Spreadsheet Learning Reflection

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Skill A) Write formulas to make calculation

I am a master at writing formulas that make calculations. I practiced this on Sheet

Two where I made a formula that will either add, subtract, divide or multiply two
numbers, essentially a very simple calculator. I believe I am a master at writing
formulas in Google Sheets because I understand the steps necessary to make a
working formula in sheets.

Skill B) Use formatting tools to make sheets easy to understand

I am a master at using formatting tools and colors to make sheets easier to
understand. A excellent example of this is on Sheet 3. I changed the color of some
cells, italicized the headers and bolded the titles to make it more appealing the the

Skill C) Drag cells to progress patterns

I am a master at dragging cells to continue a formula pattern. I used this skill on

Sheet Five where I dragged the formula in the y-column. As I progressed the formula
downwards I made sure that the slope and y-intercept stayed constant by adding a
$ before the number and letter of the cell.

Skill D) Create dropdown menus

I am proficient at creating dropdown menus in Google Sheets. This can be seen on
Sheet Six where my partner and I created dropdown menus that defines a parts or a
labor tax. If labor is taxed or if parts are taxed it changes the total charge for that
part. I feel that with a little more practice I can master this skill.

Skill E) Write conditional formulas

I believe I am proficient at writing conditional formulas. An example of this is the tax

column on Sheet Six, here I had wrote a formula. If a cell in the Type Column has
either labor or parts, it will change the total charge, this is a conditional formula.

Skill F) Lay out adjustable parameters for repeated calculations

I am proficient at laying out adjustable parameters for repeated calculations. I did
this on Sheet Five, I created sheet that graphs a linear equation based on
parameters. When you change a parameter (slope or y-intercept) the x and y
values change along with the line graph. I used dollar signs before the number and
letter of the target cells, to make this sheet work properly.

Skill G) Compute averages and totals

I am a master at computing averages and totals. An example of when I made an
average is the Sheet One. I computed the average temperature on January, 3rd
2001 in Durango, CO, by entering =avg and imputing the target cells. I computed
the Bill Total on Sheet Six, I did this by imputing =sum and the target cells.

Skill H) Graph sets of data

I am a master at graphing sets of data. An example of this is Sheet One, where I
made four graphs out of the temperature data for January, 3rd 2001. However only
one of these graphs was relevant to the data, the line graph.

Skill I) Graph equations

I am proficient at graphing equations on Google Sheets. I graphed an equation on

Sheet Five, from the data of hamsters vs broccoli (x and y). I did this by navigating
to Insert>Chart and finding the correct chart to represent the data.

Skill J) Search for and apply advanced functions

I am proficient at searching for and applying advanced functions in Google Sheets.
An example of this is Sheet Four, I made column of data for x and made a function
that defines the y value. If the x value directly next to the y value changes, the y
value will change accordingly.

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