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The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni

With the guidance and direction of

Most Venerable Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda
art by Sumathipala & Jothipala

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni


With the guidance and direction of

Most Venerable Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda Gnnnanda
art by Sumathipala & Jothipala

Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery - Toronto

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Copyright 2011 by Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery - Toronto

Published by

Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery

11175 Kennedy Road, Markham, Ontario, L6C 1P2, Canada
Tel: (905) 927 7117

To Most Venerable Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda Gnnnanda
who opened the path to the Noble Dhamma in
Gautama Supreme Buddha's dispensation.

Special Thanks
May all noble friends of Mahamevnawa Monastery Toronto,
who dedicated their time for this English Translation and
painting have the fortune to realize the Four Noble Truths in
this Gautama Supreme Buddhas dispensation

During the time of the Supreme Buddha, those who listened to the Noble Dhamma and
attained fruitful results not only include virtuous and noble people but also thieves, murderers,
people blinded by wrong views and many others who did things that were against the societies
moral norms. One of those people who were considered to have such a black character is who is
known as Ambapali. She was a woman who used her body inappropriately to gain wealth.
With the birth of a Supreme Buddha into this world and upon hearing the Noble Dhamma,
those who are going in the wrong path get the opportunity comes to the right path. If it wasn't for
the Supreme Buddha then the next life of such people like Ambapali would have been very
A three quarter of this book was completed but it was set aside for a very long time because
we were not sure whether a book that portrays the story of a woman such as Ambapali would be
accepted by today's society.
But when the noble monks read the first part of this story they immediately told us that this
book must be published. They taught us that the lives of arahants in this dispensation vary from
one arahant to another. And if nothing else, what we should learn from their lives is the amount of
effort and wisdom they used to eradicate defilements if nothing else.
Even today, it is not uncommon to see women such as Ambapali who have gone in the
wrong direction at some point in their lives. If such people read this story then they too can come to
the right path and redirect their lives. They can become motivated to eradicate unwholesome
things that have already arose in their lives.
Therefore, we finished the rest of the book as soon as we could and gave it to be published
under Mahamevna publications. When presenting this book to you, there are a few people whom
we must meritoriously bless.
In addition to meritorious Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda Gnnnanda, our Lokuswaminwahanse,
we would like to share this merits with all the noble monks of the Mahamevnawa Monastery.
We would also like to remember Mr. Ranasinghe, who encompasses brotherly qualities, for
his invaluable help in creating this series of picture story books.
Just like for our previous books, we are happily awaiting to hear your opinions, ideas,
suggestions and complaints about this book as well.
May the Noble Triple Gem Bless you!
Sumathipala & Jothipala

Other publications by Sumathipala & Jothipala

The Great Arahant Angulimala

The Great Arahant Bahiya Darucheeriya
The Great Arahant Pindola Baradwaja
The Great Arahnt Uruvela Kassyapa
The Great Arahant Rattapala
The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Patachara
The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Isidasi
The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Baddra Kundala Kesi
The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapalee
Sumana the Novice Monk
Kisa Gothami
Chaththa Manawaka
Masuru Kosiya

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali


The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

This is the time period when the Sikhee
Supreme Buddha was born into this

During that time, Ambapali was born

into a prominent Brahmin family in the
city of Aruna.

She grew up very

comfortably and
when she reached
her youth

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

She practiced the Dhamma with an unshakable
confidence in the Noble Triple Gem and collected a
lot of merits.

I too wish to be ordained in Sikhee

Supreme Buddha's dispensation.

If your wish is to
become ordained then
well give you our
permission, Daughter!


Mother, this household life is

filled with suffering. Many of
my friends have received
ordination by now.

We figured this might happen when you started

going to the monastery so frequently, disregarding
all your other duties.

Regardless of how
much comfort
there is in the
household life, its
filled with
suffering. But
Father, the
freedom gained
renunciation is like
the open sky.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Sweeping the courtyard of the Bodhi Tree
everyday truly calms the mind. It makes
defilements fade away.

Such individuals realize the

Dhamma very quickly.

Let's go to worship
the stupa today.

Bhikkhuni Ambapali was very

peaceful. She wasn't an arrogant

In no time, Bhikkhuni Ambapali won the hearts

of everyone in the monastery.

Since tomorrow is the full

moon day, look how
beautiful the moon is.


The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

While the meritorious bhikkhunis were

worshipping the stupa, one Arhant Bhikkhuni
sneezed very hard.

Oh no! Whos that courtesan who dropped

phlegm all over this cleanly ground?

How could you ask me to calm

down? I am so angry!

Bhikkhuni Ambapali, who put a lot of effort to

clean the courtyard that evening became very
angry because of the phlegm that fell on the
ground from her sneeze.

Oh, don't say that Ambapali. Calm yourself

down. That noble person is an arahant

As a consequence of disrespecting and

insulting an arahant bhikkhuni, Ambapali
collected a lot of demerits.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

As a result, she was born in hell in her
next life.

After she escaped from the hell world, she

was reborn as a human being. However, as a
result of her remaining bad kamma, in many
births, she worked as a courtesan and faced
a lot of insult and disrespect.

I saw Ambapali, the courtesan roaming the

streets. If our son gets caught in her traps
he's going to be in big trouble.

She faced a
lot of pain &
suffering and
of the hell
world for
many eons.

My dear, where is
our son?

That's true.

He went into the

town, my lord. Why
do you ask?

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

A few days ago, there was big fight at

Nobleman Kapila Naga's Palace because he
was said to be after Ambapali.

It is surprising to see that the government

officials are not intervening to put an end
to this.

I mean, can't they banish her from the city?


Oh dear! This
used to be an
amazing city.
Because of just
one courtesan,
the name of
the whole city
is ruined.

Why would they intervene? They are all

her customers.

At the end, the person who tries to banish

her is the one who's going to end up getting a
bad name.


Here I am criticizing Ambapali in front of my

wife trying to deceive my own mind. Even an
old man with a weak eyesight would love to
see her beauty.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

That's why even women turn around to take a

second look at her.

Next, Ambapali was born

during the time period of
Kassapa Supreme
Buddha where she was
able to collect a lot of

She led a life of


As a result of
actions, she was
reborn in the
divine world
where she lived
a life filled with
divine comforts.


The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Afterwards, at the time of our Supreme

Buddha, she was born in the human world,
but without being conceived in a mother's
womb. She appeared in a mango grove in
the city of Vaishali.

Oh! I am so
hungry. I'm going
to have to eat the
lunch my wife
made me earlier
than usual today.

If I get caught, both my job and

my life will be in danger.

Look at those
delicious mangoes
on that tree.
They've come out
of season. But
plucking them to
take them home is
forbidden by law.

The sound of

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali



I was right.
It is a baby!

Don't cry
little baby.
Your tummy
will be filled
with food
once we get
you to the

A baby is

But how can

there be an
infant in this
empty mango

Since I found her in the

King's mango grove,
she belongs to the

Pardon me,
my lord

Oh, whose baby is


The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali


When I was walking through the

mango grove, I found her lying
helpless under a mango tree.

It's a baby

She has nice features

and she's very cute!
I agree, my

Since we found her

under a mango tree,
let's call her

She'll grow
up to be a

So, Ambapali
grew up
enjoying a
luxurious life.

Yes, it is,
my lord.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali


When she
reached her
youth, she was

Many young men tried as hard as they

could to associate and be friends with her.

She became famous

throughout the
Indian continent
because of her
beauty that
mesmerized those
who saw her.

But she wasn't very much interested

in any of them.

Youre here
again today?
during these
past few
days, I've
been trying
so hard to
meet you.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Why are you exhausting
yourself like this to meet
me, Channa?

It's only a dream, Channa. Im not

interested in getting married right now.

Oh no, it's none of that. I just prefer this

single life I live. When you get married, your
freedom gets stolen away from you.


My only dream is to make

you my wife, Ambapali.

Why is that? Am
I not handsome
enough for you?
Am I not rich
enough for you?

It's not just you, Channa. Princes from all

throughout this Indian continent have
brought marriage proposals to me.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

They tell me they will offer me a lot of
wealth and treasures. But I'm not
interested in any of it. I am telling you
the truth!

If I don't get to be
with you, I'll die of

From now on,

please don't
bother me by
coming after

How many young men

like you have become
obsessed over me,

Please Ambapali, I came all this way

hoping to hear a pleasing answer from

Yet, if I am not interested, what can I

possibly do? Please! I am getting late to go.

Oh please
Ambapali, don't
be so cruel!

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Such a disaster is happening to this city of
Vaishali. All the young men in the city are
becoming obsessed over Ambapali.

Everyone wishes to marry her. But she doesn't

give a proper word to anyone either.

Yes, she
seems to
have made
that her

Whenever the young crowd gets together, all
they talk of is about Ambapali's dances, her
singing and her beauty.

She uses her charm

and makes young
men become
infatuated with her.

People did not

behave like this in
our time.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Aren't you going to wake
up, Son? It's been hours
since the sun arose.

You didn't even eat last night. All the food

was left on the kitchen table.

You go to watch dances past midnight. When

you return home, all you do is sleep. You don't
even eat! I can't believe the sun and the
moon rises for people like you!

Why have you

become so

I saw Ambapali's
dances last night. I
want to marry her!

Get up

I already told you. I'm

not getting up!

If I can't have her then

there's no point of me
living anymore. I am just
going to kill myself.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Why are you saying such foolish things? Open
up your eyes and look at our house. Think about
our wealth.

Think about how many

meals we miss because we
just can't afford it. If we
have one meal then we
starve for the next two three

I don't care about what you say. If I can't have

her then I am going to starve myself and die. It's
better than living without her.


Think about how

hard we work to
put food on our
table for one day?
We have to work
like slaves in royal

So how can people

like us even think
of a rich person
like Ambapali,
who's swimming in
money? Don't you
have a brain, Son?

You can do what ever

you want, you
stubborn child.
People like you are
only born to families
like ours!

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Hello Friend, could you
please stop for a second?

Who is

Why is that my problem? Because I

am the one who's going to marry
Ambapali. Make sure you know that!

Alright then, I challenge you to a fight. Who

ever wins the fight will marry Ambapali.

Is it true that youre going

around saying you're
going to marry Ambapali?

Yes, I am. Why is

that your

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ambapali will never belong to a

jackal like you. She'll only belong to me.

Ha! Ha! Ha! You

challenged me
without knowing
my skills!

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali





The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Stop that sword fight at

Why are you having a fight in this busy

street? Is this how princes from aristocratic
families behave?

No, Officer. This man over here is

claiming that Ambapali belongs to him.

What? Did Ambapali say

that she's going to marry
you to both of you?

No, she
didn't tell

It's true. She does

like me!

How about
for you?

No, she didn't tell

me either.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

But considering my wealth and status, I am

better suited to marry her.

Ha! Ha! Are you two insane? How many

princes who are a lot richer than you come
wishing for her hand in marriage?

Let's go to


But I am hoping to meet with her and tell

her how I feel.

Alright, we're not interested in your

stories. It's not our duty to solve

You'll get your

punishments for your
misdeeds there.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Did you see that? These
days such fights are so
common in town.

The moment these young men see

Ambapali, they fall in love with her and
start fighting for her.

But the increasing number of people who

are becoming infatuated with her is
becoming a serious problem for the town.

It's such an honour

for the town of
Rajagaha to have
such a beautiful
dancer living here.

My lady, have you

heard the latest news
around town?

What's that,

Young men in the town

have started having
fights because of you.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

It's only been a short period since I started
performing dance shows, Anutthara.

Can you imagine what will happen if they see the

latest dances I've been practicing?

I truly feel sorry for them, Anutthara. But

what can I do?

It's not just your singing and dancing that they
are attracted to, it's also your beauty!

That's true! People will start asking for you in

marriage and make a big commotion right in
front of the dance stage.

All of
can't have
a single

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali


Oh really? Then my beauty is

becoming a problem even to the

The latest news is that even the King's

Court has talked about you

So you must prepare everything she

would require to work as a royal

Ministers! I have decided to make Ambapali a

public treasure that belongs to everyone.

Thats a good
decision, my

My lady, the king

has arrived to see

The King?
That's a

It's not surprising that he came. It

would have been a surprise if he

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Pardon me, my lord.
Your arrival is such an
honour to me.

So you're the
beauty that has
made the whole
town become

I would like to see one of your

dances as well. I've heard that
youre a very talented dancer.

As a result, she gave birth to a


Wow! You are someone precious enough
to come to see bearing gifts.

Thereafter, King Bimbisara became close and

spent a lot of time with her.

He's such an adorable baby isn't

he, my lady? I can't get enough of
seeing him.

The city of Vaishali flourished because of
courtesan, Ambapali. Princes, Aristocrats and
Cast Chiefs who came to see Ambapali gave
her plenty of golden coins without any

Time passed by quickly. Ambapali's

son became very disappointed with
his mother's empty life.

She's earning her

wealth by pawning
her body which is
aging day by day.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

In no time,
Ambapali became
one of the
wealthiest women
in the city.

What's really the

point of my
mother's life?

Like blind men, people come searching for

her only to be burned by the fires of sense
pleasures, which leads to suffering.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Ambapali's son, who was very much disappointed
in his mother's life received ordination in the name
Vimala Kondanga in the Gautama Supreme
Buddha's dispensation

By this time,
Ambapali had
reached her
middle age.

Oh Bhante, it's so
wonderful that
you came to see


In a very short time, that noble bhikkhu

eradicated all defilements and attained

One day, arahant Vimala Kondanga came

to visit her.

I came to teach you

some important
Dhamma, Mother.

Yes Bhante, I
am happy to
hear the

Mother, you seem to look at life blinded by
ignorance. You're thinking that this body is
permanent and auspicious.

We can see right in front of our own eyes

how our hair, nails, teeth and skin changes.

It's foul
smelling, filthy,
worthless, and

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

But that's only a delusion. This body
which is formed from the Four Great
Elements is impermanent. It is temporary.
It's subjected to decay. It only leads to

This stomach,
feces, bile,
phlegm, pus,
blood, sweat,
tear drops, skin
oil, spit,
mucous, and
synovial fluid is
disgusting in

My great teacher, the Blessed

One has proclaimed this well.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

This body is created in a filthy environment.
Both, its inside and outside is filled with
waste. It's a shelter for disease.

Filth comes
out through
the nine open
doors such as
the eyes, ears,
nose and

Vomit comes out of the mouth, the body

releases sweat. With endless dangers,
this body is a trap set by Mara.


It's a resting place for insects. Despite the

efforts to protect it, it ends up in a
graveyard at the end.

Rheumy drips from the eyes, ear wax

drips from the two ears, mucous drips
from the nose opening.

If this body is to be turned inside out, a guard

must be kept to chase away the dogs and crows
that come crawling there to eat it.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

This foul smelling body is like a pile of
garbage that's covered with a cloth.

I realized all this from my great teacher,

the Supreme Buddha.

Oh Bhante, your sermon has opened my eyes.

All this time, I've been delusional. I've been
living in the dark.

It's like a
decorated pot
that's filled
with feces.

Mother, please try to be mindful. Try to see the

true nature of this body.

I too would like to see your

great teacher!

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Don't you go to see
Ambapali anymore,

I went to her palace

to see her one day.

She rejected me as well. I can't

imagine what has caused this

I know! Even on the day I went, she wasn't

dressed in beautiful clothes or wearing any
fragrant flowers.

But she didn't show
any interest in me.

That's true! The

same thing
happened to me.

It seems as if Ambapali has come to a

certain understanding about life. She doesn't
even pay much attention to her beauty like
she used to.

She seems to be fed up with everything.

When I saw her, I couldn't even believe
whether this was the same Ambapali we've
known before.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali


By this time, Ambapali's

way of thinking had
changed drastically.

It looks like your wish

is coming true, my

Hows that,

Oh, I wish I
could see the
Buddha and
listen to the

The Blessed One has come to our

neighboring city, Koti.

Soon after, she stepped into a beautiful horse

carriage and left to the city of Koti to see the
Supreme Buddha.

Oh, that's wonderful news, Anutthara! Let's go

to the city of Koti immediately to see the
Blessed One.

Drive fast, Charaka!

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Ambapali, came towards the Blessed One and
sat to aside.

The Gautama
accepted her
request and
preached her
the Noble

Oh dear Blessed One, please come to my

house for tomorrow's alms meal along
with your noble disciples.


Pardon me, Venerable Sir. Please preach

the Noble Dhamma to me.

Ambapali was extremely

happy after listening to the

The Blessed One accepted her invitation

with silence.


Meanwhile, the Licchavi Princes of city of

Vaishali came to know that the Blessed One
has arrived in the city of Koti.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Let us go to the city of Koti to meet the

Blessed One immediately so we can listen to
the Noble Dhamma.

Ambapali, who gained

confidence in the Noble
Triple Gem after listening
to the Noble Dhamma was
returning back at this time.
When she saw the vehicles
of the Licchavi Princes, she
hit a side of her vehicle
against their vehicle on

Ambapali, are you crazy to bump your

vehicle into ours when there's so much
space on this road?

Oh Noble Sons, I am not


The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali


You probably haven't heard yet. But

tomorrow, the Gautama Supreme
Buddha, along with his noble disciples
is coming to my house for the alms

Oh what a blessing! What an

invaluable gain! We will pay you
one hundred thousand golden
coins if you let us offer alms
tomorrow to the Supreme

Oh, what an embarrassment! Licchavis

who have never been defeated have
lost to Ambapali.

What nonsense?
Even if you give
me this whole
city of Vaishali,
Ill never give you
my alms giving.

Oh, how shameful.

Let us speak to the

Blessed One and

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali


The Blessed One saw the

Licchavi Princes coming
from a distance and
addressed the monks.

Meritorious Monks,
Have you ever seen
deities from the
heavenly realm,

No, Venerable Sir, we have not.

Then, take a
look at the
Licchavi Princes
who are
coming towards
me. They are
very similar to
the deities of

The Licchavi Princes approached the Supreme

Buddha and stayed seated to aside. Then,
they listened to the Noble Dhamma and held
it deep inside their hearts.

Oh dear Blessed One,

please accept our
invitation for tomorrow's
alms meal and come to
our Palace along with the
community of monks.

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Meritorious Princes, just a moment before

you arrived here, I received an invitation
for tomorrow's meal from Ambapali, the

Oh no! Us, who have

never been defeated
have lost to
Ambapali, the

The following day, Ambapali prepared the afternoon meal

and arranged seating for the noble monks. Then, she
invited the Blessed One to come to her house.
Venerable Sir, we have finished
preparing the food. Please do
arrive now along with your
disciples. This is the right time
for it!

The Supreme Buddha and the

noble monks accepted the meals

Venerable Sir, I would

like to offer my mango
grove to you and the
noble monks.


The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Please accept my offering out
of compassion.

Oh, the Enlightened

One's Noble
Dhamma is truly
wonderful. Just as
my son, Arahant
Vimala Kondanga
taught me, this
body is just like a
pot filled with feces.

I must try to be free from all

these defilements.

The Blessed One accepted her

offering by remaining silent.

There's no point
of waiting any
longer. It will
only cause
more danger.

Ambapali, who
in this way,
renounced the
household life
and received
ordination. In
no time, she

The End

The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali

Ambapali was an extremely beautiful woman. Her birth was
miraculous. Her beauty mesmerized many young men at her time. They
started having fights because of her.
Ambapali, who spent most of her life pleasing her sense faculties, also
received the opportunity to listen to Gautama Supreme Buddha's Noble
Dhamma. She was fortunate enough to form a pleasant mind about the
Dhamma. The capability of this Dhamma to tame people is so wondrous that
even Ambapali was fortunate to become a noble daughter of the Supreme
Buddha. She was able to receive ordination in Gautama Supreme Buddha's
dispensation and attain arahantship in a very short time. She was able to gain a
pure mind free of all defilements.
This story ofArahant Bhikkhuni Ambapali was beautifully portrayed to
you with attractive drawings by the two persons Sumathipala and Jothipala.
May those two artists as well as you, the reader, realize the Four Noble Truths!

With the guidance and direction of

Most Venerable Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda Gnnnanda

Art By



Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery

11175 Kennedy Road, Markham, Ontario, L6C 1P2, Canada

Tel: (905) 927 7117 | Email:


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