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New York, August 13th 2016.

Richard Meier, one of the most distinguished and

prolific American architects of the late 20th century, was shot and killed by an
assassin in his apartment located in New York . died on Thursday at his home in
Princeton, N.J. He was 81.
Mr. Meier , A winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1984, some of his design
becomes the landmark buildings include the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art
and Meier House. But maybe the best known for his design is Getty Center in Los
Richard Meier was born in Newark, New Jersey on Oct 12th, 1934. He studied
architecture in Cornell University, graduating in 1957. After graduated from

Cornell university, Meier got a opportunities which envy by other

graduates --- a offer from SOM, worked for Bunshaft, there were a lot
of the same age and got a architect envy opportunities - work under
Gordon bond shaft. At that time Bunshaft has been finished his first
glass curtain wall buildings in the world---Lever House.
Meyer, however after worked for him for six months, went into
Bunshaft `s office and resigned. "I told Mr Bunshaft, I want to go to
Breuer studio, because Breuer is a small firm. I hope one day my
own firm will be such a model.
Meyer worked for Breuer studio for the next five years, and worked
independently since 1963. I worked alone in my apartment in
Manhattan for nearly a year, and then moved to a house at No.53
street and my studio expand the scale of the four people, everyone is
sitting at a table with two side."
In 1963 Mr. Meier established his own architecture studio in New York and in 1972
Depend on his outstanding ability of design Mr. Meier was identified as one of The
New York Five, equally famous with Peter Eisenmanm, Michael Graves, Charles
Gwathmey and John Hejduk.

Although Meier once said "it is more difficult to run a 60 people`s

business firm than only a few people studio". But it is unable to
avoid the reality, public facility projects that he designed were
decreased significantly, compared with ten years ago, instead by
commercial projects such as office headquarters and high-grade
The architect style of was greatly influenced Mr. Meier, many of Le Corbusier`s ideas
were been used in Meier`s` work. Mies Van der Rohe and Frank Lloyd Wright were
also extremely influenced Mr. Meier`s career.
Meier`s early housing project has been fully displayed his outstanding talent and the
"white architectural style, especially the Smith House, Made him won several
awards in his early career.

The Residential Projects such as Smite House and Meier House

during His early career had turned to a wider platform for him. "One
day, I suddenly received Ed Logue`s (then New York State Urban
Development Corporation CEO) phone call, he said that they are

ready to built a number of public buildings in the Bronx (New York

City, one of the northern district), and they are looking for some
talented Young architect. " For Meier, Bronx project is a crucial step
In 1984, Mr. Meier was awarded the Pritzker Prize for Architecture the highest
honor of architecture field. In the same year, he was selected architect for the
prestigious commission to design The Getty Center in Los Angeles, which was
opened to popular and critical acclaim in December 1997
Meier has a concept of designing very clear and his works are easily recognized.
Over time one can see the consistency and dedication in his work which forms his
philosophy in all works. recently, his works show a greater refinement compared with
his first projects.

Recently, Richard Meier was been busy study the design of the new
projects, however he was still choose to live in the old apartment in
Manhattan. It is interesting to note that as a designer, there are
many famous residential projects done by Meier, but throughout his
lifetime he never design a single project for his own house.

White is the most wonderful color because within it you can see all the colors
of the rainbow. The whiteness of white is never just white; it is almost always
transformed by light and that which is changing; the sky, the clouds, the sun
and the moon.

Jodidio, Philip (2005). Architecture: Art. New York: Prestel Verlag. p. 138.
Jewish Daily Forward: "Architect Richard Meiers Jewish Inspirations" By Benjamin Ivry
October 2, 2009
Architectural Digest: "Q+A: ARCHITECT RICHARD MEIER" Interview by Henry Urbach - May
Jewish Currents: "A Golden Age of Jewish Architects" by Abbott Gorin Spring 2015
Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate

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