SOP For Biological Waste Disposal

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Standard Operation Procedure


Biological Waste Disposal

Document No:



1 of 1

Prepared by

Approved by


Subhabrata Das

A/P Ting Yen Peng

21 Aug. 2016

This procedure illustrates how biological waste generated in our laboratory
(E4-04-11A) at Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is to be
treated and disposed of in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
Biohazard wastes generated in our laboratory (E4-04-11A) at Department of
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is covered in this procedure. All staff,
students, visitors and contractors are requested to comply with the
requirements of this procedure.
3.1 Principal Investigator (PI)
The PI has to make sure that:
a. Risk assessment is done before working with any biological material.
b. Laboratory personnel have enough knowledge about handling
biological material and should take adequate precautions while working
c. No biohazard waste generated in the lab is discharged into the
environment without proper decontamination.
d. Spill kits are available relevant to the biological material used in the lab
and kept in noticeable place.
e. All incidents are to be reported to the Department of Safety and Health
Committee and OSHE via AIRS
3.2. Laboratory personnel
The lab personnel are responsible to:
a. Attend relevant biological safety training and go for refresher once
every two years.
b. Well versed with the properties of biological material used.
c. Safely handle the biological material and properly dispose of the
biological waste.
d. Notify the PI if there is any lapse in the protocol.
The procedure the biological wastes generated in our laboratory
4.1. Classification: Sharps
Examples: needles, syringes, slides, broken glass

Standard Operation Procedure


Biological Waste Disposal

Document No:



1 of 1

Prepared by

Approved by


Subhabrata Das

A/P Ting Yen Peng

21 Aug. 2016

Method of disposal:
- Place in sharps bin for disposal via NEA licensed contractor
- When the sharp bin is full, the objects are placed and sealed into a
double biological waste bag and disposed in WS2 bio-hazardous waste
disposal facility. Inform Mr. Lim You Kang (Tel:66013386/ E-mail: before disposal.
- Sharps should always be placed in puncture proof containers and
never should be over-filled
4.2. Classification: Biological waste
4.2.1 Example: All lab specimen or materials consisting of, containing, or
contaminated with blood, plasma, serum, tissues or fluids of animal origin, as
well as inoculated media, cultures
4.2.2. Examples: Contaminated wastes like tissue paper, gloves, culture
4.2.3. Examples: Bacterial culture and wastes
Method of disposal:
- For solid waste, the bio-waste has to be disposed in a double yellow
biohazard waste bags and then should tape the opening
- Write users name, PIs name and the date on which the waste is
- Dispose the bags in WS2 bio-hazardous waste disposal facility. Inform Mr.
Lim You Kang (Tel:66013386/ E-mail: prior to
- For liquid waste such as culture medium, it can be treated with Presept
disinfectant tablets (please refer to dilution instruction chart that
comes with the container) for at least 45 mins. Treated waste can then
be discarded down the drain.
- All laboratory specimens or materials consisting of, containing, or
contaminated with blood, plasma, serum, or other animal tissues or
fluids, and other potentially infectious materials, must be sterilized by
autoclaving. Refer to OSHEs Guidelines on Operation of Autoclaves
(OSHE/SOP/BS/03). If autoclaving is not possible, the waste is to be
sent to NEA-licensed biohazard waste collectors for incineration.
- Contaminated solid wastes such as cloth, plastic and paper items (e.g.
wrappers and paper towels) must be put into biohazard bags and
- After verification of successful autoclaving, the waste is no longer
considered biohazard and can be disposed of as general waste. For
solid wastes, place yellow biohazard bags inside black trash bags
before placing in the general waste. Refer to Guidelines on Operation
of Autoclaves (CBL/SOP/05). Autoclaved liquid wastes can be
discharged into the sewer with copious amounts of water.
- Dry hypochlorite or other strong oxidizers should not be autoclaved
with organics such as paper and oil. This may lead to explosion.
4.3. Classification: Waste for incineration

Method of disposal:
Large tissues and sharps wastes are to be disposed of via licensed
biohazard waste collectors for incineration.
should be sealed in double yellow biohazard bags and stored in a
freezer prior to collection by the biohazard waste collectors from in
WS2 bio-hazardous waste disposal facility.

4.4. Classification: Chemically decontaminated biological waste


Wastes which cannot be autoclaved should be chemically

Swabs and other disposables soaked in a disinfectant may be doublebagged and treated routinely as general garbage. When using a
disinfectant, precautions should be taken in accordance with the MSDS
to prevent splashing and other harmful exposure.
Chemically decontaminated wastes should be disposed through
licensed toxic industrial waste collectors if the chemicals found in the
waste pose a hazard to handlers or are prohibited from discharge into
the sewer.

5.0 Storage and transport

a. All biohazard waste containers should be properly sealed and marked
with the biohazard label. Yellow biohazard waste bags should be
secondarily contained whenever deemed necessary. The Principal
Investigator or his safety lead shall ensure that all wastes are
segregated and stored at the designated storage areas. The PI and
staff shall ensure good housekeeping for all biohazard wastes.
b. The biohazard waste bags should be transported in a closed mobile bin
to WS2 bio-hazardous waste disposal facility.
PI or his/her designate shall maintain copies of all consignment notes. Notes
shall be kept in record for at least one (1) year.
a. National Environmental Agency (NEA) guidelines on biohazard
b. OSHE SOP on Chemical Waste Disposal (CBL/SOP/CS01)
c. OSHE SOP on Operations of Autoclave (CBL/SOP/05)
d. OSHE SOP on Lab Sign Posting and Labeling (CBL/SOP/GS/05)
e. OSHE SOP on Accidents/Incidents Reporting and Investigation

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