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The LifeStraw makes dirty



JANUARY 12, 2005


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More than one billion people one sixth of the worlds population are without access to safe water supply. At any given moment,
about half of the world's poor are suffering from waterborne
diseases, of which over 6,000 mainly children die each day by
consuming unsafe drinking water. The worlds most prolific killer
though is diarrhoeal disease from bacteria like typhoid, cholera, e.
coli, salmonella and many others. Safe water interventions have
vast potential to transform the lives of millions, especially in
crucial areas such as poverty eradication, environmental
upgradation, quality of life, child development and gender
equality. LifeStraw was developed as a practical response to the

billions of people who are still without access to these basic

human rights.

The aptly-named LifeStraw is an invention that could become one

of the greatest life-savers in history. It is a 25 cm long, 29 mm
diameter, plastic pipe filter and costs just a few dollars (the
manufacturers originally informed us the price was around
US$2.00 but the price is now under review and we'll be posting a
new price shortly. The most prolific killer of human beings in
developed countries is the automobile, followed by a host of
diseases resulting mainly from an indulgent lifestyle.

Millions of people perish every year because they simply dont

have clean water to drink. Until now, there was not much we could
do about this because systems to clean water were costly and
required electricity and spare parts and and and but the
LifeStraw now offers a viable means of saving tens of millions of
lives every year.
LifeStraw is a personal, low-cost water purification tool with a life
time of 700 litres approximately one year of water consumption
for one person. Positive test results have been achieved on tap,
turbid and saline water against common waterborne bacteria such
as Salmonella, Shigella, Enterococcus and Staphylococcu.
If we (as in the big WE) can find a way of manufacturing and
distributing one of these to each human at risk, every year, we
could save countless lives (now theres a noble outcome for the
tech blogs and mags of the world to work together to promote
this). Each LifeStraw lasts for one persons annual needs of clean
water a simple straw costing a few dollars will ensure that one
at-risk person will not die for a year - now that's a donation we can
all make with a serious kicker!
This LifeStraw was designed with special emphasize on avoiding
any moving parts, as a sealed unit with no replaceable spare
parts, and avoiding the use of electricity, which does not exist in
many areas in the 3rd world. But as force (power) is required to
implement the filtering, Vestergaard Frandsen chose to use the
natural source of sucking, that even babies are able to perform. A
brief technical rundown is available at MedGadget,
the internet journal of emerging medical technologies.
Vestergaard Frandsen have managed to produce this product at a
price that people in this business find hard to believe, but believed
it had to achieve a price affordable to the Third World consumer.
The original idea was created ten years ago by Torben Vestergaard
Frandsen, but over the years in partnersjhip with The Carter
Center, Rob Fleuren from Holland and Moshe Frommer from Israel,

the Lifestraw emerged from work designed to make water filters

capable of safeguarding against Guinea Worm. The invention
which emanated from the work, the, LifeStraw, can keep away
bacteria and diseases like diphtheria, cholera and diarrhoea.
Well have more information on LifeStraw in the next week . In the
meantime, LifeStraw has been nominated for a prestigious and
vitally important INDEX: AWARDS
INDEX: Awards focus specifically on design that significantly
improves life for a large number of people and theres a
lot more information available in their nomination lists on the
The LifeStraw web site is now open. Our suggestion is that if you
are involved in a charity or community group, you make your
group aware of this invention and its potential to improve the lives
of millions of our less fortunate planetary brethren.
In the meantime, LifeStraw supplied this list of FAQs
Q1. What is LifeStraw? LifeStraw is a portable water purification
tool that cleanses surface water and makes it safe for human
consumption. It is just 25 cm long and 29 mm in diameter and can
be hung around the neck. LifeStraw requires no electrical power or
spare parts.
Q2. What does LifeStraw do? LifeStraw filters up to 700 litres
of water and effectively removes most of the micro organisms
responsible for causing waterborne diseases.
Q3. Which diseases will LifeStraw prevent? LifeStraw kills
disease causing micro organisms which spread diarrhoea,
dysentery, typhoid, and Cholera.
Q4. Which disease-causing micro organisms are filtered by
LifeStraw?LifeStraw filters bacteria such as Shigella, Salmonella,
Enterrococus, Staphylococcus Aureus and E.Coli
Q5. Are there any tests to prove this? LifeStraw has been
tested by independent and qualified research laboratories.
Q6. How does LifeStraw function? LifeStraw contains PuroTech
Disinfecting Resin (PDR) - a patented, extraordinarily effective

material that kills bacteria oncontact. Textile pre-filters are used in

the LifeStraw to remove particles up to 15 microns. Active carbon
withholds particles such as parasites.
Q7. What do the tests and research studies indicate? The
studies indicate the following:
The level of bacteria in the water will be reduced to levels that will
provide water safe for human consumption. Safe implies water
from which any health risk is minimal. The particulate removal
suggests that the number of any parasitic ova in raw water will
also be reduced significantly. The released amount of iodine in
water treated from LifeStraw is not normally damaging to human
health. However, people having thyroid problems and allergic
reaction to iodine must seek medical advice before using this tool.
Q8. What is the life expectancy of the LifeStraw? One year
from the start of usage (calculation based on consumption of 2
litre water per day) or 700 liters. Use beyond expiry will not
deteriorate existing water quality.
Q9. What is the required daily water consumption? The
WHO default levels for the quantities of drinking water (reference
to WHO drinking water quality guidelines Third edition 2004,
Annex III), are: For a 10 kg child, 1 litre water per day - thus 700
days tool For a 60 kg adult, 2 litre water per day - thus a 350 days
Q10. Who can use the LifeStraw? Adults and children of any
age can use the LifeStraw, provided they have capacity to suck
Q11. How should LifeStraw be used the first time? First time
users are advised to spit out the first couple of mouthfuls (40 ml)
as a small amount of harmless black carbon water will be expelled
on initial use. First time users may find it difficult to start sucking.
This is because a natural brake on the flow of water has been put
into the LifeStraw, as a controlled flow between 100 ml to 150 ml
per minute is needed to get the maximum benefit of the bacteria
killing effect.

Q12. How can LifeStraw be effectively utilised? At regular

intervals, it is recommended to blow out the last mouthful of
water as well as some air through the LifeStraw. This will clean the
pre-filters of whatever sand, silt and debris that might have got
stuck in the textile filters.
Q13. Does LifeStraw filter arsenic, iron, fluoride and other
heavy metals? No.Q14. What is the impact of saline water
on the lifetime of LifeStraw? It is expected that continuously
drinking saline water through the LifeStraw would reduce effective
life to 350 litres.
Q15. Can I share my LifeStraw with other people? It is not
recommended that you share your LifeStraw with others. Any
outside contamination of the LifeStraw will not be compensated by
inside purification.

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