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Francisco Javier Gonzlez Guapo

English 9C
Costa Rica vs Enviromental Degradation
Environmental Education aims to help to ensure the success of strategies,
programs and projects for environmental conservation. Some countries use this
information to sensitize people and raise critical awareness of the problems and
threats that affect the social environment, economical situation and ethical. This will
lead to processes of acquiring knowledge, attitudes and developing habits that
change individual and collective behavior seeking the common good, and taking
actions that produce positive changes to the natural environment and the urban
environment of the countries. Countries will have to make agreements or creating
institutions to combat destruction and support the development of environmental,
as it has done Costa Rica; his government has created an initiative to improve the
quality of life of its inhabitants and their ecosystems , benefiting its environment
and its economy.
Costa Rica in the field of environmental development highlighted by the operation
of the system of "Payment for Environmental Services ", which encourages the
actions of protection, reforestation, sustainable management and environmental
regeneration since 1996. It has also taken strong commitments that have had a
positive impact on reducing greenhouse gases, such as the consolidation of a
network of private and public protected areas, which has even stimulated activities
such as ecotourism and research. Another point in favor of the shares of Costa
Rica is the development of renewable energy, characterized by being produced,
mostly with sources such as hydro first, besides the use of other types of energy
such as wind and solar.
So, it is clear that there would be positive benefits for the environment if countries
do not create initiatives as it has Costa Rica. Unfortunately, there is no proper
management of environmental education in which efforts to care for, develop and
raise awareness of the environmental sector to join. In my opinion the benefits are
productive for the people and it is those who must drive change in the development
of their environment.

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