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How is rainwater reused?

Our planet is running out of resources and these are getting more expensive than
ever. That is why humans have started reusing. One of these resources is water.
There are several ways of reusing rainwater, for example people are starting to use
tanks in their houses. This water is not used for consumption because it is not
treated, but it can be used for mopping, cleaning the bathroom and watering the
garden, it is used for general purposes.
There is a bigger process made by public utilities with the dams to reuse rainwater.
These dams collect rainwater, then it is taken to the water treatment plant and after
this process, the public utility carries water to every home, this water can be used
for human consumption because it has been purified.
Wastewater from each house goes to a wastewater treatment plant when it is
treated again, so it can be reused. Excess treated water and storm water go to a
river to continue with the natural cycle of this precious resource.

UK telephone calls chart

The charts shows a gigantic rise in the number of cellphone calls in 7 years (from 4
billion to 50 billion approximately). This is product of the development of
technologies in the cellphones area which has presented different prices and types
of these phones, making them more affordable for everybody. The biggest growth
was between 1999 and 2001.
National and international fixed line calls have also increased year by year but not
as much as the mobiles calls. In 2002 were approximately 65 billion calls, while in
1995 this number was smaller by 30 billion calls.
Local fixed line calls have been more constant through the years. The number of
calls in 1995 and 2002 was almost the same. This number never grew or
decreased by more than 10 billion calls between 1995 and 2002.
This kind of calls have been 83 billion in average. Between 1998 and 1999 the
number of calls was almost constant.
From this chart we can conclude that in the UK people still use local fixed line very
frequently but national, international and mobiles calls have increased a lot
because its easier every day to communicate further away and also because of
the cellphones boom.

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