09 English 8kl Profilirani

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23 , 2009 r.


Directions: You will hear a story twice. Before you listen to it, read the statements the
questions after it in 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you may look at the
statements and the suggested choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear
the whole text you have 5 minutes to choose among A, B, or C, circling the corresponding
letter on your answer sheet. While listening to the text for the second time you may look at the
statements and make any corrections if necessary. Then you will hear the text again and will
have 1 minute to check your answers.

Santhas was an all girls school.
A. True
B. False

C. No information in the text

Pamela and Synthia were the names the girls were given at birth.
A. True
B. False
C. No information in the text

When the headmistress first met them in her study, she spoke to the two girls in
A. True
B. False
C. No information in the text
The first impression Santha had of the headmistress was of a strict teacher.
A. True
B. False
C. No information in the text
When their names were changed, Premila felt deeply offended.
A. True
B. False
C. No information in the text

The text implies that the younger children in Indian families are encouraged to
win games.
A. True
B. False
C. No information in the text
7. Santha would be likely to develop a competitive spirit during the course of her
A. True
B. False
C. No information in the text

Directions: You will hear a text twice. Before you listen to it, read the questions and the
suggested choices after it in 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you may look at the
statements and the suggested choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear
the whole text you have 4 minutes to choose among A, B, or C, circling the corresponding
letter on your answer sheet. While listening to the text for the second time you may look at the
statements and make any corrections if necessary. Then you will hear the text again and will
have 1 minute to check your answers.

8. The final destination of the flight is

A. Atlanta.
B. Miami.
C. Caracas.
D. Lima.
9. The announcement refers to change of
A. flight number.
B. gate number.
C. arrival time.
D. boarding time.
10. Some passengers are offered complimentary tickets
A. if they agree to take a later flight.
B. in case they are late for the flight.
C. if there are few passengers for the flight.
D. if they show willingness and patience.
11. The plane will take off at
A. 9:50 AM.
B. 12:15 PM.
C. 4:05 PM.
D. 8:45 PM.

Directions: You will hear a text twice. Before you listen to it, read the questions and the
suggested choices after it in 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you may look at the
statements and the suggested choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear
the whole text you have 4 minutes to choose among A, B, or C, circling the corresponding
letter on your answer sheet. While listening to the text for the second time you may look at the
statements and make any corrections if necessary. Then you will hear the text again and will
have 1 minute to check your answers.
12. The Mozart effect is
A. a music IQ test.
B. an experiment carried out by a French doctor.
C. a term coined by the media.
D. None of the above.

13. The experiment aimed at proving the effect of on peoples ability to think.
A. different kinds of music
B. Mozarts music
C. various sonatas
D. silence
14. The results of the experiment at the University of California
A. proved that Mozarts music does make one a genius.
B. showed no influence of music on peoples reasoning.
C. registered a rather short-lasting effect on students mental abilities.
D. showed that the participants were given the wrong IQ test.
15. The media
A. made too much of the results of the experiment.
B. analyzed the experiments findings thoroughly.
C. suffered from the experiments findings.
D. criticized too ambitious parents.

Part Two: Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the text below. Then read the questions that follow it and choose the best
answer to each question A, B or C, circling the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.
A long time ago, on his very first day at school, a short, quiet boy named Billy picked
up one of his new colored pencils and began to draw his favorite picture his house, with lots
of trees with fresh, green leaves, and flowers in the garden, and birds flying high in the deep
blue sky. His gray-haired teacher, Miss Lomax, was unhappy when she saw him making the
picture. The drawing itself was not the problem. In fact, it was very good: it filled the page
with bright colors. What had made his teacher angry was that he used his left hand. In those
days, many people believed it was a bad thing for a person to be left-handed. Miss Lomax
quickly took the pencil from Billys left hand and asked him to continue to draw with his
other hand like all the other good boys and girls in his class.
One of the good children was a big, strong boy named Bruno. He spent most of this
time at school running after the boys and girls, pushing and hitting them. Miss Lomax found
him very difficult to control. After the teacher spoke to Billy about changing the hand he
used, Bruno started to laugh at him, and soon everyone in the class was laughing, too. Billys
face went red, and he didnt want to go to school any more. His parents had no idea what the
real problem was. They thought the reason was that he had not made any friends at school yet.
As time went by, Bruno found another boy to laugh at instead of Billy, named Johnny, who
wore glasses. Bruno loved to call him four eyes. Meanwhile, Billy found it very difficult to
control his pencil with his right hand, and, at the beginning, his drawings were not as good as
As the months and years went by, he learned to read very well and, although his righthanded writing was never very neat, it was full of good words and clever ideas. In fact, when
he finished his first school at the age of twelve, he was at the top of the class, and everybody
admired him. Not only was he very intelligent, but he was also an excellent athlete. Miss
Lomax was no longer at the school, though Bruno still was the same silly Bruno who had
made Billys life so unhappy six years before.

However, there was one big difference: now nobody liked Bruno or laughed at his
stupid jokes. He was at the bottom of the class, too. In the evenings, alone in his room at
home, Billy continued to paint and draw beautiful pictures (later he became a famous artist),
all secretly made with his left hand.

16. Most of all Billy liked to draw people.

A. True
B. False

C. No information in the text

17. Bruno was considered one of the good children because he was right-handed.
A. True
B. False
C. No information in the text
18. Johnny was in the same class as Billy.
A. True
B. False

C. No information in the text

19. Billys failed at his first school because Bruno tormented him every day.
A. True
B. False
C. No information in the text
20. By the time he finished school, Billy could write well in every way
A. True

B. False

C. No information in the text

Directions: Read the text below. Then read the questions that follow it and choose the best
answer to each question A, B,C or D, circling the corresponding letter on your answer
A Night Journey
We were going to visit some friends for the weekend and my father wanted to drive there on
Friday night instead of Saturday morning. He said it would give us some extra time to enjoy
ourselves. My mother was not convinced that it was a good idea and said that my little sister
would be deprived of sleep. I had nothing against the plan and was rather looking forward to
arriving in the early hours of the morning.
The roads were deserted. There was not a soul in sight. By 1 a.m. we were more than
half way there and my father was boasting proudly that he had made the right decision. My
sister had fallen asleep almost immediately. Car journeys always have that effect on her. Once
the car gets going, she cant keep her eyes open.
Suddenly there was a loud bang and the car swerved all over the road. My father
fought to get it under control and pulled to a stop close to a verge. It was a puncture, he said,
and we were lucky to have got off so lightly. My poor sister had been woken by the bang and
was crying on the back seat. She looked terrified. My mother comforted her while my father
got out to change the tyre. He asked me to help and I had to hand him tools whenever he
needed them.
We were ready to leave after half an hour. Father said, Right, lets get going. He
turned the ignition key but nothing happened. Oh, no!, said mother, The car wont start.
My father, who knows practically nothing about how engines work, was at a loss what to do.

Mother suggested he should push us to the nearest garage, which he didnt find very
funny. Fortunately a car approached soon after and my father asked for a lift to a garage. He
returned an hour or so later with a mechanic, who fixed the car in no time at all.
Father thanked him and paid him and we were on our way at 4 a.m. We arrived
thoroughly exhausted soon after 7 oclock. Our friends laughed when my mother explained
what had happened and we spent most of Saturday in bed, catching up on lost sleep. My
father said he would pay more attention to mothers advice in the future.
21. The family took the trip
A. to celebrate a special occasion with their friends.
B. to spend some time away from home.
C. because the mother insisted.
D. because the sister needed some sleep.
22. The family left on Friday night because
A. the parents wanted the kids to have more leisure time the next morning.
B. one of the parents was worried that the girl would not have enough sleep.
C. one of the parents thought it was the better idea.
D. the narrator persuaded his mother to do so.
23. They managed to cover most of the distance at about midnight because
A. the streets were well lit.
B. the father drove at a fast speed.
C. the traffic was heavy.
D. there were hardly any cars on the road.
24. The narrators sister fell asleep because
A. she was exhausted.
B. the journey was going to be long.
C. it was like her to do so.
D. None of the above.
25. According to the father, the accident was caused by
A. the slippery road.
B. a fault in the engine.
C. a fault in the brakes.
D. a flat tyre.
26. After the accident
A) all felt desperate because there was no help in sight.
B) the father managed to repair the car in no time.
C) the mother pushed the car to the garage.
D) the family bumped into another problem.
27. The father fixed the puncture
A. in less than an hour.
B. because he was an expert on cars.
C. despite his little knowledge of cars.
D. because his assistant was a professional.

28. The car wouldnt start because

A. the flat tyre was not the only damage caused to the car.
B. the father couldnt turn the ignition key.
C. the ignition key was wet.
D. All of the above.
29. The car repair
A. took the mechanic little time to fix.
B. took too long because the damage was serious.
C. woke up the authors sister.
D. cost a lot of money.
30. Which would be the most suitable title for the text?
A. Think twice before driving on a Friday night
B. Beware of old drivers driving new cars
C. Mind your parents advice
D. Wisdom comes with experience

Part Three: Use of English

Section One: Cloze Test
Directions: In the following text and sentences there are gaps. Circle the letter A, B. C or D
of the word or phrase that best fits each gap, circling the corresponding letter on your
answer sheet.
A goldfish! said Bettys mother in surprise. Would you .(31) have a goldfish than
a dog or a cat? She had talked the ..(32) over with her husband, and they had
..(33) at the conclusion that Betty could have a pet if she wanted, but they had
expected her to .. (34) out a dog or a cat, not a goldfish. When she thought about it
though, it wasnt (35) a bad idea at all. It would certainly be less ..
(36) than an animal, and they would only have to keep the goldfish bowl clean. In fact,
Bettys mother realised later, when she was talking to her husband, that what really bothered
her (37) Bettys having a goldfish was that she didnt like fish herself. Betty was
only five, and somehow her mother felt that a young child should be attracted to more
..(38) creatures, like dogs and cats, or even rabbits. A goldfish would never show
affection, and would be (39) of recognizing its owner. A dog or a cat, on the
other . (40) would always develop a close relationship with its owner, and could
also prove a comfort to a child in times of loneliness.

A. prefer
A. story
A. reached
A. choose
A. so
A. problem
A. from
A. loved
A. able
A. side

B. better
B. matter
B. come
B. find
B. so much
B. disturbance
B. for
B. lovingly
B. unable
B. hand

C. like
C. theme
C. arrived
C. pick
C. much
C. trouble
C. on
C. lovable
C. incapable
C. point

D. rather
D. theory
D. ended
D. select
D. such
D. bother
D. about
D. love
D. disabled
D. view

41. It was kind of you to .me borrow your car.

A. make
B. allow
C. permit
D. let
42. They .on struggling even though they knew it was useless.
A. remained
B. continued
C. stayed
D. kept
43. You should always leave a .for waiters in restaurants.
A. bill
B. tip
C. money D. change
44. The doctor advised her to .smoking as soon as possible.
A. give in
B. give away
C. give up D. give
45. Small children like to..tricks on grown ups.
A. do
B. commit
C. get
D. play
Section Two: Sentence Completion
Directions: In the following text and sentences there are gaps. Circle the letter A, B. C or D
of the word or phrase that best fits each gap, circling the corresponding letter on your
answer sheet.
A spider was lying next to the water. His eyes were closed and he was at peace with the
world. Slowly, silently, the water came towards him, but he (46)________ still. It got nearer
and nearer. (47)________, it touched his leg and he opened his eyes and saw the danger, the
terrible, growing danger that had almost reached him. He turned quickly and tried to get out
of the way of the fast-rising water, but it rose faster than he (48)________ run. The hungry
water lifted him from his feet and pulled him slowly but surely toward the whirlpool.
He fought, but as he did, he (49)________ it was no use. He was pulled right into the
center of the whirlpool. Then he was turned around and around, and was suddenly pulled
down by the water. No one (50)________ saw him again. All this time someone had been
watching him, someone who (51)________ coldly: Good. I can have my shower now that
the spider (52)________ down the pipe with the water. No one heard the speakers words, of
course. Maybe it was just a thought, the kind you have when youre all by yourself.
46. A. laid
47. A. Eventual
48. A. would
49. A. was knowing
50. A. never
51. A. told
52. A. was gone

B. lied
B. Finally
B. could
B. knows
B. forever
B. said
B. went

C. lie
C. Fortunately
C. might
C. has known
C. ever
C. was telling
C. has gone

53. The police officer asked us what..doing.

A. we had
B. we were
C. we did

D. lay
D. At the end
D. should
D. knew
D. yet
D. saying
D. goes

D. would we be

54. By the time the tour ends, the football teamten matches in three countries.
A. will play
B. will have played C. will be playing D. will have been playing

55. There arebooks on the subject. You may use them.

A. little
B. a little
C. few
D. a few

Section Three: Sentence Transformation

Directions: On your answer sheet complete the second sentence so that it is as close as
possible in meaning to the first one.

56. Im sorry I was unfriendly last time we met.

I apologise .
57. You need to go on a strict diet.
Its about time .
58. I started playing chess when I was six and I still play it now.
I since ...
59. I dont think Danny is interested in the project, and Penny isnt either .
I think neither
60. People believe that Dr Gibson is guilty.
Dr Gibson .. .

Part Four: Writing

Directions: Write a composition of about 150-170 words on ONE of the following topics:
1. You have been selected to take part in the annual student exchange between your school
and its English counterpart. Now you need to email your English partner who is going to stay
in your place for a week. Write the email including the following:
a) introduce yourself and your hobbies
b) describe your family
c) describe your home
d) say why you want to take part in this exchange

2. This year a lot of schools in Bulgaria have introduced uniforms. Do you think this is a good
idea? Why? Why not? Give specific examples to support your position.



23 , 2009 r.

Directions: You will hear a story twice. Before you listen to it, read the statements the
questions after it in 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you may look at the
statements and the suggested choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear
the whole text you have 5 minutes to choose among A, B, or C, circling the corresponding
letter on your answer sheet. While listening to the text for the second time you may look at the
statements and make any corrections if necessary. Then you will hear the text again and will
have 1 minute to check your answers.
At the school for English and Indian children in the north of India, where I went with my
sister, when she was 8 and I was 5, they changed our names. We stood in the headmistresss
study, on the first day of the term. When she asked our names we, of course, told her our
Indian names Premila and Santha. The headmistress was a kind English lady, who must
have lived in India for about 15 years, but she still couldnt cope with Indian names or at
least thats what she said. She decided Premila should become Pamela, and I should be
When I think about it, the first day at school is a remarkable one. And at that age, if
your name is changed, you develop a curious sort of dual personality, but I didnt give it much
And there was a further lesson for me to learn, though I didnt realize it at first. At
home, whenever we played games, I was often allowed to win because I was the youngest.
But at school, you never let anyone win, not even if they were younger than you.

Directions: You will hear a text twice. Before you listen to it, read the questions and the
suggested choices after it in 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you may look at the
statements and the suggested choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear
the whole text you have 4 minutes to choose among A, B, or C, circling the corresponding
letter on your answer sheet. While listening to the text for the second time you may look at the
statements and make any corrections if necessary. Then you will hear the text again and will
have 1 minute to check your answers.

Good morning passengers of flight 17 bound for Caracas with stops in Atlanta and Miami.
The departure gate has been changed to 30 B.
Also there will be a slight departure delay due to bad weather outside. Right now the ground
crew is deicing the wings in preparation for departure.
It also looks like the flight is slightly overbooked so we offer complimentary roundtrip tickets
to a few passengers who are willing to take a later flight. We should be boarding around a
quarter to the hour. Thank you for your patience.

Directions: You will hear a text twice. Before you listen to it, read the questions and the
suggested choices after it in 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you may look at the
statements and the suggested choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear
the whole text you have 4 minutes to choose among A, B, or C, circling the corresponding
letter on your answer sheet. While listening to the text for the second time you may look at the
statements and make any corrections if necessary. Then you will hear the text again and will
have 1 minute to check your answers.

Have you ever heard of the Mozart Effect? No? Let me tell you a bit about it. This term was
first used by Dr Alfred Tomatis, a French Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist, and is related to a
music experiment carried out years later. Dr Tomatis used Mozarts music as a stimulus to
cure a variety of disorders.
In 1993, researchers at the University of California carried out an experiment to see if
listening to Mozarts music would increase peoples intelligence. The experimental group
consisted of college students. They were divided into three groups some listened to
Mozarts sonata; others to a variety of different kinds of music; and still others did not listen
to music at all. Then all the students were given an IQ test. The Mozart group, 36 college
students, showed an increased score on their ability to think in terms of time and space. The
students IQ scores improved but lasted only 10 minutes. Another problem with the findings
is that another IQ test might have given different results.
The curious fact is that the media showed unhealthy interest in the results and this interest was
followed by help your child be a genius books, toys, videos and music products. Who do
you think these products were aimed at? Ambitious parents, who foolishly believed that they
could turn their children into rocket scientists.

23 2009 .






56.for having been unfriendly/for not having been friendly last time we met.
57.you went on a strict diet.
58 have been playing/have played since I was six.
59. ...neither Danny nor Penny is interested in the project.
60. ...is believed to be guilty.


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