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3: Cells and Tissues

Monday, September 5, 2016

9:41 AM

1. Cell Theory
a. Cells are the functional units of life
i. All living things are composed of one or more cell
ii. All cells come form pre-existing cells
2. What are cells
a. Functional unit of life in which all of the chemical reaction necessary for
the maintains & reproduction of life take place
b. Main types cells occur in:
i. Prokaryotes
1) Had no nucleus
ii. Eukaryotes
1) Has nucleus
2) Has 3 components
a) Plasma membrane
i) Liquid
ii) Outer cell boundary
iii) Composed of phospholipids bilayer (2 layer)
One. Has hydrophilic heads & hydrophobic tails
iv) Separates internal & external environments
v) Has specific receptors for external molecules that
may alter or fix cells
b) Nucleus
i) Contains chromosomes
ii) Surrounded by nuclear envelope
iii) Contains nucleoplasm
c) Cytoplasm
i) Cell substance
ii) Portion of cell outside the nucleus but within the
plasma membrane
iii) Contains
One. Organelles
First. Tiny organs that have different
structure & function
1. Found in cytoplasm
Two. Cytosol


One. Organelles
First. Tiny organs that have different
structure & function
1. Found in cytoplasm
Two. Cytosol
First. Cell solution
1. Dissolved in cytoplasm
d) Inclusion
i) Waste product, something needs made, or dont
know what it is

3. Organelles
a. Nucleolus
i. Inside nucleus
ii. Contains RNA & proteins
iii. Makes ribosomes
b. Ribosomes
i. Smallest structure
ii. Does not have own membrane
iii. Floats free in cytoplasm
iv. Attached to endoplasmic reticulum
v. Contains RNA & proteins
vi. Produces proteins
4. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
1. Extensive duct-like system
2. Has 2 forms
a. Rough ER
i. Studded with ribosomes
ii. Extends from nuclear envelope to plasma membrane
iii. Used to transport proteins
b. Smooth ER
i. Extends from nuclear envelope to plasma membrane
ii. Used for production, storage, & transport of steroids, hormones, &
5. Golgi Apparatus
1. Package System
a. Closely associated with ER
b. Stacks of duct-like tubes called cisternae
c. Packages cell products
6. Mitochondria
1. Fairly large founded near plasma membrane
2. Has own RNA & ribosomes
3. Converts energy to a form useable by the cell (ATP Molecule)
7. Lysosomes

6. Mitochondria
1. Fairly large founded near plasma membrane
2. Has own RNA & ribosomes
3. Converts energy to a form useable by the cell (ATP Molecule)
7. Lysosomes
1. Membranous sacs containing digestive enzymes
2. Produced by Golgi apparatus
3. Gets rid of the worn-out cells from the cell
8. Peroxisomes
1. In liver & kidneys
2. Membranous sacs containing oxiclase enzymes
3. Replicate themselves by pinching in half
4. Detoxify harmful or poisonous substance
5. Converts free radicals to hydrogen peroxide
9. Cytoskeleton
1. Microtubules
2. Intermediate filaments
a. Provides structure for microtubules
3. Microfilaments
4. Determines shape of cell
5. Determines location of organelles
6. Helps form desmosomes
7. Cell mortality & changes in cell shape
10. Solution
1. Solutions are fluid mixtures consisting of a solvent & solute
a. Solvent
i. Dissolving medium
b. Solute
i. Substance being dissolved
2. Cells are affected by 2 fluid types
a. Intercellular fluid
i. Within cell consists of nucleoplasm & cytosol
ii. Solutes are in small amounts & include
1) Gases
2) Nutrients
3) Sugar
b. Interstitial fluid
i. Outside the cell
ii. Contains thousands of ingredients
iii. Waste products
1) Gases
2) Salts
3) Nutrients
4) Hormones


Contains thousands of ingredients

Waste products
1) Gases
2) Salts
3) Nutrients
4) Hormones
5) Neurotransmitters
11. Selective Permeability (Plasma Membrane)
1. Characteristic of plasma membrane
2. Allows some substances to move through membrane but reject other
a. Nutrients & beneficial substances can enter the cell but undesirable
substances can not
b. Valuable cell products can stay within cell but wastes are allowed to move
out of cell
12. Membrane transport
1. Selective movement of substance through the plasma membrane occurs in 2
a. Passive transport
i. No energy
ii. Two main types
1) Diffusion
a) Move along concentration gradient through plasma
i) Must dissolve in lipids
ii) Must be small enough to fit through pores
iii) Two Types of Diffusion
One. Osmosis
First. Simple diffusion of water
Two. Facilitated
First. Requires a "carrier" protein
1. Substance can not dissolve in
2. Substance is to large to pass
through pores
2) Filtration
a) Forces along pressure gradient through plasma
i) Produced by fluid (hydrostatic) pressure
ii) Must be small enough to pass through pores
iii) Not selective
b. Active transport
i. Requires energy
ii. Two main types
1) Bulk transport (vesicular)


Must be small enough to pass through pores

Not selective

b. Active transport
i. Requires energy
ii. Two main types
1) Bulk transport (vesicular)
a) Last resort
b) Moves big stuff
c) Used for substances that cannot get through plasma
membrane in any other way
d) There are 2 types
i) Exocytosis
One. Moves substance out of cell
First. Substance is packaged in Golgi
Second. Package migrates & fuses to cell
Third. Fused does not rupture, but spills
contents out of cell
Two. Cell products/ cell waste
ii) Endocytosis
One. Moves substance into the cell
First. Substance surrounded by plasma
Second. Plasma membrane then "pinches off"
forming a vesicle
Third. Vesicles fuses with a lysosome & it
contains are digested
Two. Endocytosis types
First. Phagocytosis
1. Large particles are engulfed
1. Typically solid
2. Reminds of Pac-Man
2. Bacteria, foreign debris,
damaged cells
3. Characteristic of white blood
Second. Pinocytosis ("drinks")
1. Large substance dissolved in
2. Dissolved proteins, fats
3. Characteristic of most cells
2) Solute pumping
a) Moves solute against concentration gradient
b) Requires a "carrier" protein (solute pump)

2. Dissolved proteins, fats
3. Characteristic of most cells

2) Solute pumping
a) Moves solute against concentration gradient
b) Requires a "carrier" protein (solute pump)
c) Each solute pump transports only specific substances
allowing the cell to be selective
d) Includes
i) Most ions
ii) Amino Acids
iii) Sugars

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