, 3, dst
 Twist: akhir yang tidak terduga atau lucu.
c. Ciri Kebahasaan (Linguistic Features):
 Terfokus pada orang, binatang, benda tertentu;
 Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya eat, run;
 Menggunakan keterangan waktu dan tempat;
 Menggunakan past tense;
 Disusun sesuai dengan urutan kejadian.
2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks:

Generic Structure/Text Organization



Topic: Penguin In The Park

Orientation Once a man was walking in a park when he came across a penguin.
Event 1 He took him to a policeman and said, I have just found this penguin. What should I do?
The policeman replied, take him to the zoo.
Event 2 The next day the policeman saw the same man in the same park and the man was still
carrying the penguin with him. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man and
asked, Why are you still carrying that penguin about? Didnt you take it to the zoo? I certainly did,
replied the man.

Twist and it was a great idea because he really enjoyed it, so today Im taking him to the moviest!
Title: Michael and His Father
Okay students. Listen to me. I have a good story. The story is about a boy namedMichael. He was
ten years old. He was not a very good pupil. Why? Because he didnt like doing his homework. What
did he like then ?Oh, he liked playing in hisleisure time. He liked football very much. Do you know
why he didnt like doing his homework? Because he always made a lot of mistakes when he did it.
Well, one day, his mathematics teacher looked at Michaels homework and found that all his
homework was correct. Wow, thats a good job! Of course students, the teacher was
very pleased and surprised. So, he called Michael to his office and said to him, Michael, youve got
all your homework right this time. Youre doing great. Well done, Michael. Did your father help you?
No, sir Michael said, Usually my father did it for me. But last night he was very busy. He had
a meeting. So, he couldnt do my homework. Then, I had to do it by myself.

1. named

: yg bernama


2. leisure time kb. waktu terluang


3. pleased

: happy


4. surprised

: heran


5. myself

: senang

: saya sendiri


1. Do you find something funny from the story?


2. In your opinion, was Michael a clever student or not?


3. Who was cleverer, Michael or his father?


4. Do you like this kind of story? Why?


5. If you were a teacher, would you be angry with Michael?



Swift, the famous English writer, author of Gullivers travel, was one day travelling on a horse
back with a servant.
As it was raining , the roads were muddy. In the evening the two travellers came to an inn. Before
going to bed, Swift said to his servant: My boots are dirty, clean them, please. The servant was
rather lazy; besides he was tired, so he went to bed without cleaning his masters boots.
The next morning, when Swift saw the boots, he exclaimed: What, you have not cleaned my
boots! The servant looked at him and answered: Well, Sir, as the weather is very bad, and we are to
travel again, if I cleaned them now, they would soon be as dirty as before.
Very good, saddle the horses. We we shall start immediately.
But please, Sir, we have not had our breakfast yet
Oh, never mind! Should you take your breakfast now, you would soon be hungry again.

1. Famous

adj well known


2. Author


3. Servant


: pelayan


4. Muddy

full of mud

: becek


5. Inn


: penginapan


6. Boots

high shoes

: sepatu tinggi


7. Besides

also, too

: juga


8. Master


: majikan


9. Exclaimed

cried shouted

: berteriak


10. Soon


11. Excuse



: terkenal
: pengarang

: segera

12. never mind no objection

: maaf / alas an
: tidak apa

Answer the following Questions:


1. Who was Swift?


2. How was he travelling?


3. Was he travelling alone?


4. What kind of weather were they having?


5. Were the roads clean?


6. Did Swift give his servant any orders before going to bed?


7. What did he tell him to do?


8. Was Swifts servant lazy nor diligent?


9. Did he go to bed without doing his job?

10. Was Swift pleased when he saw his boots had not been cleaned?


1. Ciri Umum:
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose):
To explain the process invloved in the formation or workings of natural or sociocultural phenomena
(menerangkan proses-proses yang terjadi dalam pembentukan atau kegiatan yang terkait dengan
fenomena alam, dunia ilmiah, sosial-budaya, atau lainnya yang bertujuan menjelaskan).
b. Struktur Teks (Generic Structure):
 A general statement to position the reader (pernyataan umum untuk memposisikan pembaca).
 A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs (penjelasan yang berurutan tentang
mengapa dan bagaimana sesuatu itu terjadi)
 Closing (Penutup)
c. Ciri Kebahasaan (Languistic Features): Menggunakan
 general dan abstract nouns, misalnya word chopping, earthquakes;
 action verbs;
 simple present tense;
 passive voice;

 conjunctions of time dan cause;

 noun phrase, misalnya the large cloud;
 abstract nouns, misalnya the temperature;
 adverbial phrases;
 complex sentences;
 bahasa teknis; kalimat pasif
2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks:
Topic: Making Paper from Woodchips
General statement Woodchipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper products from forest
trees. The woodchipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area of the forest
called a coupe.
Process explanation (sequenced) Next the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then
the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a
chipper which cuts them into small pieces called woodchips. The woodchips are then screened to
remove dirt and other impurities. At this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into
pulp by chemicals and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is
removed. Closing Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper.

Topic: How Do Floods Occur?

In winter there is snow on the mountains. When spring comes the sun comes out, it shines onto
the snow. The snow melts. The melting snow turns into water and flows off the mountain and enters
the rivers. The huge amount of water makes the water level rise
If rocks and concreted areas around rivers they can cause floods. If it rains the rain falls onto
the rocks, nothing can soak up the water. The water flows down the rocks and into the river.
When it rains for a long time the huge amount of rain cannot soak into the soil. The water
forms small streams. The streams all lead to the main river and feed it. As the water enters the river
the water level rises. If there is not a dam on the bank of the river the river will flood.

Choose the correct answer

1. The generic structure of text above is:
(A). general statement description
(B). orientation complication resolution
(C). general statement explanation sequence
(D). a statement of an issue arguments a conclusion
(E). the goal of the activity materials needed steps to do
2. The text above is called .
(A). narrative
(B). descriptive
(C). discussion
(D). procedure
(E). explanation

(Diskusi/ Pembahasan)
1. Ciri Umum:
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose):
To present at least two points of views about an issue
(mengetengahkan suatu masalah (isu) yang ditinjau paling tidak dari 2 (dua) sudut pandang,
sebelum sampai pada suatu kesimpulan atau rekomendasi.
b. Struktur Teks (Generic Structure):

 Issue: Statement (pernyataan) dan preview

 Arguments for and agaist or statement of differing points of view (Pendapat yang mendukung dan
pendapat yang menolak atau pernyataan dari sudut pandang yang berbeda). Terdiri atas: -Point
(gagasan pokok) 1 Elaboration (uraian) Bisa terdiri atas lebih dari satu point dan elaboration.
 Conclusion or recomendation (kesimpulan atau rekomendasi)
c. Ciri Kebahasaan (Linguistic Features): Menggunakan:
 general nouns untuk menyatakan kategori, misalnya uniforms, alcohol, dsb,
 relating verbs untuk memberi informasi tentang isu yang didiskusikan, misalnya smoking is
harmful, dsb.
 thinking verbs untuk mengungkapkan pandangan pribadi penulis, misalnya feel, believe, hope, dsb.
 additives, contrastives dan causal connectives untuk menghubungkan argumen, misalnya similarly,
on the hand, however, dsb.
 detailed noun groups untuk memberikan informasi secara padu, misalnya the dumping of
unwanted kittens, dsb.
 modalities, seperti perhaps, must, should, should have been, could be, dsb.
 adverbials of maner, misalnya deliberately, hopefully, dsb.

3. Contoh dan Struktur Teks:


Do you know what a hacker is? Well, a hacker is a person who enjoys exploring the details of
programmable systems on computers and they like to stretch the capability of the systems. And you
know what, the activities they do in the computers are called hacking.
So, whats the problem with hacking and its hackers? Well, the problem is whether hacking and its
hackers is legal or illegal? What I mean is that people in the world have many different views about
hacking and the hackers. Some of them take sides, but many objects.

To get back to what I was saying previously, let us see the positive points of a hacker, shall we?
Although in most places breaking into computer systems is considered illegal, I believe that hackers
dont do anything illegal because they only want to know and try the systems. I dare to say that a
hacker likes finding the strengths and the weaknesses of a computer system. They feel proud if they
can find the weaknesses. So I dont really see the crimes in this case. In addition, these hackers
sometimes help the police catch the white collar criminals, such as bank robbers,
money launderers, credit card forgers. For example, in 2000, the U.S. hackers caught some
Singaporean hackers who made Virus Love to break up the programs of the U.S. National Security
Nevertheless, those who object to the good points of a hacker say that hacking is a crime. The
reason is that some hackers use their brilliant skills to break into banks and other vital institutions
where they can get money, destroyinformation, and the worst thing is they can get secret
information and sell it to another country. This is a treachery.
Take for example, in 1994, The U.S. government broke a conspiracy of computer hackers out of
Majorca, Spain. These hackers were responsible for accessing andeliminating 190,000 telephone
credit card numbers over computer bulletin boards in America and Europe. Seeing this fact, I
dont blame those who think negatively about hackers.
To put the whole thing in a nut shell, I personally think that hackers are not bad people with their
brilliant skills. However, they could be bad because of money orientation to get the wealth. Thats
just the point.


1. hack kb. 1 orang yang diupah untuk mengerjakan kerja-kerja kesusasteraan. 2 Inf.:
taksi. -kkt. 1 menetak. memakuk, memarang. 2 melukai seseorang dengan kasar. Sl.: to h.
around ngeluyur. hackingcough batu


2. previously sebelumnya


3. strength kb. 1 kekuatan. s. of materials kekuatan materi. 2 tenaga. s. of mind

tenaga/kekuatan pikiran. 3 daya. tensils s. daya regang. 4 jumlah, persentase (of alcohol)


4. dare kb. tantangan. -kkt. berani. -daring kb. keberanian, kenekatan. ks. berani.
Hes a d. warrior Ia seorang prajurit pemberani.


5. collar kb. 1 kerah. 2 ban leher (anjing dan kuda). -kkt. 1 Inf.: menahan. 2
menangkap. c. stud kancing leher.


6. nevertheless kk. namun, meskipun begitu/demikian.


7. destroy kkt. memusnahkan, merusakkan, menghancurkan. 2 membinasakan,

membunuh (an animal). to d. o.s. membunuh diri.


8. treachery kb. (j. -ries) penghianatan.


9. eliminate kkt. 1 menghapuskan, melenyapkan (a problem). 2 menyisihkan. 3

membersihkan, mengeluarkan. 4 (kill) menyingkirkan, membunuh.

10. blame kb. kesalahan. -kkt. menyalahkan. -blamed ks. Inf.: jahanam, terkutuk.


(Ulasan Atau Tinjauan)
1. Ciri Umum:
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose):
To critique an art work, event for a public audience. Such works of art include movies, TV shows,
books, plays, operas, recordings, exhibitions, concerts, and ballets
(melakukan kritik terhadap peristiwa atau karya seni untuk pembaca atau pendengar khalayak
ramai, misalnya acara TV, buku, drama, film, opera, konser, dan lain sebagainya)
b. Struktur Teks (Generic Structures):
 Orientation: menempatkan suatu karya dalam konteks umum dan khusus, seringkali dengan
membandingkannya dengan yang lain.
 Interpretative recount: merangkum plot dan/atau memberikan penjelasan tentang bagaimana
suatu karya ditinjau.
 Evaluation: memberikan penilaian atau evaluasi dari suatu karya dan/atau kinerjanya atau
 Evaluative Summation: berupa rangkuman pandangan si peninjau.

c. Ciri Kebahasaan (Linguistic Features):

 Terfokus pada partisipan tertentu; Menggunakan:
 adjectives menunjukkan sikap, seperti bad, good;
 klausa panjang dan kompleks;
 metafor. Generic Structure/Text Organization Orientation: menempatkan suatu karya dalam
konteks umum dan khusus, seringkali dengan membandingkannya dengan yang lain. Interpretative
recount: merangkum plot dan/atau memberikan penjelasan tentang bagaimana suatu karya ditinjau
Evaluation: memberikan penilaian atau evaluasi dari suatu karya dan/atau kinerjanya atau
produknya Evaluative summation: berupa rangkuman pandangan si peninjau
2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks
Topic: Harry Potter:
Order of the Phoenix I absolutely love the Harry Potter series, and all of the books will always hold a
special place in my heart. I have to say that of all of the books, however, this was not my favorite.
When the series began it was as much of a feel good experience as a huge mug of hot cocoa. The
stories were bright, fast-paced, intriguing, and ultimately satisfying.
Order of the Phoenix is a different kind of book. In some instances this worksyou feel a whole new
level of intensity and excitement by the time you get to the end. I was truly moved by the last page.
Other times the book just has a slightly dreary, depressing feel.
The galloping pace of the other books has slowed to a trot here, and parts of it do seem long, as if
were reading all about Harry just hanging out instead of having his usual adventures.
Reading in detail about Harry cleaning up an old house, for example housekeeping is still
housekeeping, magical or no, and Im not very interested in doing it or reading about other people
doing it.
A few other changes in this book the real world comes much more in to play rather than the
fantasy universe of the previous books, and Harry has apparently been taken off his meds. I know
that he had a lot to be grumpy in this book, especially with being a teenager and all, but the sudden
change in his character seemed too drastic.

He goes from being a warm-hearted, considerate person to someone who will bite his best friends
heads off over nothing. It just seemed like it didnt fit with his character, like he turned into a walking
clich of the angry teen overnight.
The real story seemed to happen in the last 1/3 of the book, and this part I loved. I actually liked
the ending (and yes, I cried!) as sad as it was. It packed a punch and it made me care about the story
even more. Still a really good book, with some editing it would have been great.
Note: Please find out difficult words/ vocabularies!
(Cerita Lucu)
1. Ciri Umum:
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (communicative/social purpose):
The communicative purpose of the text is to share with others an account of an unusual or amusing
(menceritakan kejadian/peristiwa lucu berdasarkan khayalan atau peristiwa nyata yang
bertujuan menghibur).
b. Struktur Teks (generic structure):
 Abstract: menandai atau menunjukkan penceritaan kembali kejadian yang tidak biasa.
 Pengenalan (Orientation): menunjukkan kejadian-kejadian
 Krisis (crisis): Menjabarkan secara rinci kejadian yang tidak biasa tersebut.
 Tindakan (incident): Reaksi atau tanggapan terhadap krisis
 Koda (Coda): Refleksi atau evaluasi dari kejadian tersebut.
Generic Structure/Text Organization:
Abstact Orientation Crisis Reaction Coda

c. Ciri Kebahasaan (Linguistic Feature):

 seruan/kata seru, pertanyaan retorik dan kata-kata seperti Listen to this! And do you know what?
Its awful, isnt it? dsb.
 action verbs, misalnya go, write, dsb.
 conjunctions yang berhubungan dengan waktu, seperti then, afterwards, dsb.
2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks:

1. Title: Snake in the Bath


How would you like to find a snake in your bath? A nasty one too!

Orientation We had just moved into a new house, which had been empty for so long that
everything was in a terrible mess. Anna and I decided we would clean the bath first, so we set to,
and turned on the tap.
Crisis Suddenly to my horror, a snakes head appeared in the plug-hole. Then out slithered the
rest of his long thin body. He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom of the
bath, spitting and hissing at us.

For an instant I stood there quite paralysed. Then I yelled for my husband, who luckily

came running and killed the snake with the handle of a broom. Anna, who was only there at the time,
was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed I had to pull her out of the way or shed probably
have leant over the bath to get a better look!

Ever since then Ive always put the plug in firmly before running the bath water.


1. Nasty

: buruk


2. Mess

: berantakan


3. Plug hole :Lubang penyumbat


4. Slithered : merayap


5. Twisted

: membelit


6. Spitting

: meludah


7. Hissing



8. To pull out: mencabut



An undergraduate asked a friend to lend him a certain book which hedesired to

consult. The latter, who was not very obliging, answered that he had no objection to his friends
using his book, but that he could not permit it to be taken out of his room.
As it was impossible to make him change his mind, the student was put to
much inconvenience.
A few weeks later, that selfish man came round to his friend, You may use my pocker in my
room as much as you like, but I cannot permit you to take itelsewhere.
Answer the following Questions:

1. What phrase expresses that we treat others as they treat us?


2. What did the yong man ask of his friend?


3. Did he mean to return the book again?


4. What did he want it for?


5. Did the owner of the book allow his friend to consult it?


6. What did he object to?


7. Was his friend selfish or kind?


8. What is the difference between borrow and lend?


9. How did the student take revenge?


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