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TEST 1 CIE225. Little Hall 130 Thursday February 19, 2015 2:00 to 3:15 PM. Version B.

Please write Name on BACK

Open book, open notes, open computer. No e-mailing. Show solutions on front or back of this sheet or attach solutions. Write your
answer on this page. At least half off if answer is incorrect. Every question gives 15% except Questions 1 and 2 which gives 5%
credit each. Scaled to 80% if average is below that.


What is the front overhang of a Single Unit Truck [design vehicle] according to A Policy of Geometric Design of
Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004?
Answer: ft
If we have an on-ramp to an Interstate that has a continuous up-grade of 4%, what maximum speed will a typical
heavy truck [200 lb/hp] be able to reach after two miles if it starts out at around 10 mph at the beginning of the ramp
according to according to A Policy of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004?


Answer: mph
Give grade resistance to the nearest pound [not using the approximate formula given in the textbook] of a 4,200 lb
vehicle traveling up a hill with a 22% grade.


Answer: lbs
You have measured [a sample of] speeds on a forest road and gotten the following measurements:
44, 39, 51, 37, 49, 40 mph. Give an unbiased estimate of the standard deviation of speeds.





Answer: mph
For a different road, where you measured the speed of 410 cars, you have found that the average speed of the
sample is 50.32 mph and that the standard deviation [of the sample] is 4.91 mph. Assume speeds follow the Normal
Distribution. First, estimate the maximum error in the average speed [deviation between the estimate above and the
true average] that would occur at the 95% level of confidence [two-tailed test] based on these measurements; and
then give an estimate of the upper limit of what the true average speed could be [which would correspond to a
97.5% level of confidence in a one-tailed test]. Give answer with at least one accurate decimal.

Answer: I am 97.5% certain that the true average speed at this time is no more than .... mph
You have been asked to design a highway according to AASHTO standards. The road is to have a design
speed of 70 mph and you want to use a superelevation of no more than 5%.What is: a) The minimum
radius of a horizontal curve along this road; and b) The minimum length of a horizontal curve [measured
along the centerline of the roadway, using a simple curve with the constant radius you calculated in a)]
that connects two tangents that deflect at an angle of 24 degrees as shown in the sketch on the right? (If
you do not find an equation for calculating the answer to b), apply knowledge from geometry.) Give
answers to the nearest foot.

Answer: a) the minimum radius would be ......... feet; and b) the minimum length would be ...... feet.
What is the minimum stopping distance for a driver who has a perception-reaction time of 1.2 seconds if the
available tire-to-pavement friction allows for a maximum deceleration rate of 27.2 ft/sec 2, if they travel at 55 mph
when they notice an obstruction on the roadway in front of them and the roadway has a 3% downgrade?

Answer: The minimum stopping distance would be . feet.

If the actual available stopping distance is exactly 50 feet shorter than what you calculated in the previous problem,
what would the [minimum] speed be when the vehicle reached the obstruction? (Assuming their perception-reaction
time is unchanged and the friction (deceleration rate) is as given above.) Give answer with one correct decimal.

Answer: The speed would be ...mph when they reached the obstruction.

TEST 1 CIE225. Little Hall 130 Thursday February 19, 2015 2:00 to 3:15 PM. Version C.
Please write Name on BACK
Open book, open notes, open computer. No e-mailing. Show solutions on front or back of this sheet or attach solutions. Write your
answer on this page. At least half off if answer is incorrect. Every question gives 15% except Questions 1 and 2 which gives 5%
credit each. Scaled to 80% if average is below that.


What is the rear overhang of a Single Unit Truck [design vehicle] according to A Policy of Geometric Design of
Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004?
Answer: ft
If we have an on-ramp to an Interstate that has a continuous up-grade of 7%, what maximum speed will a typical
heavy truck [200 lb/hp] be able to reach after two miles if it starts out at around 10 mph at the beginning of the ramp
according to according to A Policy of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004?


Answer: mph
Give grade resistance to the nearest pound [not using the approximate formula given in the textbook] of a 4,200 lb
vehicle traveling up a hill with a 23% grade.


Answer: lbs
You have measured [a sample of] speeds on a forest road and gotten the following measurements:
44, 39, 51, 37, 49, 43 mph. Give an unbiased estimate of the standard deviation of speeds.





Answer: mph
For a different road, where you measured the speed of 410 cars, you have found that the average speed of the
sample is 51.32 mph and that the standard deviation [of the sample] is 4.11 mph. Assume speeds follow the Normal
Distribution. First, estimate the maximum error in the average speed [deviation between the estimate above and the
true average] that would occur at the 95% level of confidence [two-tailed test] based on these measurements; and
then give an estimate of the upper limit of what the true average speed could be [which would correspond to a
97.5% level of confidence in a one-tailed test]. Give answer with at least one accurate decimal.

Answer: I am 97.5% certain that the true average speed at this time is no more than .... mph
You have been asked to design a highway according to AASHTO standards. The road is to have a design
speed of 60 mph and you want to use a superelevation of no more than 5%.What is: a) The minimum
radius of a horizontal curve along this road; and b) The minimum length of a horizontal curve [measured
along the centerline of the roadway, using a simple curve with the constant radius you calculated in a)]
that connects two tangents that deflect at an angle of 24 degrees as shown in the sketch on the right? (If
you do not find an equation for calculating the answer to b), apply knowledge from geometry.) Give
answers to the nearest foot.

Answer: a) the minimum radius would be ......... feet; and b) the minimum length would be ...... feet.
What is the minimum stopping distance for a driver who has a perception-reaction time of 1.2 seconds if the
available tire-to-pavement friction allows for a maximum deceleration rate of 27.2 ft/sec 2, if they travel at 60 mph
when they notice an obstruction on the roadway in front of them and the roadway has a 3% downgrade?

Answer: The minimum stopping distance would be . feet.

If the actual available stopping distance is exactly 40 feet shorter than what you calculated in the previous problem,
what would the [minimum] speed be when the vehicle reached the obstruction? (Assuming their perception-reaction
time is unchanged and the friction (deceleration rate) is as given above.) Give answer with one correct decimal.

Answer: The speed would be ...mph when they reached the obstruction.

TEST 1 CIE225. Little Hall 130 Thursday February 19, 2015 2:00 to 3:15 PM. Version D.
Please write Name on BACK
Open book, open notes, open computer. No e-mailing. Show solutions on front or back of this sheet or attach solutions. Write your
answer on this page. At least half off if answer is incorrect. Every question gives 15% except Questions 1 and 2 which gives 5%
credit each. Scaled to 80% if average is below that.


What is the front overhang of a Passenger Car [design vehicle] according to A Policy of Geometric Design of
Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004?
Answer: ft
If we have an on-ramp to an Interstate that has a continuous up-grade of 4%, what maximum speed will a typical
heavy truck [200 lb/hp] be able to reach after two miles if it starts out at around 10 mph at the beginning of the ramp
according to according to A Policy of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004?


Answer: mph
Give grade resistance to the nearest pound [not using the approximate formula given in the textbook] of a 4,200 lb
vehicle traveling up a hill with a 24% grade.


Answer: lbs
You have measured [a sample of] speeds on a forest road and gotten the following measurements:
44, 39, 51, 37, 49, 46 mph. Give an unbiased estimate of the standard deviation of speeds.





Answer: mph
For a different road, where you measured the speed of 410 cars, you have found that the average speed of the
sample is 52.32 mph and that the standard deviation [of the sample] is 5.41 mph. Assume speeds follow the Normal
Distribution. First, estimate the maximum error in the average speed [deviation between the estimate above and the
true average] that would occur at the 95% level of confidence [two-tailed test] based on these measurements; and
then give an estimate of the upper limit of what the true average speed could be [which would correspond to a
97.5% level of confidence in a one-tailed test]. Give answer with at least one accurate decimal.

Answer: I am 97.5% certain that the true average speed at this time is no more than .... mph
You have been asked to design a highway according to AASHTO standards. The road is to have a design
speed of 50 mph and you want to use a superelevation of no more than 5%.What is: a) The minimum
radius of a horizontal curve along this road; and b) The minimum length of a horizontal curve [measured
along the centerline of the roadway, using a simple curve with the constant radius you calculated in a)]
that connects two tangents that deflect at an angle of 24 degrees as shown in the sketch on the right? (If
you do not find an equation for calculating the answer to b), apply knowledge from geometry.) Give
answers to the nearest foot.

Answer: a) the minimum radius would be ......... feet; and b) the minimum length would be ...... feet.
What is the minimum stopping distance for a driver who has a perception-reaction time of 1.2 seconds if the
available tire-to-pavement friction allows for a maximum deceleration rate of 27.2 ft/sec 2, if they travel at 65 mph
when they notice an obstruction on the roadway in front of them and the roadway has a 3% downgrade?

Answer: The minimum stopping distance would be . feet.

If the actual available stopping distance is exactly 60 feet shorter than what you calculated in the previous problem,
what would the [minimum] speed be when the vehicle reached the obstruction? (Assuming their perception-reaction
time is unchanged and the friction (deceleration rate) is as given above.) Give answer with one correct decimal.

Answer: The speed would be ...mph when they reached the obstruction.

TEST 1 CIE225. Little Hall 130 Thursday February 19, 2015 2:00 to 3:15 PM. Version E.
Please write Name on BACK
Open book, open notes, open computer. No e-mailing. Show solutions on front or back of this sheet or attach solutions. Write your
answer on this page. At least half off if answer is incorrect. Every question gives 15% except Questions 1 and 2 which gives 5%
credit each. Scaled to 80% if average is below that.


What is the rear overhang of a Passenger Car [design vehicle] according to A Policy of Geometric Design of
Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004?
Answer: ft
If we have an on-ramp to an Interstate that has a continuous up-grade of 7%, what maximum speed will a typical
heavy truck [200 lb/hp] be able to reach after two miles if it starts out at around 10 mph at the beginning of the ramp
according to according to A Policy of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004?


Answer: mph
Give grade resistance to the nearest pound [not using the approximate formula given in the textbook] of a 4,200 lb
vehicle traveling up a hill with a 25% grade.


Answer: lbs
You have measured [a sample of] speeds on a forest road and gotten the following measurements:
44, 39, 51, 37, 49, 49 mph. Give an unbiased estimate of the standard deviation of speeds.





Answer: mph
For a different road, where you measured the speed of 410 cars, you have found that the average speed of the
sample is 53.32 mph and that the standard deviation [of the sample] is 5.91 mph. Assume speeds follow the Normal
Distribution. First, estimate the maximum error in the average speed [deviation between the estimate above and the
true average] that would occur at the 95% level of confidence [two-tailed test] based on these measurements; and
then give an estimate of the upper limit of what the true average speed could be [which would correspond to a
97.5% level of confidence in a one-tailed test]. Give answer with at least one accurate decimal.

Answer: I am 97.5% certain that the true average speed at this time is no more than .... mph
You have been asked to design a highway according to AASHTO standards. The road is to have a design
speed of 50 mph and you want to use a superelevation of no more than 5%.What is: a) The minimum
radius of a horizontal curve along this road; and b) The minimum length of a horizontal curve [measured
along the centerline of the roadway, using a simple curve with the constant radius you calculated in a)]
that connects two tangents that deflect at an angle of 34 degrees as shown in the sketch on the right? (If
you do not find an equation for calculating the answer to b), apply knowledge from geometry.) Give
answers to the nearest foot.

Answer: a) the minimum radius would be ......... feet; and b) the minimum length would be ...... feet.
What is the minimum stopping distance for a driver who has a perception-reaction time of 1.2 seconds if the
available tire-to-pavement friction allows for a maximum deceleration rate of 27.2 ft/sec 2, if they travel at 70 mph
when they notice an obstruction on the roadway in front of them and the roadway has a 3% downgrade?

Answer: The minimum stopping distance would be . feet.

If the actual available stopping distance is exactly 20 feet shorter than what you calculated in the previous problem,
what would the [minimum] speed be when the vehicle reached the obstruction? (Assuming their perception-reaction
time is unchanged and the friction (deceleration rate) is as given above.) Give answer with one correct decimal.

Answer: The speed would be ...mph when they reached the obstruction.

TEST 1 CIE225. Little Hall 130 Thursday February 19, 2015 2:00 to 3:15 PM. Version F.
Please write Name on BACK
Open book, open notes, open computer. No e-mailing. Show solutions on front or back of this sheet or attach solutions. Write your
answer on this page. At least half off if answer is incorrect. Every question gives 15% except Questions 1 and 2 which gives 5%
credit each. Scaled to 80% if average is below that.


What is the front overhang of a Single Unit Truck [design vehicle] according to A Policy of Geometric Design of
Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004?
Answer: ft
If we have an on-ramp to an Interstate that has a continuous up-grade of 4%, what maximum speed will a typical
heavy truck [200 lb/hp] be able to reach after two miles if it starts out at around 10 mph at the beginning of the ramp
according to according to A Policy of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004?


Answer: mph
Give grade resistance to the nearest pound [not using the approximate formula given in the textbook] of a 4,200 lb
vehicle traveling up a hill with a 20% grade.


Answer: lbs
You have measured [a sample of] speeds on a forest road and gotten the following measurements:
44, 39, 51, 37, 49, 52 mph. Give an unbiased estimate of the standard deviation of speeds.





Answer: mph
For a different road, where you measured the speed of 410 cars, you have found that the average speed of the
sample is 54.32 mph and that the standard deviation [of the sample] is 4.91 mph. Assume speeds follow the Normal
Distribution. First, estimate the maximum error in the average speed [deviation between the estimate above and the
true average] that would occur at the 95% level of confidence [two-tailed test] based on these measurements; and
then give an estimate of the upper limit of what the true average speed could be [which would correspond to a
97.5% level of confidence in a one-tailed test]. Give answer with at least one accurate decimal.

Answer: I am 97.5% certain that the true average speed at this time is no more than .... mph
You have been asked to design a highway according to AASHTO standards. The road is to have a design
speed of 70 mph and you want to use a superelevation of no more than 5%.What is: a) The minimum
radius of a horizontal curve along this road; and b) The minimum length of a horizontal curve [measured
along the centerline of the roadway, using a simple curve with the constant radius you calculated in a)]
that connects two tangents that deflect at an angle of 34 degrees as shown in the sketch on the right? (If
you do not find an equation for calculating the answer to b), apply knowledge from geometry.) Give
answers to the nearest foot.

Answer: a) the minimum radius would be ......... feet; and b) the minimum length would be ...... feet.
What is the minimum stopping distance for a driver who has a perception-reaction time of 1.2 seconds if the
available tire-to-pavement friction allows for a maximum deceleration rate of 27.2 ft/sec 2, if they travel at 50 mph
when they notice an obstruction on the roadway in front of them and the roadway has a 3% downgrade?

Answer: The minimum stopping distance would be . feet.

If the actual available stopping distance is exactly 30 feet shorter than what you calculated in the previous problem,
what would the [minimum] speed be when the vehicle reached the obstruction? (Assuming their perception-reaction
time is unchanged and the friction (deceleration rate) is as given above.) Give answer with one correct decimal.

Answer: The speed would be ...mph when they reached the obstruction.

TEST 1 CIE225. Little Hall 130 Thursday February 19, 2015 2:00 to 3:15 PM. Version G.
Please write Name on BACK
Open book, open notes, open computer. No e-mailing. Show solutions on front or back of this sheet or attach solutions. Write your
answer on this page. At least half off if answer is incorrect. Every question gives 15% except Questions 1 and 2 which gives 5%
credit each. Scaled to 80% if average is below that.


What is the rear overhang of a Single Unit Truck [design vehicle] according to A Policy of Geometric Design of
Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004?
Answer: ft
If we have an on-ramp to an Interstate that has a continuous up-grade of 7%, what maximum speed will a typical
heavy truck [200 lb/hp] be able to reach after two miles if it starts out at around 10 mph at the beginning of the ramp
according to according to A Policy of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO 2004?


Answer: mph
Give grade resistance to the nearest pound [not using the approximate formula given in the textbook] of a 4,200 lb
vehicle traveling up a hill with a 21% grade.


Answer: lbs
You have measured [a sample of] speeds on a forest road and gotten the following measurements:
44, 39, 51, 37, 49, 55 mph. Give an unbiased estimate of the standard deviation of speeds.





Answer: mph
For a different road, where you measured the speed of 410 cars, you have found that the average speed of the
sample is 55.32 mph and that the standard deviation [of the sample] is 4.11 mph. Assume speeds follow the Normal
Distribution. First, estimate the maximum error in the average speed [deviation between the estimate above and the
true average] that would occur at the 95% level of confidence [two-tailed test] based on these measurements; and
then give an estimate of the upper limit of what the true average speed could be [which would correspond to a
97.5% level of confidence in a one-tailed test]. Give answer with at least one accurate decimal.

Answer: I am 97.5% certain that the true average speed at this time is no more than .... mph
You have been asked to design a highway according to AASHTO standards. The road is to have a design
speed of 60 mph and you want to use a superelevation of no more than 5%.What is: a) The minimum
radius of a horizontal curve along this road; and b) The minimum length of a horizontal curve [measured
along the centerline of the roadway, using a simple curve with the constant radius you calculated in a)]
that connects two tangents that deflect at an angle of 34 degrees as shown in the sketch on the right? (If
you do not find an equation for calculating the answer to b), apply knowledge from geometry.) Give
answers to the nearest foot.

Answer: a) the minimum radius would be ......... feet; and b) the minimum length would be ...... feet.
What is the minimum stopping distance for a driver who has a perception-reaction time of 1.2 seconds if the
available tire-to-pavement friction allows for a maximum deceleration rate of 27.2 ft/sec 2, if they travel at 45 mph
when they notice an obstruction on the roadway in front of them and the roadway has a 3% downgrade?

Answer: The minimum stopping distance would be . feet.

If the actual available stopping distance is exactly 10 feet shorter than what you calculated in the previous problem,
what would the [minimum] speed be when the vehicle reached the obstruction? (Assuming their perception-reaction
time is unchanged and the friction (deceleration rate) is as given above.) Give answer with one correct decimal.

Answer: The speed would be ...mph when they reached the obstruction.

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