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Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

ng Activities
Social Justice

Share ideas of how the

message to look after our
neighbours can be shown
by actions of students.

Students draw a picture to

represent this message
Share ideas of how students
would like to be treated by
their classmates.

Share ideas of how students

can treat others the same
Read Millie or Miss Lilys Fabulous
Feather Boa. What choices do the
characters have?
Students engage in role plays to
demonstrate the choices, and
then collectively decide which one
is most like Jesus.
Discuss the message of
forgiveness and class to share
ideas of how to forgive in todays
Act out ways to forgive
using multiple scenarios in
todays life.
Whats the difference
between a good choice and a
bad choice?
- Have a playground walk,
highlighting areas that often
cause lunchtime problems.
Have children act out good
and bad choices in these
- What happens when we
make the good choice?
What happens when we
make the bad choice?
When is it hard to make the
good choice.
What do we want our
classrooms and playground to
be like?

Key message: God is a God of love who has prepared our world
for humans to live in. God is Good! God is a creator God who
has a special relationship with all of creation.
What did God do in order to prepare the world for
humans? Eg gave us trees to build shelter, seas to
catch fish to eat.
Humans should treat each other and all living creatures
with dignity and respect. Ask students: How do you care
for your mum, dad, siblings, pets?
God created the world out of love. We have a
responsibility to help to care for creation and to share
Gods love in our world.
In small groups students pick one of Gods creation and
write/draw as many different ways that they can care for that
creation. The groups then present this to the class
Create groups of children with similar gifts and strengths. Pose
them the inquiry question: How can your strengths help at
school? What could you do to help others?
Students take part in helping around the school community.
They continue to take photos of each other picking up rubbish,
holding hands, planting trees/weeding garden, learning with their
hands in the classroom etc. These could also be developed into
Wordfotos or a Photostory and published in the school
newsletter and /or school website.
What rules does God want us to live by?
Come up with a class set of creation rules which show how
people should treat the Earth and the people in it. Discuss which
rules we are doing well at St Peters and those that we need to
improve on.
How Can We Show God That We Care About Creation?
Students participate in an inquiry of Why do we need to care for
Creation? Are we caring enough? Using a variety of Early
Years literature and stimulus images that invite us to think about
and respond to the questions.

Using the same pictures as the assessment have students glue

each into their journal and draw themselves in each of the 7
days of Genesis, Adam and Eve story and Noah . Students will
need to show themselves taking care of Gods creation.
Students complete before and after Y charts?
What does creation look like, sound like, feel like when we dont
What does creation look like, sound like, feel when we do care?
Assessment: What Can I do to Say Thank You God For
Creation? How We Give Thanks to God?
Place the pictures around the classroom. Students will need to

Talk about the different things that

happened at each time in their story,
emphasizing reliance, responsibility, sharing of
Each part of this sacred story reminds us
about the sacredness/goodness of God.
How do we show we are responsible
and look after creation?
Why do you think God created a
beautiful Earth? What does he want us to do
with it?

Discuss: What does taking

care of creation do? (Teachers note:
Highlight the principle that all actions
have consequences, and as Catholics our
responsibility is to enhance life rather
than to diminish it. Children and teacher
create a definition/statement about why
taking care of creation is important and
the effect this has on our environment.

Discuss: What are some ways that

students can look after the environment in their
school? What are some things the school does

Complete a cause and

consequence chart for different school
actions. For example: Littering pollutes
water harms animals
Record a list of good school choices or
actions to look after the earth.
Students explain ways they can
personally care for
Students choose one action they can take
to look after
natural creation at home or school and
complete sentence
starter To look after the earth I will,
drawing a picture
and/or writing a sentence about their chosen
This could be completed on recycled paper or
by up-cycling
or reusing scrap craft materials.

Look at organisations like Caritas

how they help people in the world.
Review - Project Compassion/St
Vincent de Paul

Lesson 1 Engage / Tune In * Show

Jesus' teaching about the poor You tube clip. What does Jesus
teach? How should we treat the
poor? Where would we find more
teachings about the poor - refer to
the Gospels in the previous lesson?
Use the whiteboard to show some
quotes from the Bible (shared
reading lesson). Discuss each one.
Lesson 2 Explain / Sort
Match the quotes that refer to the
poor to the meanings/messages in
the Decalogue or Beatitudes. Lead
the children to the understanding
of Jesus' main message - love God
Love EVERYONE. We are all
brothers and sisters and God is our
Lesson 3 Teacher and Student
Feedback. How else can we use
this learning? Where to from here,
what else might we like or need to
know? Action plan - How can I use
the Beatitudes in my daily life?
What can I do to show Jesus that I
am trying to follow his
Commandments? Print them on A3
so the students can write what
they are going to do to their life.
(use for assessment).

Explain to students that a class covenant is

a promise and it should explain what we
want our class to look like/sound like/feel
like y chart
- Ask children why each one is important for
us to have on our class covenant.
- What responsibilities do we have as a prep
Create and sign class

use book creator to take a picture and verbally annotate how this
place or person can be taken care of.
- How are all people created in Gods image?
- How should we take care of this place?
- Why is taking care of this place what God wants?
- What choices have people made in this picture?
- How can you follow Gods plan?
Why dont all people choose to follow Gods plan?

Why do these organisations help
How would the people who are being
helped feel when they are receiving this
What would happen if organisations
like this didnt exist?
Use CARITAS website 2015 to read
stories about people who are helped by the
CARITAS association.
Reflection writing/drawing: How
can we help others at this time? Each
child will be asked to give examples of
what they themselves could do to help
others and explain how this is treating
people as God wants us to.
Activity provide the children with
some examples of situations where people
are acting unjustly and have children
explain why this is wrong and what needs
to be done.

r Level
g Social

Year 4

Year 5

Students in groups share the

good and bad choices that
they have made recently.
They will talk of the
consequences of those
choices and how it will shape
their decision making in the
future. Students will then
complete making choices
worksheet and engage in
class discussions.

Term 1
Read the words of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop to understand how her words help people past and
present to understand about caring for the wellbeing of others and the faith of the community of
believers. Students reflect on the saying of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Never see a need without
doing something about it . They identify some of the "needs" in their community and complete a Y
chart for how a community would look like, sound like and feel like if the members of the community
applied the wisdom within these words to dealing with these needs
Term 2
How does the Holy Spirit rock my world?
The Spirit active in the lives of believers
What no eye has seen .. Students read 1 Corinthians 2:9-13 What no eye has seen, nor ear has
heard There are forces in the world that are invisible but are still real. Students observe what
happens when you put a magnet near metal or two magnets of opposing forces together. Students
may also observe switching on/off a light or watching the movement of trees in the wind. Students
discuss how the Holy Spirit is at work in the world as an invisible force. Create a digital power point
collage of photographs and words that represent the Holy Spirit in action in the community. Where
possible, make connections between these actions and the images used in the Bible to describe the
Holy Spirit.
Galatians: Confirmed believers in the world
Students read Galatians 5:22-23 (fruits of the Spirit) and/or watch Go Fish Fruits of the Spirit. The
teacher explains that the Fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
gentleness, faithfulness, self-control) are visible signs of God's active love and work within and
through believers as they live spirit-filled lives.
Students create a visual representation of the fruits of the Spirit being lived out in peoples lives (e.g.
collage using magazines, PowerPoint, take photos of other students in the playground living out the
fruits to put into MovieMaker, write a song/rap, Mosaic Maker, PicMonkey) (possible assessment
item). The visual is accompanied by an explanation of how a particular fruit of the Spirit is visible /
being lived out in the life of the person.
Students watch the Story of the Starfish You Can Make a Difference to reflect on and explore how
one person can make a difference.
The Spirit Active in the Formation of Conscience
Holy Spirit - Who are you? Where are you? What is my world?
Students demonstrate prior knowledge on the topic of the Holy Spirit at the factual and conceptual
levels using the Affinity Diagram Thinking Tool. Students form groups of four or five to organise
related ideas into similar categories, for example titles and images of the Holy Spirit; signs of the
Spirit; actions of the Holy Spirit, fruits of the Spirit and gifts of the Spirit which guide believers and
give them strength to live a Spirit-filled life.
Students answer the following questions:
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Where can the Holy Spirit be seen at work in people's lives?
When have we experienced actions of the Holy Spirit in our own lives or the lives of others?
Students return to the class graffiti wall. Using similar questions to those above, students identify
characteristics of the Holy Spirit. Students organise these characteristics into categories and display
on the graffiti wall. These can be adjusted as new understandings come to light.
Conscience is formed by the Word of God
Students brainstorm responses to questions related to the formation of conscience for Christians e.g.

Link to how our free choice

can affect others in our
community. Ask when their
choices have affected others
in their community/groups
(good and bad choices).
Sometimes our choices are
determined by our faith and
we follow them instead of
doing the right thing-Purity
Laws in the Good SamaritanRe-tell story.
Students will begin the
broken plate reconciliation
activity. They will reflect
upon an incident that
recently occurred to them
and write down what was
said, why it was said and
how they felt. On the other
side of the plate they will
write down what they did to
make it right, what they will
do next time and how they
feel after reconciling.
Importance Jars Activity In
this activity students identify
moral choices or rules that
they consider the most
important to keep to the
least important to keep, This
is an opportunity for students
to listen to others view

Year 6

Students recall stories from

the Bible about looking after
others. Read Matthew
25:31-40 and through
discussion understand that
this reading from the Gospel
of Matthew forms the basis
of a call to all Catholic
Christians to help others
through what the Church
describes as corporal and
spiritual works of mercy.
works of mercy in scripture.
Read through the story of St
Vincent de Paul as a
demonstration of how
Catholics are called to do
Investigate the voice of the
Catholic Church in Australia
Students reflect on their
actions over the course of
the day or week and
whether or not they have
performed works of mercy
in their lives by participating
respectfully in an
experience of The Examen.

points and offer their own

insights if they agree or
disagree with others
Complete Assessment.
Students will construct a
letter to Mr Surawski using
learnt knowledge from
previous weeks and St Pauls
teachings to explain why
they are a good member of
the St Peters community.
Students will need to state
what it means to be a part of
the St Peters community?
How they are a leader in
their community?
Ensure their include real life

What does a good choice / decision / action look like? feel like?
What assists Christians when making moral choices?
What might Christians consider when making a moral choice?
Students use Bible Gateway to complete an online search to locate The Decalogue and The
Beatitudes. Students copy and paste these scripture passages from Bible Gateway into a Word
document. Students then highlight words/phrases in each of these scripture passages that show how
the Word of God assists the formation of conscience for Christians.
Using these highlighted words, students create three cards for each scripture text using cardboard or
online cards. Each card should contain a title (e.g. Honesty), reference to the scripture passage (e.g.
Leviticus 19:11), an image/picture (e.g. of someone acting honestly) and an explanation/description
of how these words from Scripture may assist people in the formation of conscience and to make
informed moral choices.
Evaluation: What have I achieved?
Students refer to Isaiah 11:2.3. They highlight the gifts of the Holy Spirit named in the passage.
Students write a short reflection responding to the fertile question.
Students use the 3:2:1 Strategy to reflect on their learnings. Suggested prompts for the strategy
may include:
Where can we see the Beatitudes actively lived out in our world?
How are Christians called to listen to conscience and respond and act?
Name three ways in which the Holy Spirit is active in my world.
Give two examples of the visible signs of God's love and work in the lives of Christians today who
are strengthened by the gifts of the Spirit and whose actions display the fruits of the Spirit.
Name one example of scriptural 'wisdom' or guidance that would assist Christians when making
moral choices.

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