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Robert Smith School

Tel: (204) 482-3677

Fax: (204) 482-8240

300 Sophia Street

Selkirk, Manitoba R1A 2E2


Due to having no patrols over the lunch hour we recommend that students stay at school for lunch.
Students who stay at school for lunch will eat at their desks supervised by educational assistants.
Please note that our lunch time has changed with the Balanced School Day. Students will
have from 12:45 1:10 to eat their lunch and afterwards they will go outside to play on the
Students who stay for lunch must:
eat quietly
be respectful of others
not share or trade lunches
stay seated in their own classroom

Because we have students in our school with life threatening allergies we ask that peanut products be
kept at home. We realize this may be an inconvenience; however, we want to ensure the safety of all
of our students.
Please note that if students are going home for lunch they will require a written note in their
planner from their parent/guardian. Students are not allowed to go to restaurants and/or local
businesses during the lunch hour unless they are accompanied by their parent/guardian.
Please fill out the bottom portion of this letter and return it to school as soon as possible.
Mrs. L. Minaker

RS Lunch Arrangements
My child will be staying at school for lunch.


My child will be going home for lunch each day.


My child will occasionally come home for lunch and I will provide a written note to his/her
teacher on these days. ________
Student Name: __________________________

Teacher/Grade: ___________________________

Parent Signature: _____________________________

Date: __________________________________

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