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Health Promotion:

Growth & DevelopmentPhysical, Cognitive and Psychosocial

1. PreNatal- 9months in urtero; this period of time will effect the first
three years of childs life. Pediatrics we are looking at everything in
growing terms.
a. Head control- when sitting up in chair
b. Growth charts
2. Infacy- 1year to ; sensory motor- to walking
3. Toddler/preschool
4. School age
5. Ah
** Well child checks
* 1st three growth development areas, where largest growth occurs.
* Peds: 33-38% of questions on exam
* Brain development and progress- 80% developed by age of two; and 100%
by the age of 6yrs old.
* pulmonary functioning and are reactive and responsive;
ie. fire- children breath faster and are more reactive and increase
breathing problems
Increased metabolic rate; decreased blood volume= hypo blood volume
Nutrition Factors:
Caloric requirements are age dependent; smaller the individual the
higher calorie intake needed; higher metabolic rate.
6 months: 100 Kcal/Kg/day
School age: 75
Adolescent- 45
Adult- 30 Kcal/kg/day
* Adequate nutrition confirmed by weight gain. 30 g/day (ounce a
day) for 1st 3 months
* Weight gain progression; lose 10% of weight in 1st few days, gains
weight back by 7 to 10 days, weight doubles by 5-6 months; triples
by one year; Quadruples by two years.
Breastfeeding- most pure; at least for 6 months, or 1 year. Perfect
food; helps with antibodies; iron support; decreased GI s/s;
Vitamin D= 2 months; 400IU
Iron- 1mg/kg/day @ 6 months; start to in solid foods, celer, rice.
Fluoride- when water supply is deficient; 0.6 parts per million; helps
with dentists
and proper tooth development (6 months= 1st tooth)
Tooth Eruption:
1. Primary teeth-Come little children munch me (mandible 1st, Central
(incisor) and Lateral and then maxially

2. 6 months- 1st tooth (average child)

3. Secondary teeth @ 6 years
Cognitive Theory:
Paget: Infant to Adolescent
a. Sensorymotor: Birth to 2 yrs
a. Trail and error learning; problem solving ability
b. Object premance; look for hidden objects around 8 months
b. Pre-Operational: 2-4 year olds & 4-7 year old
a. Pre-operational for the 2-4 year old is pre-conceptual; one
problem at a time; hard time with fact from fantany
b. 4-7 years; causation takes place; understand cause and effect
c. Concrete thinkers; School agers- 8-11 years
a. School projects, science, organize
d. Operational thinkers; 12-16 years
a. Operational thinkers can
Erik Erickson: Crisis stage and leads to growth
a. Trust vs. Mistrust
b. automsy vs. inferiory
Infacy: Oral stage: 6 months to 1 year
Id: pleasurable passive; teething= biting= pleasure
Ego: preschool
Superego: better decisions; moral concisious; school age
Adolescents- high change in sexual change
*Premature: correct
Growth charts
Any child that crosses multiple growth lines; stress; nutritional needs; ie.
Foster child
Standardized IQ tests; dont rely on one exam
Growth: child is an age 5 but will look like 10 year olds;
Denver II: Developmental exam, not an intelligence tests; screening exam to
look at birth to 6 months; gross motor to fine motor and personal social.
Well child exam will have one or two pieces from Denver II incorporated into
the well child visit.
- When the skills occurs developmentally; what to tell the parents what to
look for; how to encourage a certain developmental skill (ie. hand eye
ie. Gross motor- head is largest
Interval skills

tri-pod sitting
walking up stairs

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