Equalisation!: Texto Antigo Da Twiki

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Aps o trmino da Equalisation!

Em outra aba do terminal (~/SPIDR_TRUNK/Release)!


aba anterior

//o nome do arquivo estar escrito no final da equalisation, na

ls - lrth
//os ltimos arquivos sero da equalisation
vi NOMEDOARQUIVO_masked.txt
//arquivo criado quando a equalisation for feita
//Escolher um arquivo .dat daquela equalisation.
Lendo o Reader do arquivo, podemos ver o nome do sensor

Abrir diretrio ~/CONFIG (/home/mateus/CONFIG)!
!1. ls

cp W005_K03_dacs.txt W00x_xxx_dacs.txt
// Copiar um arquivo de um sensor qualquer e alterar o nome.
W00x_xxx o nome do sensor utilizado.
Depois, abrir este arquivo e alterar o valor do threshold manualmente.
Este arquivo deve ficar na prpria pasta CONFIG.
cp NOMEDOARQUIVO_masked.txt /home/mateus/CONFIG/W00x_xxx_trimdacs.txt^C
//O arquivo dacs.txt j vai estar na pasta CONFIG, o arquivo tromdacs.txt ser criado a partir
da equalisation


Texto antigo da Twiki:

To change between equalisation of a single to a triple you need to edit the script
SpidrEqualisation.cpp in the directory /Equalisation/Lib

For a single you need to check that line 35 is set to 1 device,
"m_nDevices(1)" and that lines 48 & 49 are commented out (m_disabled[1] = true; &
m_disabled[2] = true; )

For a triple you need to check that line 35 is set to 3 device,
"m_nDevices(3)" and that lines 48 & 49 are included (m_disabled[0] = true; &
m_disabled[1] = true; )

masking: 1&2 equalises device 0, 0&2 equalises device 1, 0&1
equalises device 2. Because trying to equalize all three is buggy so we always have to run
with 2 disabled.

A change may also be necessary in /Equalisation/App to Equalise.cpp. On
line 50 change, "equalisation.setNDevices(1);" to 1 or 3 depending on the sensor.

If changes are made to either of these scripts you need to compile again:
"make clean" & "make", compiling first in Lib and then App directories.

There seems to be a problem that to compile we must comment the lines
that include TCanvas (875) in the SpidrEqualisation.cpp and then compile Lib and App.
The uncomment and compile Lib again.

If in Lib the compiling does not work you may need to setup the ROOT

go to /home/timepix3 and $ . setupGaudi.sh and then $SetupProject
Kepler , if you now return to Equalisation/Lib you should now be able to compile.

To execute the Equalisation you need to be in the Release directory (/home/

$ ./Equalise -f T11_200V_equalisation

the default number of pixel spacing is 4 (so, if you don't change the option
must be specified $./Equalise -f T11_200V_equalisation -s 2). Some setPixelConfig
Errors are ok as long as there are not too many.

Once the Equalisation is completed you need to note the number of masked pixel,
move one of the produced files and look at the resulting plot (.png)



you need to cp the "..._masked.txt" files to ~/CONFIGS.

you need to rename the "...masked.txt" file to W0009_M07_trimdacs.txt
(example, replace with sensor name under test)

you need to cp default_dacs.txt to W0009_M07_dacs.txt (example, replace
with sensor name under test)

value" + 100.

and change the value of TPX3_VTHRESH_FINE to the "mean noise

the mean noise value is printed to the terminal after equalisation and
is also the mean value from the plot




repeat for all three sensors if testing a triple

Upload the plots to TWiki and note the number of masked pixels.

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