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Dear Parents,

It is with pleasure that I welcome your child to my class! It is

my goal to give your child the best learning experience that I can,
and with your help, I think we will have a wonderful, productive
I would like to share with you some of the classroom routines
we will be using this year. Hopefully, I can answer some of your
questions or concerns this way.
In order to maintain a positive learning climate, I use a
Classroom Discipline Plan that will be in effect at all times. A copy
of this plan is attached to this letter. Please look over it and discuss
it with your child. On Fridays, your child will bring a folder home
with one of the attached conduct sheets showing their behavior for
the week. I will also place graded papers inside the folder for you to
see. This will keep you aware of his/her behavior, grades, and other
activities. Please sign the conduct sheet and send it back to school
on Monday.
Third Grade stresses responsibility. Some homework will be
assigned, and work not completed in class will need to be finished
at home. Homework is very important and is expected to be
returned on the assigned day. Please help your child to become
responsible for his/her own homework. Your child needs to know
that you are there for support, encouragement, and a little bit of
coaching, but that it is his/her job to do the work. If your child
does not turn in an assignment (class work or homework) on the
assigned day, 20 points will be deducted off their grade. If they do
not turn in the completed assignment the next day, they will receive
a 0 on the assignment.
Most children will occasionally score below 70 on a paper. If
this happens, please sign and return the paper. This assures me
that you have seen the grade, and you have discussed it with your
Your child will be responsible for 15 AR points for each of the
four 9 week periods. They will receive a daily grade in Reading for

the amount of points they receive as follows: 15 points = 100, 14

points = 93, 13 points =87, 12 points = 80, 11 points = 73, 10 points
=67, and so on. Encourage your child to get their 15 points so they
can get a 100 daily grade in Reading. Also, if they earn 100 points
by the end of the year they will get to participate in the AR reward
I know that situations can develop at home that are unsettling
to our children. Sometimes these situations can affect a childs
classroom behavior or performance. If you feel that I need to know
about something that has happened at home, please do not hesitate
to send a note or call the office. An extra hug from a caring teacher
can make all the difference in the world to a child.
If you wish to schedule a visit with me, you can call the office
at 903-567-6418. My conference time is 12:15 p.m.-1:00 p.m. If you
are unable to come to the school, please leave a message and I will
return the call as soon as I can.
I hope I have helped you to understand some of the Third
Grades policies and procedures. Third Grade can be a fantastic
time for your child. Our goals and expectations are high for
children, but with your love, support, encouragement, and trust,
they can be met with great success!
Tracy Tidwell
Third Grade Teacher
Canton Intermediate

I have read and understand the Third Grade

discipline, homework, and AR policies listed in
the attached letter.


Parent Signature


Student Signature

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