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His buildings, huge and mountain like

His houses, strewn as small hills
His money, one bank vault can’t hold
His fame, here and abroad
His honors, far and wide
His assets, he really can’t ascertain
For he couldn’t keep up the counting
And to know all these and more
Came from a single idea
An idea others kicked around
An idea he pursued to the end

You can find it anywhere and every where
If you would stop being too busy
And take care to listen
The chatter of babies
The clatter of dishes
The clinking of glasses
The hum of a fridge
The purr of a cat
The whirr of a fan
The tap, tap of a shoe’s sole
The tick, tick of a clock
If you would only stop and listen
You will find music all around you.


He was always the poorly dressed
For he had not many choices
Around him was heart-stopping gallantry
And eye-popping flamboyancy
He would long have stopped coming
For many neither noticed or talked to him
But he came again and again
For he would not dare miss her
Smile and hug him after service
And have him walk with him home
He could not believe his ears
It was too simple to accept
Despite all he had done
How bad and foul his life is
Even now, he’s still seething with evil
He can still be forgiven
A new person he can become
By believing and confessing
How can something this simple
Change his life forever?
It remains a mystery till then

A smile, a hug, a handshake
Sometimes that’s all that’s needed
To make somebody’s day

A pat on the back, a nod, clapping

Most times that’s all that’s needed
To make someone reach for the stars

A call, a shout, an eye contact

Often, we hide what’s needed
To make our lives, their lives better

Audience, crowd, spectators
Mob, assembly, congregation
All a mass of people
But the difference is
Where The Spirit is

I sing, you sing, we sing

He sings, she sings, they sing
All the same activity
What makes the difference?
One is spirit influenced

He talks, she talks, they talk

I talk, you talk, and we talk
All string of words
The difference still remains
The one The Spirit controls

They refuse to heed God’s instruction
Following hard after their evil desires
Fulfilling every lust and carnal prompting
Till it brought sickness and pain
They did everything to contain it
Preaching a rubber-sheath protection
But it failed them nonetheless
As every man-made attempt at salvation
Now they preach abstinence
And faithfulness among partners
Excerpts from God’s injunctions
Contained in God’s instructions

Oh! What a shame oh! What a pity
To miss so abundant a blessing
To throw away so glorious a future
On a platter of ignorant indifference
It doesn’t matter, we all say.

Oh! Such pain oh! Such heartbreak

He missed so abundant a blessing
He threw away so glorious a future
On a slate of ignorant aloofness
It does matter, Esau now says.

The road, a broad way to bondage
It strips one of self-will
Yet one continues there in
To keep the family name
What an irony

The road, a highway to bliss

It fills one with self worth
Yet one refuses to continue there in
To keep the family name
What an irony

God’s way, the right way
Fallen man would always oppose it
Doing every thing to avoid it
Even to his hurt and chagrin
God’s way, the right way
Risen man would always embrace it
Doing everything to stay in it
Even to his hurt and loss
God’s way, the right way
Every man should always choose it
Do everything to remain in it
Any other brings pain and death

All it takes really is one person
To make all the difference
One person to mar or make it
One person to lose or find it
One person to make you hate
One person to make you love again
One person to condemn all
One person to redeem all
One person to give all death
One person to give all life
All it took was the two Adams
The first and the second
To make the whole difference
Between living and dying

None of them powerful like Hercules
None a mighty warrior like Achilles
None a great knight in shining armour
Riding to save a stranded princess
None with a mega-fortune bequest
None with a nine-digit account
None a flag-flying philanthropist
Running to aid a stricken soul
All with a wonderful gift
All with purposeful gait
All great people of passion
Driven to stand by dying people
All of them, kind and humble
All of them, goodness personified
All of them, cherished and treasured
By the souls they have touched.
Happy are you, when you have one.
Blessed are you, when you’re considered one

He works slowly it seems, but surely
Avoiding those that want it quickly
He leaves late and arrives early
Ignoring those who dart in and out briskly
He has been tempted to join the fray
That get high cutting corners
No! He’s told himself once and again
It’s not who gets there first
Yes! They may seem rich and successful
But their success at its best
Has worms nestling inside of it.
So he continued in his work
Until he got where they were
And left them hanging there
They were filled with wonder and questioned
How did he get so high?
The strength and beauty of a sky scrapper
Is its foundation, he said.
It takes time, patience and dedication
To build something this beautiful.
All the time I spent digging
Was worth every inch and sweat
And that’s advice
To all coming behind

He left, his head hanging low
With tears streaming down
Behind him a trail of abuses
None he did deserve

She stood there looking

Chipping in here and there
Failing to notice a lost opportunity
To affect somebody’s life

So she let him go brokenhearted

Praying for an opportunity
To touch someone’s life
Will she get it, after this?
We wait to find out.

The venue a ruckus party
Friends and neighbours set on edge
Their loyalty cut between club sides
Set in a distant country
Fans, they think themselves to be
Of people who give no thought about them

The arena a tumultuous gathering

The multitudes, their hearts a racing throb
Their needs cease to be in existence
As they rush to see their star
Fans, they all call themselves
Of someone who cares less about their ilk

The place a solemn assembly

Friends, family, foes congregate
Their hearts a minefield of questions
Brought by their disorient ways
Fans, they will never consider to be
Of the one who cares so much about them
Prepared, strong and ready to go
You can’t make it, the voice cries within
All it takes to achieve it, you’ve garnered
No need to try, you’ll flunk it also
For a failure, you’ve always been, he says.
You have to take care of the other you
If you would make any success in life
A man’s worst enemy is himself
The other you that basks in cowardice

Dusted, cleansed and ready to climb

You won’t make it, the voice shouts within
All it was meant to teach you, you’ve learned
No need trying, you’ll fall again
For you love to be bath in slime, she says
You’ve got to talk with the other you
To stay clear of the waste places of life
Your worst enemy still remains yourself
The other you that feeds on garbage

Suddenly, a great surge of relief
Like a bird loose from a snare
Enmeshed in floods of tranquil peace
The world lovely and beautiful again
How I’ve held myself captive, this long
By not forgiving his wrongdoings.


Ever so sturdy, focused and achieving
This army of small creatures sure is
From the beginning, their marching order has been
To fulfil purpose, issued by their creator
Another of man’s teacher, they were made
By the wisest man that once lived.
Not keen to learn and imbibe these virtues
Has been some men’s un-doing
Thereby elongating the cycle of foolishness

Her smile was pure and captivating
A delight you seek to behold everyday
But he hardly ever noticed
Fond memories, he’ll never recall
He’s never around, always out there
Pursuing money to take care of his child
A child he barely knows

Caught in the midst of angry fuming waves
The storm dealing its best punches
Sight and focus blackened by darkness
Body dressed in battery and bruises
Suddenly! Forceful peace all around
The pain and struggles all a mirage
His words a soothing and sedative ointment
Peace be still was all he said.


Welcome to the master’s series
A competition set for overcomers only
Those who have gone into battle
And returned crowned with scars
Those who have fallen time and again
And gotten up and done it right
Those whose trials and temptations
Have been training ground for victories
Those for whom persecutions
Have been ways to express their love
To him who is their strength
Welcome to the champions arena
A place for people great and small
Who have mastered self
And are sold out to their master
A place where champions are not known
By fluke or a one time fling
But a continuous process of being
Knowing it takes an everyday win
To be what and whom they are
Welcome to the masters’ series
If you are part of those who watch
To see his kingdom come
If you are part of the fight
To enthrone good and dethrone evil
For it takes your daily wins
To knock the devil out flat

I know of a certain washerman
Who had his shop set on a hill
His place is hard to miss
Since it’s now a reference point
From the very day he paid the price
Other washermen had been before him
Others decided to come after him
But their work leaves one more in doubt.
Comparing their expertise would be
That of a stone and a mountain
They’ve tried every trick in their books
Concocting various kinds of mixtures
Still the item to be washed
Is laden with a back load of grime
Brought about by evil and guilt.
His has been the perfect solution
To every dirt problem the item carries
With others you’ll come time and again
His, you only need to knock once
Go in and come out clean forever
He would have come as a lion
To devour the world in its wickedness
But in love, he came as a lamb
Poured out his blood and became
My saviour, my friend, my washerman

Every day they met, everyday they talked
She liked him, another thing she’s sure about
I want him to be a friend, she says
But couldn’t bring herself to tell him
Tomorrow, I’ll let him know, she convinced herself
But tomorrows turned yesterdays
Suddenly, he was off and gone
Unexpectedly, he changed location
‘Had I known’ became part of her speech
As she shook her head regrettably
How often we miss the opportunities
To make ourselves happier and better

His words sent tremors through her
He loved and cared about her deeply,
That she can see clearly
Even if blindfolded tightly
For his actions speaks truthful volumes
Still but she couldn’t bring herself to reciprocate
She’s been hurt one time too many
But would’ve been plucked now and then
Prevent the flower from blossoming?
Definitely one would notice its charm
And employ himself its gardener for life.

Strive to be great in whatever you do
Let excellence be part of your make up
Surpass whatever height you’ve set for yourself
Do not be held sway by mediocrity
Leave a place better than you ever met it
Then you will never be forgotten
Your footpath others will mark and follow
Your words others will read and quote
Your methods others will learn and adopt
Your dreams others will set and live by
I know of no better way to live your life
Than to be present while you are gone.

It was a perfect day for everything
The sun, out with such radiant smile
Effecting a perfect blend of warmth and high
The wind, dances gently on your skin
The trees and flowers soak you in their charm
A beautiful day to produce your best
Oh such a wonderful day, he said and
He yawned, stretched and went back to sleep
Oh the poverty that cometh upon such,

Wake up, wake up, you sluggard
The morning is far spent
Wake up and get you going
Why slow the pace of growth
The comforts you see and seek
Impossibilities they would’ve been
If others have done the same
And procrastinated their deeds
Stand up! You excuse of a man
Get your mind and hands working
How would the world have been
If it has had only you in it?

Screams of pain, shouts and stampeding
Chaos and war outbreak looming
Leave us! Be gone! The chanting
The youths, machetes and gun brandishing
Their land, an age long degradation
Their people, objects of marginalisation
All dividends of wealth exploration
To enhance the fortunes of other nations
Will it be corrected by confrontations
Or settled by more deliberations?
That’s still an unanswered question
Till they have a worthy delegation.


In every man, there’s a budding hero
And an evil sweet face villain
Which of them would hold sway any day
Is a function of the daily occurrences around us
When things happen to us as they do
When we go through what we do
Our actions and inactions strengthen one of these
And make people see and relate to us as such
So when it’s time for our decisions
Let’s check which would be strengthened within
For to everyone we meet along the way
We are either a hero or a villain

The person you will meet today
Is a culmination of yesterday’s actions and inactions
Also of peoples’ views and expressions about her
What she will become tomorrow
Is dependent on today’s actions and inactions
And your views and expressions about her
So what do you want her to be tomorrow?
Think before you do or say anything to her
Cause you’ll either be praised or blamed.


A long time ago
Before the advent of all
We now call sophistication
A long time ago
Before the world was carved
And called continents
A long time ago
Before kingdoms went to war
Led by their kings
A long time ago
Before people went their way
Separated by languages
A long time ago
Before the first family
Fell from God’s plan for mankind
A long time ago
That was when He loved me
And through the ages and changes
He had remained true
While I wallowed in unfaithfulness
Now that I’m His again and forever
I know nothing will change
His love for me
For this love began a long time ago
Before there was what we call time

I have finally found it
What others for years have been searching for
I too looked painstakingly
In all the wrong places
While it was ever before me
I have found the one thing
That contains everything
If you are still searching
The find is not in the thing
For fade away things do
The catch is to find him
Or be found by him
Then with all gusto you will exclaim
Finally you have found a new world
Full of endless possibilities
You have unlimited access
To Him that is Omni
What a glorious discovery
Sadly some are still wandering
Searching for nothingness

Try as much as you can try
For you’ll never know how much
You can achieve or change
Till you give it a trial
Love as much as you can love
For you’ll never know how much
Your heart can take and give
Till you give it a trial
Give as much as you can give
For you’ll never know how much
Joy and hope you can bring
Till you give it a trial

Why settle for less, when you can have much more
Why seek the gifts, when you can have theGiver?
Why ask for a slice, when you can have the bread of life?
Why ask for a drop, when you can have the living spring?
Why ask for a portion to build, when you can possess mansions?
Why borrow, when you can be a lender?
Why be a spark, when you can be a light to the world?
Why ask for a candle, when you can have the light of the world?
Why settle for the fish, when you can have the creator of the sea?
Why settle for the fruit, when you can have the tree of life?
Why be a foreigner, when you can be a citizen?
Why settle for citizenship, when you can be an ambassador?
Why be a servant, when you can be a son?
Why die, when you can live forever?

What a life
Full of hatred, anger, avarice
Full of violence and evils immeasurable
U ask
It’s west life, I say

What a life
Where only the fittest survive
Where might becomes law
U ask
It’s west life, I scream

What a life
Full of truths profound
Full of wisdom untapped
U ask
It’s deeper life, I see

What a life
Full of joy overflowing
Full of peace mind blowing
U ask
It’s abundant life, I know

What a life
That age cannot limit
That time cannot define
U ask me
It’s eternal life, I’ve found.

What an irony
To appreciate it
After losing it

What an irony
One he loves cares not
One he loves not cares a lot

What an irony
One prepareth it
Yet for another he doeth it

Is friendship being a life source to him,
Protecting him in helplessness
And caring for his every whim?
Is it understanding his needs, pains, joys
And tears without spoken words?
Supporting and comforting him
In weakness and failure
Encouraging and cheering him
In sickness and victories
Loving him unconditionally
But guiding him to be his best?
Is friendship drawing him
Into your world to share your dreams
Hopes, fears and aspirations
Making memorable moments?
Is it a continual tolerance
And pardon of his faults
An endless selfless sacrifice
For the progress of his budding life
Years of battling to know him
And always keep him a friend?
Is friendship a lifelong commitment?
If so, then you are not just my mum
You are my first friend.

Finally the dam broke
The surge overflows
Overwhelming the protected
Leaves no room for inhibitions
Immersed? Yes!
Entrapped? No!
Fulfillment found unsought
Invincible peace…
Love has broken through

I hear the call
Transcending carnal perception
The touch, my heart appall
My best interpretation
A need to entwine my all
Such a strong persuasion
Who can resist the call?

I must leave this world empty
Without regret or self-pity
Without sighs or sympathy
Without curses or calamity
Without possession or property
They say I came empty
But Lo I come in the volume
Of the book
It is written of me
To fulfill the purpose He created me
With the in-built potential He gave me
To me and mankind this commitment I owe
To go away happy and empty


Take time to notice the simple and little things
Through them life’s mystery and enigma is solved.
Take time to appreciate simple and little things
For all elegant and mighty things consist of them
At the heart of every matter lies the atom
Take time to notice and appreciate the winks,
The smiles, the drop-ins to say hi, the ten seconds call
They say more of love and care than
The bear hugs, placards and banners
That screams, “Love you”.
Take care to notice when to pray, encourage,
Give a helping hand cos the hour might pass
And then it would no longer be needed
Take time notice when laziness, procrastination
Prayerlessness and their likes creeps in,
Ignoring them might cause a mighty slipping away
Take care to appreciate these simple and little things
Most times men love and appreciate things
After losing them.


I marveled at his salutation
My family is poverty-stricken
And the least in the clan
Me a mighty man of valour
How can this be?

I was terrified at his appearance

His salutation overwhelming
I know no man except him I’m espoused to
Me found favour with God?
How can this be?
The words cause me to ponder
It left me deep in thought and meditation
In a strange and vast land
Faraway from home and comfort
Me a royal diadem
Made to make a difference
How can this be?

His words were clear and beautiful

It brought peace to my troubled soul
“The Holy Ghost shall come upon you
And the power of the highest shall
Overshadow you He said.
Just trust and obey,
For I only make these things be.

When in doubt, if there’s punishment for sun
And you ask, how can a loving God full of mercy
And compassion turn people to hell?
Ask the rich man or Noah’s generation

When in doubt about leaving all to follow me

And if trust and obey is really worth it
Ask Abraham

When in doubt if it is possible for poor and

Unknown men to be lifted from obscurity
Unto limelight to be leaders and kings
Ask Gideon or David

When in doubt if chastity pays and if it is

Worthwhile to keep yourself pure and
Undefiled till you walk down the aisle
Ask Mary
When in doubt if cowards can be bold
And if timid people can ever become great
Conference speakers
Ask Simon peter

When in doubt if your sins are really forgiven

Are all the families and mistakes of your past really
Forgotten and would anyone still love you knowing
All they know about you
Ask Mary Magdalene or take a stroll to Calvary

When you have asked can’t seem to find answers

To the many questions plaguing your heart
When seeking for direction in this purposeless world
Then ask me I am the source of all things.


The sun was high and scorching
My clothes wet, clung to my body
My fingers can write applications without guidance
Having mastered it by rote
The postmaster knows my name
My C.V. stirs up jealousy and makes people cower
Yet people with qualifications my baby brother
Would be ashamed to call his own were taken instead
I wonder and asked why
“It’s who you know,” they replied.

I tossed and turned

Thinking long and hard
I was getting frustrated and embittered
If it’s really whom one knows then I’m finished
For I know no one with a seat in the corridor of power
Suddenly, light flooded my soul
The revelation brought joy and peace
I really do know someone
I know the God of all flesh
The owner of the gold, silver and cattle
Upon a thousand hill
I know Him He is my father
He has all I need and He’s just a prayer mile away

If only I have faith
Like a mustard seed
Any mountain can be moved

If only I can touch

The hem of His garment
Issues will be taken care of

If only I was schooled and learned

I would write many epistles,
Boldly I’ll stand before men

If only I have someone to help

When the water is stirred
I would rise and make something of my life

If only I can believe

All I need I’ll have
For nothing is impossible to him that believes

His heart is like a fountain
Where love, serenity and kindness flows
His light is like a beacon
That casts a constant glow
His friendship is like the sunshine
That brings us warmth and peace
His help is the sweet caress
That soothes away all pains
His nearness has the healing touch
That makes us whole again
His presence forms a shelter
Where cares and worries cease
His strength is everlasting
That gives us hope and assurance
His words are like an anchor
Helping us through the storm
His words from teachings
Keenness to learn is the gift
That earns us that glorious crown
When he finally says home at last.

Haggard, dirty and unkempt
Full of wounds, obnoxious
Loved by none, hated by everyone
Burdened by guilt and shame
Weighed down by sorrows and pain
Haunted by past deeds
Marked for destruction
Failure and misery for companions
Journeying to nowhere

Holy, lovely and righteous

Beauty beyond description
Praises sang by angels
Dwelling in light unapproachable
Brightness surpassing the sun
Wonders seen through creation
Existing before time

We met outside the city

At the cross on a lonely hill
Burden and weight removed
Free as air I became
Clothed with righteousness
A new creation I am
Termed no more forsaken
Heir of God, He made me
Oh! What unspeakable joy
From the experience at Calvary

One by one they came marching
Arrayed in regal apparel
With so much ardour
Pouring their gifts with grandiose
Amidst shouts of well done

His presence did not invoke applause

His clothes nothing to drool over
Yet he gave more
For he has since learnt
Blessed people don’t show-off


The sunset was captivating
The landscape, breathtaking
Work no artist brush can
Did you notice?
The sound of the wave was sweet
The birds did a beautiful rendition
A piece no orchestra can
Did you notice?
The baby was babbling
Beside you, there was only gesticulation
For no speech could come
Did you notice?
The thoughts were pleasant
Your mind solved the puzzle
Work no machine can
Did you notice?
You only saw, heard, said and thought about
Your problems, pains, pressures
Would you trade these senses
For blindness, deafness, dumbness or madness
Or would you be thankful?
My child, I see your works
How desperately you try to please me
How you toil to know me
How hard you try to read my word
Your difficulties in reaching me
Your frustrations in seeking my will
Your setbacks in doing my work
I see and I appreciate
But it would’ve been easy
If you love me first instead.


Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who’s the fairest of them all?
‘Tis the one who plunged and had his sins cleanse
‘Tis the one who sees himself as he sees him
The one who keeps himself unspotted in this world

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who’s the wisest of them all?
‘Tis the one who believes there’s a God
The one who lives in reverence and
Compares spiritual with spiritual

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Tell me I pray thee
Who’s the bravest of them all?
‘Tis the one who draweth not back to perdition
The one who has not seen, yet believeth
‘Tis the one who against hope, hopeth
‘Cos he judges Him that calleth faithful

Mirror, mirror on the wall

How does one become all?
‘Tis by looking into the perfect law of liberty
But this, thou knowest already oh king
For the mind of Christ thou dost have

Haunted and distraught
Driven from my illusions
Lost in the woods
The dwarfs unable to save
Dead in sin and remained so
Till he came riding
The Prince of Peace He is
His love I accepted
Snow white, I became


The saviour of mankind was born
The creator of the world
Yet, the world didn’t notice
All attention was given to the census

Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin were born

Trumpets blare not, drums rolled not out
The world was caught in the frenzy of
Getting itself loosed from Napoleon’s grip

You were given birth to

Guards of honour didn’t stand
The world was lost in its activities
Don’t worry, just stay on course
Pursue your dreams fulfill purpose
And the world would wish it had
Paid much attention to your coming


Lord, please touch my eyes
Please touch my eyes again
That I may see clearly
Things as they really are
And lose my confusion
Lord, I see men walking as trees
Something tells me I’m wrong
Touch my eyes that I may know
What things really are
And have direction

Lord touch my eyes that I may see

For as far as I see, I’ll have
The eyes of my understanding please enlighten
To move me from this junction.

How could I, father how could I
I knew the answers
I did my homework
I had the connections
Finance and skills were no problem
How could I have failed?

How could you, son how could you

You knew the answers
You did your homework
You have the connections
Finance and skills you didn’t lack
How could you have not fail
When you left me out?

Oh what joy a new day brings
Another opportunity to be happy
To achieve yesterday’s impossibilities
To right yesterday’s wrong
To look past yesterday’s failures
To improve yesterday’s work
To complete yesterday’s assignment
Another day to go higher
Another opportunity to be the best
Oh the joy today brings

Variables they are all variables
Loving fathers now hating
Gentle mothers now wild
What went wrong, you’ll wonder
Nothing, they are all variables

Friends now trucebreakers

Lovers all departing
Relationships rapidly failing
Don’t fret they are variables

Leaders unstable as Reuben

Secular and religious alike
Deficient in integrity
Remain firm they are variables

Currencies losing strength

Properties losing worth
Economies in shambles every where
It’s bound to happen
They are all variables

Lord help me trust you
Like the blind on his leader
Like students on their teachers
Like the accused on the advocate
Like the suckling child on her mother
Lord help my faith

You can refuse a swim in the river
And build a swimming pool
You can choose between modes of transportation
You can substitute one meal for another
You can choose between designers and clothing line
What substitute do you have for salvation?
What can you give in exchange for your soul?
Who knows the sweetness, soothing refreshing
Water brings if no one has been thirsty
Does one know the filling and strength meat gives
If one has not been fraught with hunger
Who cherishes the security and shelter
A home provides
Is it not one, who has slept on the streets,
Cold and alone?
Does one know the loving blessedness of redemption
If one has not been lost?
Should such a one be ashamed when found?
Oh my beloved Nigeria
You are really privileged
Wealth flows within you
All you’ll ever need, you have
Your scenery is breathtaking
Your hills, rivers, desert, forest
Add up to make you unique
A pride among nations
Your people are blessed and many
Diverse cultures and nationalities
With one front
Held together by hope
Oh my beautiful Nigeria
You are truly blessed
Not for the above but
Because God’s hand is upon you

Be yourself
Without you the world isn’t complete
Without your input it’s dysfunctional
Be yourself
There are too many copies in the world
Don’t be counted as one
Be yourself
That’s where you can be your best
That’s where you’re best qualified
Be yourself
No matter how insignificant it seems
The beautiful body needs its kidney
Be yourself
Being him would only make you second
That’s not a position you crave for
You can be important, treasured,
The first always remain, when you
Be yourself.


Arguing and fighting isn’t needed
If it tends to prove what you know you are
It’s foolishness fighting a man who calls
You a woman when you are not.

Arguing and fighting isn’t important

When you sure know who you are
It’s time wastage explaining to someone
Who says you ain’t blessed, when you know you are

In almost all calculations
Knowing and having the constant
Makes the problem easier to solve.
In life it’s also so
Plans and pursuits fall into place
When on a constant they revolve
But placing one thing in life as the constant
Is sure to fail
Why? Everything in life is subject to change
So then the constant in life must be
Something outside life and what better
Than he who made life- the source
He who knows the end from the beginning
With him as constant, everything adds up
And falls into place.
If being a teacher is the only way
To be knowledgeable
I’ll be a teacher
If being a politician is the only way
To be wealthy and influential
Then a politician I’ll be
If being strong and muscular is the only way
To overcome oppositions and obstacles
The strongest man I’ll become
If building and ruling empires
Is the only way to be great
An emperor I’ll be
Fortunately the kingdom I belong to
The least is the greatest
The servant is the master
So a servant I choose to be.

My child, be not troubled
I know you hate being alone
You despise being hungry and in need
Wants evil to be kept at bay
But how would you know my love
If men had not rejected you?
How would you know I’m your provider
If you are never in need?
Would you know me as your judge
If not falsely accused?
How can you say I’m your shield
Your defence and protector
When never faced with evil?
Can you testify of my goodness
If never fraught with problems?
These things happen so my word
Might be true in your life
So you know for sure
Who I am to you.


In the cool of the day
We talked, ate, sang, walked
Our feelings, we shared
My purpose, you revealed
It was bliss experienced
Then I lost it

An act of disobedience
Wrought in ignorance
Took it all away
Left me drab and miserable
Ills and pain, companions
Toiling for vocation
Then you came in
You paid the price
Erased the past
Restored the fellowship
Installed the kingship
Now we walk, talk
Anytime, anywhere
Bliss moments still come
In the cool the day.
The journey long and tedious
Full of uncertainties
Weak, tired, hungry
I had walked for miles
The sign read; stop and rest
I ignored and walked on
The burden heavy to bear
Full of worries and cares
Bent and weighed down by it
I struggled through life
The sign read; unload here
I sighed and turned away
The future still bleak
After all my efforts
Bruised, battered and broken
I long for relief
The sign read; come, let’s reason together
I gave up and turned in
The table long and spacious
Laden with choice dainties
Soothing, refreshing healing came
As I talked with the master
All these and much more
You’d have long enjoyed, he said
If only you’d turned in
At the first sign.
Please give up
The race is not for the swift
Nor the battle for the strong
It is not by power
Nor can might perform it
Cease from the stress and struggle
Your strength will fail
Please give up and rest
It’s not worth the stress
Let me take it from here
I only can make your desires be
Let go the steering and
Have a blissful ride home

The girls dressed but naked
Every action seemingly seductive
Proudly flaunting that which should not
Demure and decorum, decrepit
Respect for elders, old-fashioned
A perception conned in the Stone Age
Head shaking, she walked on
Branding them a mess-age

The boys wild and gun throttling

Always spoiling for a fight
Their strength, a commodity
Bought by the highest bidder
Their wits, tried and tested
By the number of the above
They can lie in a record time
He looked askance and wondered
Who can deliver this mess age?

He said, go and tell them

I only, profits’ and satisfies
I’m more valuable than silver and gold
I am love, I am peace, and I am life
All you want, need and more
Come, left’s trade places and live
Come change your mess into a message

Their hands wrapped around each other
His head lay on her bosom
Their bodies dripped with mingled perspiration
Her hands caressing his body
Their voice, a murmur, this is heaven, they said

The pool, cool, clean and inviting

Part of a mansion set in the hills
He patted his stomach as he gulped his drink
His eyes feasting lustfully on the bikini clad ladies
In drunken stupor, I’m in heaven, he whispered.

The heaven I long for is eternal

Not a momentarily rush of banal pleasures
Its streets are paved with gold
Its music supplied by angelic hosts
Peace, joy, love in there pure state abide
My needs and wants banished forever
Praising loudly, this is heaven, I shouted.

His bible clutched to his chest
Transfixed, he stood on the spot
Looking at his former hangout
A wino, sure he once was

Her steps were long and brisk

Looking askance, she hurried on
The ladies were on her spot
Former friends and colleagues

He met them on the curb

Exhausted, drained, sad
Asked if they miss these things
Heads shaking, they breathed a sigh of relief
Glad not to be found in those paths again.


Adam, where are you?
In hiding, I’m naked
Adam, what are these?
Fig leaves, to cover my nakedness

Child, where are you?

Backstage, I’m working
Child, what are these?
Good works, to pay my acceptance

Child, where are you?

Before you, covered by your glory
Child, what are these?
Blessings, products of your grace

Family, a bountiful blessing
Friends, a wonderful privilege
Placed side by side with God
They amount to nothing

Wealth, a choice dainty

Fame, honor, a mighty relish
On a scale with God
They are but a vapour

Preaching, teaching, a necessary service

Giving, serving, my life must be
In the presence of God
I give all to gain him

A loser, don’t tag me

Warped my mind sure isn’t
Peeved, enraged, please don’t be
In order, my priority just is.


Stranded, lost and alone
Help needed desperately
No man cared enough
You cried and prayed for help
I answered and comforted you
Took you to a brighter side
Do you remember me?

Money gone, purses dry

Lost and neck deep in debt
Confused and boxed in a corner
The creditors at your jugular
You cried and prayed for help
I made a way in the wilderness
Do you remember me?

Sick, weak and limp

Left without an ounce of strength
Doctors your case have dismissed
You cried and prayed for help
I appeared as your healer
Took away your pain and sickness
Do you remember me?

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