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Unit I

1. Define momentum principle.

Net force acting on a mass of fluid is equal to rate of change momentum of
flow in that direction
2.Differentiate compressible and Incompressible flow.
In a compressible flow, Density of a flow density will not be change from
point to point in a fluid flow, for incompressible flow density will not be
change from point to point in a fluid flow.
3. Differentiate steady & unsteady flow.
In a steady flow fluid characteristics is velocity, pressure , Density etc at a
point do not change with time but for unsteady flow these characteristics will
change with repeat to time.
4. Define free vortex?
A flow field with circular steam lines with absolute value of velocity varying
inversely with the distance from centre. The flow is irrotational at every point
except at the centre.
5. Define stream fn and its eqn?
Flow per unit time across the line joining two stream lines is called stream
function of stream line.
The unit of stream function is m2/sec
6.Define potential fn and its eqn?
It is a scalar function. It is a positive derivative with respective positive
direction. It satisfies Laplace eqn.
7. State Green's theorem
It gives the relationship between a line integral around a simple closed
curve C and a double integral over the plane region D bounded by C

8. State Stokes theorem

The surface integral of the curl of a function over any surface bounded by a
closed path is equal to the line integral of a particular vector function round
that path.
Stokestheorem states that the circulation about any closed loop is equal to
the integral of the normal component of vorticity over the area enclosed by
the contour.
9. Define Circulation
Circulation, which is a scalar integral quantity, is a macroscopic measure of
rotation for a finite area of the fluid.
The circulation, C, about a closed contour in a fluid is defined as the line
integral evaluated along the contour of the component of the velocity vector
that is locally tangent to the contour.
10.Define Vorticity
Vorticity, however, is a vector field that gives a microscopic measure of the
rotation at any point in the fluid.
1. State Magnus Effect
The Magnus effect is a particular manifestation of Bernoulli's theorem: fluid
pressure decreases at points where the speed of the fluid increases. In the
case of a ball spinning through the air, the turning ball drags some of the air
around with it.
2. What is DAlembert Paradox
D'Alembert proved that for incompressible and inviscid potential flow
the drag force is zero on a body moving with constant velocity relative to
the fluid
3. What is Kutta condition
A body with a sharp trailing edge which is moving through a fluid will create
about itself a circulation of sufficient strength to hold the rear stagnation
point at the trailing edge.
4. State Kutta Joukowskis Theorem

The theorem refers to two-dimensional flow around an airfoil (or a cylinder of

infinite span) and determines the lift generated by one unit of span. When
the circulation is known, the lift per unit span (or ) of the airfoil can be
calculated using the following equation:

1. When will conformal transformation break down?
If aerodynamic design to involve only 2D flows at low speeds the design
method based on conformal transformation theory would be best choice this
technique can extended to three dimensional.
2. When will joukowski transformation breakdown?
For finite angle trailing of an aerofoil the trailing edge becomes stagnation
point. For cusped trailing edge trailing edge of aerofoil no longer becomes
stagnation point.
By method joukowski transformation the trailing edge becomes cusped and
so the kutta condition is not satisfied. This is the draw back of joukowski
3. What is kutta trailing edge condition?
A; for finite trailing edge angle V1 = V2 = 0
strength of vortex at a a=(T.E)=0
B; cusped trailing edge angle V1=V2
4 .state importance of Kelvins circulation
Circulation and hence cortex strength does not vary with time if (i) the fluid
is non viscous (ii) the density is either constant or a function of pressure only
(iii) body forces such as gravity or magnetic force such as gravity or
magnetic force are single valued potential
5. State the importance of blasius theorem in aerodynamics.
For an assumed complex potential of a two dimensional flow past a body of
given shape and orientation the aerodynamic forces per span length and

moments per span length of the body are obtained in terms of complex
variables of the flow .
6. What is barotropic fluid?
A fluid having density either constant or a function of its pressure is said to
be a barometric fluid .
7. Explain the roll of the starting vortex (cast of vortex) in
establishing the lift on an aerofoil?
The starting vortex builds and grows up to just the right strength such that
equal and opposite clockwise circulation around the airfoil leads to smooth
flow from trailing edge (at this situation kutta condition is successfully
satisfied)when the point is reached the vorticity shed from the L.e becomes
zero, the starting vortex no longer grows in strength and steady circulation
exists around the airfoil.
8. Show that as per kutta condition the strength of vortex at trailing
edge I zero (or) what is kutta trailing edge condition
1)for finite t.e angle v1=v2=0 therefore strength of vortex at a =_ (t.e=0)
2)for cusped t.e v1=v2_0 but as v1=v2 strength of vortex at a=_ (t.e _0 )
Kutta condition makes the the strength of vortex at t.e must be equal to zero.
9.state importance of kelvin circulation.
Circulation around a curve is un altered is transformation.
10. what is joukowski hypothesis ?
In order that the velocity at the t.e of airfoil is zero or stagnation point of the
t.e , the circulation is increased to the flow past the airfoil to such a
magnitude that a st.point coincides with the t.e .this method of specifying
the magnitude of circulation is known as joukowski hypothesis
11. When a transformation is called conformal?
Transformation is conformal if small elements of area are unaltered in shape
but altered in size position and orientation.
12. What is transformation?

It is a mathematical process by which a figure or network may be distorted

or altered in size it is effected by means of an algebraic relationship between
the original co ordinates (x,y)
1. Assumption of thin airfoil theory
A; airfoil is assumed infinitely thin so that it may be represented by
cambered line. B; camber is assumed to small also angle of incidence also

2. State analogical electromagnetic theory to Biot- Savart law

The vortex filament is visualized as a wire carrying current I then the
magnetic field strength dB induced at a point P by a segment of wire dl with
current in the direction of wire is
dB =

I dl xr
4 r 3

3. Why Karman treftz equation is used?

The joukowski profile is suffer an important practical defect in that the
trailing edge are always cusped and hence this equation is used.
4. Define Helmholtz theorem
(i) Strength of vortex filament is constant along its length.
(ii) A vortex filament cannot end in a fluid .it must extend to the boundary of
the fluid a form a closed path
5. Define prandtl lifting line theory
The flow past a finite wing if assumed to represent a vortex configuration as
a vortex filament of strength _ which somehow bound to a fixed location in a
6. Define aerodynamic center

It means the moment around the center is zero

7. Define centre of pressure
It means the moment is constant around its centre
8. Define potential flow of fluid
The irrotational motion of an incompressible fluid is called potential flows
9. Relate vorticity and circulation
Vorticity is the circulation around an element divided by its area
10. Assumption of horse shoe vortex
The wing is replaced by a single bond span wise vortex of constant strength
which turn at right angle at each end to trailing vortices which extend to
infinity behind the wing these two trailing vortices i) each of which must
provide the same total lift ii) Each must have same magnitude of circulation
and same circulation at mid span

11. State Limitation of lifting line theory.

A straight narrow wing with smooth pressure distribution theory agrees well.
Theory gives correct value of down wash along the centre of pressure of any
distribution of left
i.e.; symmetrical ahead and behind a straight line
at right angles to the direction. For curved or yawed lifting line of law aspect
ratio theory is not adequate.
12. Define slender body of revolution
The radius of body is very small then length is knows as slender body
1. What is meant by boundary layer?
A narrow belt or layer of relatively slow moving fluid next to the surface of
the body moving in the fluid is called boundary layer. There is a continuous
change of velocity through the layer from zero at surface to free stream
value of outer edge of boundary value.

2. Define Boundary layer thickness?

That is distance in y character from boundary surface at which local velocity
u=0.99U where U is the stream velocity outside boundary layer.
3. Define Displacement thickness?
It is the distance by which boundary surface would have to be displaced
outwards so that total actual discharge of fluid would be same as that of
ideal fluid past the displaced boundary.
4. Define Momentum thickness?
It is defined as the distance along y direction from the boundary surface such
that the momentum flux corresponding to the main stream. It is defined as
the distance measure perpendicular to the boundary of the solid body by
which the boundary should be displaced to compensate for the reduction in
momentum of the flowing fluid on account of boundary layer formation
5. Define Energy thickness?
It is defined as the distance measured perpendicular to the solid body by
which the boundary should be displaced to compensate for the reduction in
kinetic energy of the flowing fluid on account of boundary layer formation.

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