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ESP Model of Escalation

The ESP Model of Escalation is the structure of my escalation method that I use on woman and is the biggest factor in
why I am able to consistantly pull fast lays with hot women. The ESP Model is broken down like this:
Eye Contact
Physical Touch
In a nutshell, the ESP Model is used to create one major thing, sexual tension. Sexual Tension is often times what
makes the woman want to sleep with you. The more sexual tension you build, and the faster you build it, the more a
woman will want to sleep with you in order to release the tension.

Eye Contact

This one is pretty self explanatory but Ill go over it anyways. Proper Eye Contact (EC) can be VERY powerful and can
litlery make any woman wet and excited. EC is so very powerful but also very underrated in the pickup community.
This is because sexual EC is so simple and powerful that most people cant accept the power that EC has on women.
They simply cant believe that it can be so easy to turn a woman on.

I use what I like to call Laser Eyes. Laser eyes is powerful but simple to do. While talking to a woman look into her
eyes, gaze deeply, and imagine having sex with her at the same time. Imagine her doing sexy things to you and let
your imagination run wild. Your eyes will communicate what your feeling, she will sense it and feel it to and become
captivated by it all.

Most guys cant handle the major amount of sexual tension that EC of this nature creates and often times dont hold it
as long as they should. At first this will probably be uncomfortable for you but keep at it and eventually you will not
only be comfortable with it but you will be having fun with it as well. Soon you will be comfortable with the tension and
be a master at turning women on with your eyes alone.


The S in the ESP Model stands for Sexualization and encompasses all the things that give your interactions a
sexual vibe which in turn creates sexual tension. This part of the ESP Model includes a lot of things, not all of which
has to be done. Calibrate it to each specific interaction as using all of the following techniques may be overkill.

Silence and Pauses

When talking to a woman, using silense and introducing pauses can be very powerful. This includes talking slower and
more sensual. Silence is a great tool to use to create more sexual tension in certian moments. For example
Youre talking to a beautiful blond and you tell her there is a great late night food place that you should both bounce
too. She responds, Ummm, I dont know
Instead of saying something, just look at her with a completely dead pan face and put the pressure on her to say
something instead of bailing her out. Just look at her and hold it and most of the time she will respond favorably.
well ok, lets go!

Introducing pauses to your speech is an excellent tool which will help you slow down and speak more sensually. Using
pauses at key points creates anticipation and in turn creates sexual tension. I do this a lot when Im saying something
very sexual or seductive


This is bascially a fancy way of telling you to be close to the woman your seducing. 99% of all men stand way to far
away when talking to a woman! You should be extremly close, almost nose to nose and sometimes even closer. And
yes, you should be this close within minutes of talking to her. I know this can sound drastic but its true and the best
way to do it. Being close, and being comfortable with being close not only shows that your extremly confident but it
also creates a ton of sexual tension.
A good way to get close is to bring her into your space insted of invading hers. Take her hand while talking and just
gently tug her into your space. Once you get good at this you can do it effortlessly and without bringing any attention
to it. Talk about smooth!
Sexual Innuendo
Sexual Innuendo (SI) bascially means saying one thing that can mean another thing sexually. This is best described
using an example

A woman that I pulled back to my place picked up a few golf balls I just happened to have laying on top of my dressor.
I looked over at her, and with laser eyes said:
I see you like playing with my balls.
Be careful not to use this too often or it can get really lame and will be counter productive.
This little technique is one of my all time favorites. All you have to do is misinterpert stuff she says and make it
sexual sounding. Again, much like SI, using this to much makes it lame and counter productive.

An example
Girl: I seen you over there talking to those woman.
Me: Oh? So you have been staring at me the whole night.

This is really good stuff when used properly.

Sexual Overload
Sexual Overload (SO) is so amazingly powerful that I use it pretty much all the time. This one technique can and will
make whatever woman your seducing so horny that pulling her back to a sex location becomes a piece of cake.
SO has three parts to it:
Make a statement of intent (SOI)
Being physical with her after SOI
Blaming her for you being turned on
An example

Me: Girl, your turning me on so much with that mini-skirt (SOI) *then run your hand down her side smoothly* Its totally
YOUR fault I cant keep my hands off of you today!

After that you let go and go back to doing whatever you was doing before. Pretend like what you just done never even
happened. Then, a few minutes later, do it again. In effect what you doing is causing a bunch of tension and then
letting the tension go and then repeating the process. This is POWERFUL.

Sexual Frames
Sexual Framing (SF), in essance, is making it to where the woman can behave sexually because she knows you wont
judge her for it and that its approiate and even good behavior for her to be sexual. SF will pretty much take away any
anti-slut defense and because of that, this technique is a must use.

The best whay I have found to use sexual frames is to use something I call Behavior Shaping.
Bascially, this is making a mini cold read about her. If she has any interest in you at all, even just a little bit, she will
want to live up to the cold read so not to dissapoint you.
An example:
I can tell that your a woman who knows how to have fun and goes after what she wants.

I can already tell that your a fun chick whos open to new experiances and wild adventures.
You seem pretty sexually agressive which is cool because I respect women who goes after what they want.

The effect of these is pretty obvious. It frames the whole interaction so that its normal and approiate for her to be
sexual and to be open to you about sexual stuff.
Sexual State
This one is pretty important so I saved it for last so that you will hopefully remember it better. Lets first talk about
the golden rule of natural game:

She feels what you feel.

Your mood and sate are both contagious and can often transfer over to her. In a nutshell, if your feeling sexual and

horny, she will too. A good way to make sure you in a sexual state is to imagine her doing sexual things to you.

Physcial Touch

This is my FAVORITE part of my ESP Model because I love to be physical and touch women.

Many guys often wonder how soon they should get physical and start being sexual. The answer often times surprises
them. The correct answer is

Right Away!

You should be getting physical right from the start. It is important, however, that you get physical the right way.

Sexualized Physical Game (SPG)

Most guys go about touching women in the wrong way. They give her a little shoulder touch when she says something
funny, or gives her a little high five to reward her for something cool she does. Lame touches like these arnt going to
turn the woman on. She isn going to want to drop her pants and spred her legs because you gave her a tap on the
shoulder or a small pat on the back. If anything she would just think your weird and honestly, she would be right.

The right way to touch a woman is to touch her like a man. Everything you do in an interaction with a woman should
be from a man to a woman kind of way. Not as her friend, not as her buddy, but as a MAN.

You accomplish this by doing what I call Sexualized Physical Game or SPG for short.

SPG is all about being close (proxomity) and holding her, stroking her hair, whispering into her ear, leading her by the
hand, hand holding, hand carressing, picking her up and spinning her around, dancing, ect

I like to treat a woman as if Ive known her for years, even if I just met her. For instance, would I be afraid to pick a
woman up and spin her around if I have known her for years? Of course not. I would do it without a second thought. I

do it with women who I have known only a short amount of time. Because Im confortable with it, she will be too.
Remember that golden rule of natural game? That applys here too!

In essence, that is the basics of my ESP Model of Escalation. It works wonders for me and I know that if you go out,
practice and impliment it, then it will work wonders for you as well.E

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