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Spring Hibernate (Weekend

Course 6 Weeks)

To be able to work on any enterprise level project

To facilitate the development of distributed, web-enabled applications
Configure Hibernate and integrate with Spring application
To know the usage of hibernate in real time projects
Know how and when to use Spring Framework
To gain hands on experience

Intended Audience: This training is designed for developer interested in using Hibernate with Spring

Basic understanding of JDBC

Knowledge on Servlet/JSP/Spring Core
Basic knowledge on any application server(Tomcat) and Database

Outline: Week 1

Introduction to Spring Framework 3.X and usage

Role of Spring in Enterprise Applications
Concept of IOC and DI
Annotation-based dependency injection, Spring Container
JDBC Driver and JDBC-based data access with Spring
Spring JDBC (using spring JDBC Template mechanism)
Need for Hibernate
Hibernate and ORM (Object-Relation Mapping)
POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) and the Data Layer
Hibernate Mapping
Hibernate Over Entity Beans

Week 2

Getting started with Hibernate 3.X

Using JPA annotations and XML configuration

Hibernate Domain models
Hibernate Persistence Context
Mapping persistence Classes
Hibernate Inheritance

Week 3

Mapping Entity Associations

Using the different Java collection mappings
Using joins and components to go beyond nave class to table mappings
Working with Hibernate objects

Week 4

Spring Hibernate Integration

Data source creation
Hibernate DAO implementation using Spring Framework
Spring JDBC Transaction
Spring AOP Integration

Week 5

Using queries: HQL, criteria API, native (SQL)

Hibernate Transaction
Mixing Hibernate and JDBC
Hibernate second level caching

Week 6

Design Web Application using hibernate

Hibernate in web application(case studies)
Project Guidance

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