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15 Patriarchy's monopoly on name-making and the birthright to make names.

Name-making is not a mysterious act. Nor is it all that hard. But it can be
biased and turned into a horrifying political exercise.
For 11,000 years our species suffered under the political absolutes of
patriarchy. Lords a plenty walked about planet earth as the owners of people and
land. Although we no longer live in traditional patriarchy, we use the names that
make up the language he made to guarantee its success for eternity. Patriarchy is
alive and well today in the thousands of male-biased names we use. The linguistic
protocol about our species is the bias that patriarchy embedded in names.
When Lords coined hu+man in the 13th century man was the name that
became the Brand doing politics for patriarchy. In Manu's name, lower beings were
named as being in manu, slaves. It was Manu who, in 2400 BCE, subjugated the
feme gender to the male gender by law. To bring the masses of lower-males into
slavery, officially, without using law, wer was renamed man. Man is now used in a
myriad of ways having multiple meanings. Both sexes named slaves as man and
wo+man, the system of rule was patriarchy, rule by Lords in power.
That man is so widely used in so many names today is due to the
convenience of its one-syllable characteristic. It lends itself to multiple usages.
In seeing the 20,000 names embedding male-bias, as a whole, you see the
rules of linguistics invented as a patriarchal exercise in bias. Even single letters
were conscripted to add value to, repeat or praise the male as being the active agent
in the species. For instance, the letter p. Power, potent, penis, penetrate, penal
system, penalty, punish, papa, pope, people, papal, population, police, political,
etc., deliver a message using a strong consonant. This is pushed further with the
morphemes par, per, por, etc., from the official PTR formula.
Consonants, like m, leave a different impression. M is a soft weak sound.
Mama, mater, matter, marriage, matrimony, marginal, marsh, martyr, market,
merce in commerce, from merx, denotes mothers as wares, bought and sold, etc.
This is pushed further in an unofficial mtr formula that parallels the PTR one.
Although some names do not appear to come from the same origins, the patterns in
using m follow a path of soft, submissive and easily influenced, while using p,
follow active, strong and powerful. Mommy goes mummy, dead and silent.
When patriarchy renamed wer man it was to bring the masses of males in
manu, fem already in manu by law. Males were made slaves by name, not by law.

The uneducated and illiterate masses at the time had little or no knowledge of what
law by name meant.
This didn't stop Anglo-Saxon Lords from using the old name wer as a
formula, war and wor made war, ward, steward, word, work, worship, worth,
worthy, world, etc.
There is problem of birthrights violated in the renaming patriarchy did. Fem
and man lost the names they had given themselves long ago. But as wer kept its
male denotation, man was given its male denotation by political intent.
(Wo)man? Fem cannot be or become a man simply by a name saying that
this is what she now is, when being man in reality entails only being male abides as
law in name, as in reality and logic. She is not male.
What the Lord did when he renamed fem wo+man in the 11th Century is
that he took away the name by which she had named herself by giving her a twosyllable one having no logic or basis in reality. The patriarch took away her right
to make names along with her inalienable birthright to name herself. A double
The right to name oneself is a sapient right. It could not ever be, and would
never be, a (hu) man right because the very name hu-man embeds the falsehood
that both members of the species are men. Patriarchy named them men in manu.
This could not, would not, make the one that was not-male a man. What it does is
make lying-through-bias legitimate. This is the horrifying political exercise
patriarchy let loose on the planet. Bias-in-names made in the Lords' favor is OK.
If anyone wonders why we have Corporate power wedded to the 1%
obscenely Wealthy invisibly ruling us today, take the last paragraph to its final
There can never be, and there will never be, equality between men who are
men and men who aren't men, (wo)men.
As a species of sapiens both members are speech-makers by definition, both
sexes learn to speak and use language. Both have the capability to make names.
Since both have this capability in view of being sapiens by evolution, then both
have the inalienable birthright to make names needed to validate and enhance
their lives as minded beings.
The right to make names resides in both fem and man; both evolved capable
of making names; both have minds.

The list below shows that it is not hard to re-establish the rightful name fem,
to reclaim her rightful place in the development of language, knowledge and
The name, fem, can be used as easily and in as many names as the name
man. Statesfem, sportsfem, gamesfemship, rofemtic, femmed, femage, femmade,
femhour, fempower, chairfem, boardfem, schoolfem, fem's college soccer team,
femstand, femly, femliness, gynility, gynexus, refem, airfem, airfemship, adfem,
alderfem, anchorfem, antifem, assemblyfem, bandsfem, batfem, barfem, repairfem,
bibliofem, spokesfem, birdfem, boatfem, bondsfem, bookfem, brinkfemship,
busfem, cabfem, carfem, chairfemship, clubfem, cochairfem, cofemagement,
cofemdeered, cofemder, congressfem, middlefem, counterfem, craftsfem,
craftsfemship, crewfem, daysfem, nightfem, deliveryfem, defensefem, deskfem,
disfemtlement, pressfem, draftsfemship, earthfem, everyfem, flagfem,
gatefem, gentlefem, handyfem, headfem, horsefem, kinsfem, lawfem, leadfem,
femdate, femfulness, femhood, femkind, femlike, femmade, femsuetude, ... etc.
femic thoughts, femic symbols, femic intent, femic balance, femic evidence, ...
femic partnership ... etc.
feme comedy, feme writing, feme businesses, feme members of Parliament, feme
members of Congress, feme club members, feme thought, feme activity, feme
games, feme entrepreneurs, etc.
The possibilities are endless. In most names in which the name man appears
a feme one can be made and used. There are thousands of expressions that can
state fem, as fem, to be a contributing member in her species. She is as active and
as much an acting agent as man, she is intelligent to the same extent as man.
Language that respects the reality of two minds and speaks truths informs.
Patriarchy knew the convenience and versatility of one-syllable names.
Wife, a one-syllable name, made housewife, fishwife, etc. Husband, two syllables,
harder to embed in names. But husbandman exists. Husbandry tells us, again, that
the male is the active agent in the species; its feme equivalent wouldn't fulfill a
need. The possibilities for using wife are limited. (In French, wife and fem, femme,
fem's role is to be wife in the same name.)
Widow denotes a feme whose husband has died, but widower, a threesyllable name, denotes a male whose wife has died. What does adding er to widow
do? Patriarchal politics is sometimes invisible in a subtle bias.
The Greek name gyne, a single syllable name, is underused. To balance
virility, male sexual strength, I coined the name gynility for feme sexual strength. I

could not use femmil, meaning feme physical strength. Gynecology is a peculiar
throw back to the old view that males were clean since the opposite sex was "selfpolluting," i.e., menstruated.
The underused name gyne is open for fem to create names needed to develop
the knowledge of what fem is and what she can do as an active member in
partnership with man on planet earth.
Having said the one-syllable morpheme has great advantages, the twosyllable Greek names, like andre, or ander, man, is being used widely in spite of its
two-syllables, e.g., anthropology is the study of man. And anthropogenic! Today,
android! Beware.
Sapiens wanting precision and truths in names can quite easily find many
ways to make names that will eliminate the broad-seeded bias and inequality
communicated in the names patriarchy made. Sapiens evolved with brains and
minds having the capability to do this exciting creativity. Putting the sum of
evidence-based and logic-based names together, to develop language that informs
the mind in truths, is what sapiens, as fem and man, do best.

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