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N Buddhika
Public Health Inspector
MOH Office
Through Medical Officer of Health
MOH Office
Through Director General
Regional Medical services Office
Through Director General
Provincial Medical services Office
Through Provincial Secretary of health
Provincial Ministry of Health
Northern provincial Council
Through Secretary
Public Services Commission
Northern Province
Dear Sir/Madam,

Requesting a Mutual Transfer to Ant-Maleria Campaign

I, K.D.N Buddhika (ID No:890131077V) who received the appointment as a
Public Health Inspector on 27th of December 2015, currently serving attached to the
above mentioned MOH office with effect from 1st of January 2016.
I am married to a teacher working attached to Christuraja Vidyalaya,Jaela. She stays
alone in an apartment and I find it difficult to travelling back and forth. Additionally,
I have to look after my mother who is suffering from a neurological disorder which
has made her difficult her to perform her day today activities.
By considering above reasons, I am requesting your assistance to grant a mutual
transfer to Anti-Maleria campaign, Narahenpita.

Yours Faithfully

K.D.N Buddhika
Public Health inspector

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