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A study on customers awareness on Green Banking

initiatives in public and private sector banks

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Green banking is making technological improvements, operational improvements and

changing client habits in the banking sector. Banks should promote those products,
process and technology which substantially reduce the carbon footprint from the
environment. The Green initiatives taken by Banks or a concept of Green banking means
using all of the banks resources with responsibility and care, avoiding waste and giving
priority to choices that take sustainability into account. The reasons for going green are
manifold, and the key among them are: increasing energy consumption and energy prices,
growing consumer interest in environmentally-friendly goods and services, higher
expectations by the public on Banks environmental responsibilities and emerging stricter
regulatory and compliance requirements. This comes in many forms. Using online
banking instead of branch banking. Paying bills online instead of mailing them.Opening
up CDs and money market accounts at online banks, instead of large multi-branch banks.
Or finding the local bank in your area that is taking the biggest steps to support local
green initiatives. It is an umbrella term referring to practices and guidelines that make
banks sustainable in economic, environment, and social dimensions. It aims to make
banking processes and the use of IT and physical infrastructure as efficient and effective
as possible, with zero or minimal impact on the environment. Green banking refers to
how environmentally friendly your bank is, and how committed to green and ethical
policies they are.


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The following are some of the steps that can be taken for going green in banking:
1. Go Online Online banking is the developing concept in young and corporate India.
Online banking helps in additional conservation of energy and natural resources. Online
Banking includes: a. Paying bills online, b. Remote deposit, c. Online fund transfers and
d. Online statements. It creates savings from less paper, less energy, and less expenditure
of natural resources from banking activities. Customers can save money be avoiding late
payments of fees and save time by avoiding standing to queues and paying the bill from
home online.
2. Use Green Checking Accounts Customers can check their accounts on ATM or special
touch screens in the banks. This can be called as green checking of account. Using a
green checking account helps the environment by utilizing more online banking services
including online bill payment, debit cards, and online statements. Banks should promote
green checking by giving some incentives to customers by giving higher rate of interests,
waiver or discount in fees etc.
3. Use Green Loans for Home Improvements The Ministry of Non-renewable Resource
in association with some nationalized and scheduled banks undertook an initiative to go
green by paying low interest loans to the customers who would like to buy solar
equipment. The rate of interest is as low as 4% p.a. Before you undertake a major home
improvement project, study if the project can be done in an eco-friendly manner and if
you might qualify for a green loan from a bank Green loan are perfect for energysaving
project around the house. The new Green Home Loan Scheme from SBI, for instance,
will support environmentally friendly residential projects and offer various concessions.

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These loans will be sanctioned for projects rated by the Indian Green Building Council
(IGBC) and offer several financial benefits a 5 percent concession in margin, 0.25
percent concession in interest rate and processing fee waiver.
4. Power Savings Equipment Banks can directly contribute to controlling climate change
and as an initial step they intend to start a campaign to replace all fused GSL bulbs, in all
owned premises offices and residential. Banks can also make a feasibility study to make
rain water harvesting mandatory in all the Banks owned premises. In December 2009
Indusind Bank inaugurated Mumbais first solar-powered ATM as part of its Green
Office Project campaign titled Hum aur Hariyali.
5. Use Green Credit Cards Some of the banks introduced Green Credit Card. The benefit
of using a green credit card is that banks will donate funds to an environment-friendly
non- profit organization from every rupee you spend on your credit card to a worthwhile
cause of environment protection.
6. Save Paper Bank should purchase recycled paper products with the highest postconsumer waste content possible. This includes monthly statements, brochures, ATM
receipts, annual reports, newsletters, copy paper, envelopes etc. Whenever available,
vegetable-based inks are used instead of less environmentally friendly oil-based inks.
7. Use of Solar and Wind Energy Using solar and wind energy is one of the noble cause
for going green. State Bank of India (SBI) has become the first bank in the country to
venture into generation of green power by installing windmills for captive use. As part of
its green banking initiative, SBI has installed 10 windmills with an aggregate capacity of
15 MW in the states of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Gujarat.
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8. Mobile Banking Mobile banking is tricky. On the one hand, it is great to have the
ability to check balances, transfer funds or pay bills from you phone. One the other hand,
it saves time and energy of the customers. It also helps in reducing use of energy and
paper of the bank. Most of the Indian banks introduced this paper-less facility. The basic
concept we can understand from green banking are:


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Sharma, Gopal et al. (2014) attempt to study the level of consumer awareness of Green
Banking initiative in India with special reference to Mumbai. From the primary survey
they conducted they find that surprisingly even those people who are using online
facilities provided by their banks nearly three fourth of them are unaware of the term
Green Banking. They find that among those who are aware of Green Banking term
consider it mainly related to online bill payment and cash deposit system. Other Green
Banking aspects like Green CDs , solar powered ATM, bonds for environment protection
are among few of which consumers are not aware of. They also attempt to analyze the
gender based difference in awareness of green initiatives by bank specially E-Statements,
Net Banking and Green loans. Using Chi-Square test for hypothesis testing they arrive at
a result that both males and females have the same level of awareness with respect to
Green Banking. The researchers state that the major obstacle in Green Banking is the
technical issues involved followed by lack of education.
Nanda Sibabrata and Bihari Suresh (2012) Green banking has been an integral part of
the banking system in the developed and the developing economies of the world. Much
research has been carried out on the concept of green banking and the possible benefits of
its implementation. It studies empirically tests the relationship between the
implementation of green banking along with two other variables, net income and
expenses, and the profitability in India using a fast data panel regression. The result of the
study shows significant relationships between net income and expenses with profitability,
whereas no significant relationship between the implementation of green banking and
profitability was proven

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Yadav Rambalak and Pathak Govind (2014) From the study it was analyzed that
Public sector banks are emphasizing more on green initiatives as compared to the Private
sector banks except ICICI Bank. The Private sector banks except ICICI bank are mainly
inclined toward green initiatives such as net banking, mobile banking which are needed
by the bank to match with the competitors as all the banks are providing these facilities.
The environmental friendly activities such as using energy efficient alliances, implement
green data centers help in improving their operational efficiency as well as cost saving in
the long run. Whereas Public sector banks along with ICICI bank are taking various
initiatives such as creating environmental awareness among society, giving more
preference to environmentally friendly commercial projects, promoting the pollution
control measures, promoting Environment Management System certification etc. along
with the basic green initiatives such as paperless banking, energy efficient products
recycling, etc.
Jha and Bhome (2013) conduct a similar survey as stated above to check and thereby
create consumer awareness on Green Banking. Conducting interviews and using specially
structured questionnaires for survey they state certain steps needed in Green Banking.
Online Banking, Green Checking Accounts (ATM, Special Touch Screens), Green loans
(low rate to those who wish to buy solar equipments) for supporting environment friendly
residential projects, power saving equipments, Green Credit Cards, Paper Saving Mobile
Banking are among few steps suggested by them. Green Banking will ensure
organizations move towards sustainability.

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Bahl (2012) highlights the means of creating awareness about Green Banking to ensure
sustainable growth. Garrettts ranking technique is used to analyze the most significant
strategies in respect of Green Banking. If the goal is to attain sustainable development
this can be achieved only through creating awareness and imparting education. Among
the internal sub systems emphasis should be given to publications, newsletters so as to
create awareness and effective means for external sub systems are event meetings, media
and websites. A proper formulated green policy guideline is needed for effective Green
Rajput, Kaur et al. (2013) aims to understand how Indian banks respond to
environmental changes and the action taken in respect of Green Banking. They find that
there is a small group of banks in India that lead in environmental aspect. Response of
Indian banks towards international initiative for environment is sluggish. In the United
Nation Environment Programme Finance Initiative there is no single Indian signatory.
Using factor analysis they conclude that risk of failure of business to peers and lack of
RBI mandates are the obstacles to moving towards sustainability. The gaps in India are
the awareness and consciousness on the environmental issues. Carbon Disclosure
Projects- India requires public disclosure of emissions. This disclosure project is active in
India. But the response is very less as only 8 signatories are there. The researchers feel
that current management system needs to be integrated with the environmental and
sustainable issues.

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Demographic Inequalities in using E Banking Services: A study of Chandigarh

Rajiv Khosla and Parul Munjal, 2013. The study of the paper indicated that on the
whole, good scopes exist for all the banks to popularize their value added services,
particularly in the rural areas. Those banks which will be successful in creating customers
by offering innovative and advanced services a head of their competitors will reap more
benefits. For this reason , it is recommended that bank should target their promotional
activities towards literate, young and resourceful brigade who possess a rich potential to
use e banking services for long as can be generalized from this study.


The current study is based upon the following objectives:

a. To understand the green initiatives taken by Public and Private Sector Banks
b. To study the level of awareness among the customers of Public and Private
Sector Banks through primary and secondary data

Research Methodology

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The study relies on primary data collected through questionnaires from the customers of
the selected banks and secondary data which has been collected through research
journals, magazines, reports, and websites of the respective banks and other related
websites. The banks undertaken for the study were SBI bank, PNB bank, HDFC bank and
ICICI bank. These banks were taken as these banks are the highest profitable banks as
revealed by the RBI in Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India.
Population: Bank Customers and Bankers
Sample size: 30 customers
The technique of sampling used is Random Sampling

Secondary data

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Literature says that there are various green initiatives which had been taken by Public
sector and Private sector banks in India.
Public Sector Banks
State Bank of India (SBI)

SBI had launched Green Channel Counter (GCC) facility at their branches in

2010 to change the traditional way of paper based banking

The bank had also collaborated with Suzlon Energy Ltd for the generation of wind
power for selected branches by setting of windmills in Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and

Maharashtra (Business Standard, 2014).

It has become a signatory to the Carbon Disclosure Project in which they
undertake various environmentally and socially sustainable initiatives through its
branches spread across the length and breadth of the country (WWF-INDIA,

Export Import Bank of India (EXIM) and SBI entered into an agreement to jointly
provide long term loans up to 14 years to Spain based company Aston field
Renewable Resources and Group T-Solar Global SA for building solar plant in
India. Most of the financial institutions avoid giving long term loans to such

projects because of their uncertainty and technological changes.

Bank has adopted energy efficient measures.
Bank has installed windmills in three states for its own energy needs.

Paperless Banking is promoted and implemented cross the country.

Gives project loans at concessionary rate of interest to encourage reduction of greenhouse
gases by adopting efficient manufacturing practices.

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Punjab National Bank:

The bank introduced Green Banking by completing transformation into Core

Banking Solutions (CBS) Banking.

Bank has started using energy efficient appliances & conducting the electricity
auditing of their offices. On the other side the bank is also accenting on green
infrastructure. A separate green audit sheet is being employed by the bank to

access the impact of various green banking initiatives implemented in the bank.
The bank has conjointly placed guideline for supply of term loan to business units
and commercial projects that are producing renewable energy and special
guidelines have been issued to curb the units that use environmental depleting

In the year 2010-11 the bank sanctioned nine commercial projects of wind energy
comes with total sum of INR 1850.81 million to push and develop the renewable

supply of energy.
The bank introduced e-solutions by paperless dealings in complaint & vigilance
procedures by a speedier communication system through e-network which
drastically cuts down cost & time. The bank has introduced Green practices to
conserve resources Green audit of all our functional units to sensitize the staff
towards sustainable practices. Efforts for rainwater harvesting in existing
buildings and new constructions are being made along with promotion of wind
and solar energy usage in rural areas.

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Private BanksICICI Bank Ltd

ICICI bank had adopted Go Green initiative, which involves activities such as
Green products/offerings, Green engagement and green communication with

customers as per ICICI Bank (Annual report 2013 -14 and as per their websites):As an initiative towards more environment friendly way of life, ICICI Bank
offers 50% waiver on Auto Loans processing fee on car models which use
alternate mode of energy. The models identified for the purpose are, Maruti's
LPG version of Maruti 800, Omni and Versa, Hyundai's Santro Eco, Civic Hybrid
of Honda, Reva electric cars, Tata Indica CNG and Mahindra Logan CNG

ICICI Home Finance offers reduced processing fees to customers who purchase
homes in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified

ICICI Bank also works with various institutions to help them find alternative
cleaner solutions for their general operations. For instance, in coal technologies,
ICICI Bank introduced innovative concepts like deep beneficiation of coal (coal
washeries) and coal bed methane. It also assisted a company develop a product
that provides an ecofriendly air-conditioning alternative to conventional air

conditioners (ACs).
ICICI Bank has extensively capitalized on the existing internal mediastatements, inserts, and Credit Card Charge slips- to reach out to the customers
and seek their collaboration in the Go Green movement. ICICI Bank also initiated
a programme to sensitise corporate bodies, institutions, banks and government

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agencies involved in project planning on issues like biodiversity, wildlife habitats

and environmental laws.

HDFC Bank:

Reducing the Use of Paper by issuing electronic transaction advices for corporate
customers and encouraging retail customers to convert to estatements instead of

physical print outs

Conserving energy replacing conventional lighting options with Compact
Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs), switching off signage lights past 11:00 pm at branches

and setting up Green Data Centers with state-of-the-art technologies.

Renewable Energy initiatives like Project of 20 Solar ATMs with the pilot ATM

set up in Bihar.
The bank is procuring green products which are compliant with the norms of the
Central Pollution Control Board and which are rated by Energy Star.

Primary data

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Data Analysis and Interpretation

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1. Basically Green banking avoids as much paper work as possible and rely on online/
electronic transactions for processing so that we get green credit cards and green
mortgages. Less paperwork means less cutting of trees. It also involves creating
awareness to banking business people about environmental and social responsibility
enabling them to do an environmental friendly business practice.
2. Green Ethical banks adopt and implement environmental standards for lending, which
is really a proactive idea that would enable eco friendly business practices which would
benefit our future generations.
3. When we are awarded with a loan, the interest of that loan is comparatively less with
normal banks because green banks give more importance to environmental friendly
factors - ecological gains.
4. Natural resources conservation is also one of the underlying principles in a green bank
while assessing capital/operating loans to extracting/ industrial business sector.
5. Green Banking as a concept is a proactive and smart way of thinking with a vision for
future sustainability of our only Spaceship Earth - as design science explorer Richard
Buckminster Fuller called our Earth.
6. The value proposition for corporations to go green includes many of the same issues
as that for individual consumers but on a much large scope and with additional concerns.
Corporations may share a desire to reduce carbon footprint and enhance security by
eliminating paper waste, but they are also extremely concerned with eliminating or
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decreasing errors due to manual processing and with creating a profitable bottom line.
For these reasons and more, corporations are actively pursuing green programs, many
companies are taking active steps to reduce waste, implement sustainability measures and
increase profitability by going green.

1. Construct a website for bringing awareness about green banking and spread the news.
2. Educate through the banks intranet and Public website.
3. Conduct and Participate in events.
4. Set up outlets to promote green business.
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5. Communicate through the Press.

6. Disseminate information through leaflets.
7. Social responsibility services done by banks.
8. Carbon footprint reduction by energy consciousness.
9. Carbon footprint reduction by mass transportation.
10. Impart education through e- learning programmers and in schools and colleges.
11. Making it a part of the annual environmental report.

With Go Green mantra permitting, the banking sector too has adopted sustainable
practices in all spheres of life. Green Banking is a Multi-stakeholders' Endeavour where
banks have to work closely with government, NGOs, IFIs/IGOs, Central Bank,
consumers and business communities to reach the goal. From the above research we can
see that green initiatives like Communication through Press, Bank environmental policy,
Concession on energy savings, Solar ATMs, Green Cds is not familiar in Green initiatives
by the bank as per the respondents. From the above data we can see that green initiatives
like Communication through Press, Bank environmental policy, Concession on energy
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savings, Solar ATMs, Green Cds is not familiar in Green initiatives by the bank as per the
respondents. Green banking is still a major issue and can take an important for
development of our country in India. As bank and financial institution of India has started
taking initiative but not at high level. To sustain the development of the Indian economy
bank and financial institution have to work more hard as compare to big foreign banks as
they are playing important role in maintaining the sustainability of their country
economy. As the green banking term, some bank and financial institution have taken
initiatives like State Bank Of India, Yes Bank and Financial Information Network and
Operations (FINO) while making their branches and building environmental friendly and
keeping eye on their clients projects to whom they have given the loan. But still Indian
banks havent accepted the principle equator policy to keep a record of their clients. Now
its time that India should take some strict steps to harness these banks and financial
institution to adopt the principle equator guideline so that they can contribute in the
protection of environment in future. There is definitely a huge opportunity in clean,
renewable energy technologies, emissions reduction and reduced-carbon transportation
which can be slowly and steadily be achieved if we get cooperation from all sectors of the
economy and bank being an integral part of our economy must lead from the front

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